25 March 2008

The Maternal Senses

While hanging out together with college mates at the food court, a veil wearing sweet, shapely clean faced girl came across our view, we would make the same assumption of this scenario : Ini kalau jumpa emak, emak sayang ni… ( If should be introduced to mom, she would have liked her )

In Malays and any other races, I believe, a mother approval is the best of its kind. It sorts of represents a whole lot of aspect. A mothers eye scans deeper than the skin alone. A mothers nose sniffs and senses more than just any Escada Rockin’ Rio or Ibiza Hippie scent and a mother ear listens more than what spoken from the sweetly strawberry balm layered lips. In a nutshell, mother has the sharpest instinct, and when she says ‘No’, it really meant no.

21 years of living, 7 girls that I have met, 3 rejections, only one has been given approval from my mother. I guess its time to stop hunting for girls, since it would take another 21 years or so, for another approval.

While mothers instinct are more broadly covered. Boys, on the other hand, is more interested in physical. Things that can be looked touch and feasted .A B30 above is the minimal requirement. A mozzie bite breast would be a shame thing and would be lacking in feminity. A girl who donned those strangely-thin body-hugging one of a kind cloth material usually sold by Topshop which bottom reaches till the hips and follows the shapely curvature of the body. Fringe hairstyle which nearly render the covered eye useless. These descriptions are just something stated in general only. It does not apply to all. Every boy has got its taste, and their ‘radar’ has been programmed to detect and switch the alarm as the one fits is within range. Leukimias, petites, oily-skinny and look-alikes, those are the taste of my housemates that we intuitively know. Which one goes to whom? Try to mix and match.

Mothers, like CIA, are very very efficient data collectors. They monitor phone bills, they remember our demand for fuel allowance, they monitor our expenditure and yes, the read our body language. They start a blaze on our secret factory without starting a spark. They freeze our spine without apparatus of refrigeration. They crumble our egos without any dynamites. Making matters heavier, my mom is a fulltime housewife and I belonged to a small family. Even remaining tightly lipped about any relationship would be like burglars ransacking a mansion while CCTV providing live-feed to the police. They (parents) will be laughing their heart out looking at us acting like we had everything airtight, shut, lock and screwed.

I spoke to one of my college mate mother who admitted that she discovered about his son secret relationship within weeks. Also tending to 3 siblings of my friends while working to earn a living, she still managed to unearth children secrets. The ten million dollar question was: Did she approve his son secret relationship? Her answered: No.

“ I didn’t like the girl “ retelling the stories when the girl was first introduced to her. She was quickly to smell the pretentious body language of the girl of kissing both cheeks and hugging like mak datins meeting each other during an exclusive ball.

“ Not that I didn’t like kissing cheeks or whatsoever, but the way she speaks and looks at me shows that she is lugging my son around to nowhere. Her friendliness was rather unnatural just to ambil hati ( please )“, the 40 something mother spoke as I was served with chicken curry, freshly cooked white rice and a glass of chilled ( not iced ) syrup drink. Her son who is my friend is busy watching TV.

Until now, I ponder and tried to reason out that is it true mother read their son actions because sons inherit their dad attitude? Like the Malay proverb bapa borek anak rintik .

My mother many times objected to girls that I have introduced to her. Each objection were represented in many different ways. Sometimes without being told, my mother actions pretty much reflect her approval. Father, on the other hand remained at bay in this matter. The usual bona-fide secretive nature of most dad. Mother approach is rather diplomatic and can be further discussed and question, rather than dad which are strictly prohibitive in questioning it while remaining affirmative.

God willing, the relationship lasts less than 5 months. Mothers advice are like prophecies or sort of Madam Zorra predictions; they foresee young girls as simple like looking into a magic glass globe. Once said, it was never taken back. My friend ex-girlfriend started showing early symptoms of break-up with lessened SMS and repeated crying. It all ended on the 11th hour before my friend took his SPM examination; a major examination. Finally, he started to recuperate and recover to begin life as usual. A lesson to be learn by him, since then, every girl he met is quickly being introduced to his mom for sort of ‘evaluation’

Maternal, Parental intervention in personal relationship can sound a bit childish and absurd. We all have grown-up a lot, and has managed a lot of things by ourselves. Furthermore, a male college student sticking to a mother’s advice may qualify us, me or you as a mama’s boy whom rather walks around under mothers’ armpit. A shameful act, and unuttered childishness. Whatever the slang these people give to us, we are no emulated notorious American kids’ Converse shoes-donning washed-out shirt wearing which originates from defunct families. We have eastern values that don’t make us look any inferior/absurd/lack-of-life/un-glamour than any of the liberated western teens. Getting regular advice are signs of a functioning family.

In my religion itself, it was told that a son can possibly give higher attention to a mother than a father. It’s a Normality. So, the next time I hang out with my friends, I should have a second thought of assuming: “ Bawa jumpa emak, emak mesti sayang ni…

19 March 2008

The Prediction

Last Month, Pak Lah was confident in winning 2/3 majority, but indeed, BN lost most of the seats. This week, Pak Lah is sure there will never be any vote of no-confidence against him … Are you sure Pak Lah?

Hur Har sana sini! It was noisier and shinier than any of JomHeboh carnival; BN people of various position and divisions were yelling out their pledge to stand tall behind their beloved Pak Lah. The prime minister who has brought BN saddening simple majority. The prime minister who is right now trying to balance out the rakyats plight in reality and his people plight inside the ever dirty world of politics. It all started with Musa Aman that claimed Pak Lah leadership is still needed. Other BN component parties later followed suit, Wanita UMNO, Pemuda UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, Hishamuddin, Ong Ka Ting, Samy Vellu, The High-council all of them; like a public stunt, made official statement that affirm their believe Pak Lah is a very very valuable asset that cannot be replaced, ever. Are we witnessing the distorted dimension of Malaysian politicians? Or, again, BN people are very out of touch with reality. Just to maintain the BN-unity look, these educated people pledge with their heart and soul to stood by Pak Lah. What’s wrong with Pak Lah?

If it ain’t broken, why fix it?

It all started with Mukhriz Mahathir personal letter send towards Pak Lah days after announcement of BN simple majority win. The content; Pak Lah should held responsible for the bad record and shall, with dignity, step down as prime minister and UMNO head. Next day, he was given media attention as a selfish politician, individualistic leader, trying-to-be hero newbie of politics. Penang UMNO urges him to be completely sacked from the party. It was a tumult inside the Pemuda UMNO. Pak Lah just leave it to Hishamuddin on what-to-do-next. While Pak Lah went on to rawat (overhaul) BN with his cabinet reshuffling, vigorous implementation of policies and making a live broadcasted interview to ensure the rakyats that he is not a stubborn ‘elegant-silent’ prime minister. " The rakyat are conveying message, and I heard what they mean"….

Like a domino effect, the other BN high-ranking politicians are among the first to hear the message loud and clear. First, it was Koh Tsu Koon, whom right now still having trouble sleeping over the routing of Gerakan in Penang witnessed in recent election. Like a colony of termites poisoned out from its lair, Gerakan has a profound history and prolific record in Penang. It was a political party joined by educationist, academician and highly respected statesmen. Dr. Lim Cheong Eu founded Gerakan after 1969 Racial tension, and later, would become the opposition to The Alliance particularly MCA( today, known as BN ). Eventually, along 20years in being chief minister of Penang, he decided to rejoin BN. And for Tsu Koon who nearly beat that record just served for 18years; 2 years short. Clearly, in politics, its not about serving duration, yet, the Gerakan defeat by not winning a single seat in Penang has brought a lot of shame. Without any letter of suggestions or public petition, he seeks resignation.

UMNO Secretary-General story shares a similar moral values as the above. Perlis-born lawyer Radzi Sheikh Ahmad who which hold the important post last term made it clear that he is incapable working effectively anymore with Pak Lah with current circumstances. This simple statement is pretty much self-explanatory. If I’m not misunderstood, Radzi Sheikh Ahmad must felt responsible for his inability to retain BN 2/3 majority like it had in previous elections. Adding speculation that KJ is more likely to play the sec-gen role than him in UMNO. Crop it up, its Radzis’ first term as sec-gen of UMNO. The sense of responsibility comes like a clotted-blood vein stroke striking an old man. Radzi Sheikh Ahmad quits UMNO and BN sec-gen and remained as Kangar parliament representative.

Baby faced Khir Toyo may be champion in giving broom award, but this time, he had to admit the failure of BN in winning the majority state seats of Selangor which led him to offer resignation from all positions in UMNO and BN. He had made the statement to the people of Selangor apologizing for the poor performance his party has shown during the 12th General Election. It was known that UMNO Selangor is holding their ‘postmortem’ for their poor record during Khir Toyos’ unexpected exit.

We always hear that UMNO, MIC or MCA even PAS, PKR and DAP politician were like fighters. They fought till the last breath and strived until the last blood drop. Never giving up is like their lifelong motto. But what kind of fighter who never learnt from its mistake? Why such a steep decline in votes? Any newspapers can shows numbers & figures showing Tun Dr. Mahathir-led BN also experiences decline in votes for 1986 general election after impressive win during his first-term. But does that inflict much damage? Today, BN is damaged.

When it’s damaged… it has to be fix!

UMNO as sang saka bangsa also brought so much confusion by its supporters. It has become a tradition where leaders cannot be challenged, young to never question the old, as if the way UMNO works would not allow many changes to happen quickly and rather let it fester. While the opposition may be laughing their way in anticipating their next big federal takeover win if the voters sentiment still remain until 2012 or so.

If Mukhriz were criticized for his affinity to ask Pak Lah stepping down. Then, its time to cherish Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah affinity to challenge leaders which he felt stood against his ideas. The veteran round faced UMNO politician whom served as the longest parliament member ( since 1969 for Gua Musang parliamentary seat ). At 71, its probably the right time for this Kelantanese prince to voice his concern over the decline of BN. Like his saying: “ I may be too old, but I still have the strength “, at this moment nobody dared to sack, mock or criticize him. For a veteran who has seen lots of UMNO high and lows, he would not speak nonsense. He felt the UMNO leadership is leading nowhere, so he pointed it out.

He came closely to becoming prime minister the year when I was born when he bravely challenged Tun Mahathir for UMNO presidency. At the time, this man was in 50’s. When the split of UMNO has become apparent where each sect parted ways, it was Ku Li’s decision of initiating/founding Semangat46 brought Malay politicians under one roof rather than dispersing into PAS, even worst, DAP. Without Semangat46 for the same perjuangan ( political cause ) of being alternative sang saka bangsa to UMNO, influencial politician such as Rais Yatim and Radzi Sheikh Ahmad would be nowhere to lead and serve today. We should thank Ku Li.

Maybe we should thank Ku Li another time for shooting out straight onto the weakness of UMNO leadership. We might give bigger thank If on 11th May this year, we may see a revolution spark from the nearly rotten core of UMNO if Ku Lis’ proposed EGM happens. Not for the fun of seeing an UMNO leader falls, but the concern on sang saka bangsa future and its questioned rationality actually bothers a lot.

Only time will tell... Good luck Ku Li.

18 March 2008

The Three Alphabet

New Economic Policy (NEP) a liability to the nation? Is the NEP something that benefitted only a single race? Could NEP be a discreet way to abolish other minority race wealth?

Of course, when I’m committed in giving view, perhaps, mine would sound as differently as biased. Being Malay would eventually mean going ‘hoorah’ for NEP. Yes! Totally agree and all nod. A simplistic judgment would come to this point. Even to the expectation that I could be the one who stood forward and start debating with those whom cleverly deny a single aspect of NEP. In a nutshell, I may sound bias when voicing out my opinion if judging it through my ethnicity. While these sorts of assumption are subjective, I sincerely seek your audience in reviewing this blog.

Hopefully, through this blog, you’ll know where I stood.

Some philosophers deemed that asking questions are among the best way in seeking rationale and logic. So, rather than doing a piece of blog which streamed about historical facts, numbers and charts of the NEP, why not I post list of questions? Well, it may be wrong questions of wrong context with wrong situation. As far as most concerned, we are obviously confused about this so-called New Economic Policy. Needless to say, there is no single concrete term to define what is NEP. Except, all we know it’s a national policy.

Speculations that the NEP is an instrument imposed by the government to ensure Malay Supremacy ( Ketuanan Melayu ) within all sectors and field in Malaysia remains. I say there is no such thing as Malay Supremacy. The NEP covers bumiputras which includes the dayaks, ibans and other indigenous ethnic in Malaysia. Meaning, people like Daphne Iking will benefit from NEP. It is just that bumiputra composition consists majorityly Malay, collectively; they were the ones going to benefit most from NEP. Is NEP a policy to make all rakyats bore the burden of those weak and uncompetitive? Could NEP be a blessing-in-disguise for UMNO/BN backbenchers? Does the NEP have tarnished Malaysia human rights records and much lauded equal opportunity?

Or have this Tun Abdul Razak NEP, which were sparked due to the racial tension of 13May has become somewhat ‘obsolete’? In times when ‘equal opportunity’ was music to ear of most Malaysian citizen, NEP can be dumped away? Or, our Malay forefathers has strike a recklessly signed deal just to obtain instant declaration of independence? Why NEP implementation did not face lots of objection and only currently, people are getting bolder in questioning it? If so, does this means the non-Malays forefathers showed more respect and co-operation than their post-independent predecessors now? Shall the Malays brought up about the ‘social contract’ story which completes the other half of the logic why Malays were receiving perks, discounts and specialties in whatever they does? Or ‘social contract’ issue has been silenced which made NEP apparently sounded lopsided and biased?

As a student with multinational student presence, I have seen in front of own four eyes where foreigners were being briefed by this local student describing NEP is an unfair sets of rules to give Malays ‘higher’ playing grounds. The fellow even says that the NEP is some sort of systematic mechanism to eradicate non-Malays wealth. NEP as an instrument which able stun the development of other races. Like other bashers of NEP, the famous utterance would be: equal opportunity.

The utter disgust towards NEP can be sensed. The affirmative action might have prompted discomfort amongst non-bumiputeras. As if there are plans to abolish NEP, It will be a saddening event when Malays were synonymous/similarly regarded as weekly protestors which wanted to claim its rights, but had nothing at stake when its rights were disregard. Our ‘plight’ can be an ‘insignificant plight’ and Malays would then be seen as street hooligans, bashers, troublemakers of KL. Are we ready to witness FRU laying hands on fellow Malays whom taunted trouble and tribulation to be heard by the government. Are we willing to see Malays being dispersed by high speed water jets, and yet life gets miserable day by day? While government at the time proceed with their harsh ‘equal opportunity policy’?

Is the NEP part of UMNO trademarked brainchild, in which Malays who lived in states that are not under BN will never enjoy its privilege? Or the NEP acts as a UMNO ‘blackmailing’ instrument which absence can poses a lot of pain towards Malays? Does non-Malays sees NEP as Malays weak point, in ways, that if this policy were abolished, it will instantly stun the Malays like a bunch football players which were blinded and deafened by a lightning? NEP is vulnerable and has become the Achilles heel of Malays? Does survival of Malays depends totally on NEP?

For Malays like me, also a struggling architecture student, I have doubts in the implementation of NEP. The phenomenon where benefit gainers were amongst of those ‘elite minority’ and people who had ‘friends of high places’ is something that is very discouraging and uninspiring. I rather quit studying architecture and start making friends with possible higher-places people which someday may enrich my life. Projects were given to architects/contractors that have ‘connections’. But still, living that way will be lack of thrill and boring. Malays who rejected NEP in their life and chooses earning a living honestly, probably have reasonable doubts and suspicion too on benefactors of the policy?

Is it true that the tussle of which ‘deserving-Malays’ benefactors of NEP has been a heated subject of debate? How do we determine the ‘deserving’ Malays to gain fruitation of NEP? If the allegation of those ‘select Malays’ were true, thus NEP itself would be a ethnic-based policy. Thus bringing to the fact that NEP not only disregards non-Malays, but Malays itself in favor of only these ‘elite minority select Malays’? Talking about equal opportunity now covers Malays too. They had issues with that too. Or do I belong to the irresponsible Malay whom misunderstood NEP this way? Or can I be accused being horribly jealous of those glamorous overgrown DKNY/Gucci/Guess/Ray-Ban shades donning rich-kids of NEP ‘elite minority’ families?

If its true the NEP were mended for Malays, Does equal opportunity exists in NEP itself? Shall we say NEP only benefitted the ‘select Malays’?

With tons of questions, we still failed to seek a single term to concretely define NEP.

13 March 2008

Part 2 - Rotten Tongue of Asslickers

Read the news. Those media still backs Pak Lah. They boasted BN simple majority like they did not know that it was the coalition worst record ever. Once again mainstream media tried to play their roles in distorting obvious and shocking facts.

The media spin was furiously promoting BN during the election fever. Newspapers were doing weekend columns that think security in Malaysia is far above mediocre leveling at satisfactory. Free-to-air channels are running forums that say BN is very much subsidizing the prices of oil for the benefit of rakyats. Commercial airtimes were filled with BN advertisements which focus on the Selamat Aman Makmur manifesto. There was one MCA advert which shows foreign parliament members physical fighting scene which the party never resorted to in pursue of ‘working silently to bring effective results’

Weekends forums boasted about the effectiveness of BN government that successively delivered steady stream of modernization and wealth to Malaysian for the past 50years. While Malaysians were more worried about the future; years to come. BN can boast about their past achievement, but simply they cannot ignore the English saying: tomorrow won’t be promised today.

Another blatant lies will be the government ignorance, bleak eye towards the increasing price of items, insecurity and racial dissatisfaction issues. Instead of solving it, they were swept under rug. Which in turn made the people becomes angrier. Like pouring petrol onto a raging fire, government kept making advert/statement in media which refuted and denied the minority allegations government mismanagement. The credibility and trust worthiness of the ruling federal government has taken a sharp deep. Everywhere from Chinese gerai makan till Indian community halls, the government has been bashed to the max ( kutuk rapat ), and when they turn on the TV, they acts as paradox. Telling people that rakyat still loves the way BN manages the nation.

The governments were very stucked-up until Malaysia itself can qualify for an oligarchy nation. Matters like Pak Lahs ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ were countless times denied. While lauding they were practicing democracy… which happens once in 5years, not all the time.Just something to share with you about the 99.9% success of Pak Lah in 2004 elections, I have embedded this Youtube video.

For the past few months before election, news headlines repeatedly feature Pak Lah rhetoric statement that no ethnic minorities were being left behind. Pak Lahs vows to work together with Malaysian. Pak Lah concerns with rakyat trouble and tribulations. Pak Lah denying positioning his son-in-law Khairy on political fast seat. Samy Vellu overconfidence and expectations that Indians votes shall never be swayed due to the HINDRAF issues. Days before election sees hundreds of Indians switching party from PKR to MIC and making statements which pretty much degenerate the previous party. The reality that many Indians has lost faith in MIC was buried into oblivion. Chinese concern of BN becoming of a single ethnic party was another thing receiving heavy rotation of public mouth.

Now that the election has 'spoken' the voice of rakyat. News websites, TV channels and other mainstreams were pretty much sticking to the ass-licking attitude of the federal government initiates a noble effort to save face of their beloved Pak Lah-led BN. News about how he retained the Kepala Batas Parlimentary seat ( do note his reduced majority ) and Najib Tun Razak winning with higher majority were given center stage rather than Kedah new MB, Kelantan tightened hold by PAS, PKR candidate first foray into minister ship and DAP fully routed Gerakan in Penang. I think people are happier to lend their ears and eyes to that kind of news. It’s a message which they have been talking for the past few years, and only a few days ago, it has translated into the so-called political tsunami.

But poor mainstream media. They were like motivational speech-givers conveying endless word-of-support to a failing students that have flopped miserably in exams. And this nepotism ‘student’ has no use in giving motivation since he’ll definitely cripple BN to an irreversible damage. The components may suffer collateral damages.

It translated that the BN people has totally lost touch with reality. The piece of news they ever heard was the operating rooms telling local campaign chief which passes it to the constituent that eventually tells the parliament operatives that everything is going fine and smooth; BN will get the 2/3 majority. People sayang Pak Lah. But, if any of these ranks come and sit and have a coffee or sheesha coupled with frank conversation among commoners, then they will obviously get chilled to the bones on how rakyat lost trust in current government. These chilling facts being given to the higher ranks would mean BN will never rent any convention room of PWTC with mega screens just to celebrate their ‘predicted’ victory. TV3 played the repeats of Gangstaz the night after election announcement. I guess, the timeslot has been reserved for any BN victory ball party but instead were cancelled and replaced by the boring reality show.

But the votes of rakyats doesn’t cast strong shockwave to shook Pak Lah into leaving his position as PM. For him the voices of Majlis Tertinggi UMNO ( UMNO High Council, a collective of high ranking political officers that made vital directives ) matters most. He is still being hummed by sight and sound of the fantasy world, flanked with thousand of his strong supporters that taunted “Hidop Pak Lah! Hidop BN!”, he sure felt untouchable. Its time for Majlis Tertinggi UMNO to realize that Pak Lah is becoming more of liability to the sang saka bangsa and BN as a whole. Like a cancer/gangrene disease, he should be dissected ( di-sacked-ted ) or in medical terms; amputated, just like thinking of medicine doctor Mahathir statement earlier . It would be early to do it now since the pain will be short and quick. Rather than the next 5years which damage may worsen to the unthinkable? Surely Pak Lah wouldn’t want to see himself as the next opposition leader in the opposition bench?

Media right now are in crossroads. Even information minister Zainuddin Maidin himself which pretty much reins the information has fallen in Sg.Petani. They either have to report the sour defeat of BN or continue to be asslickers by praising and boasting BN simple majority win and their good delivery for the past 50years like they are the gods of wealth and equality. What kind of crossroads does the media has to experience if BN becomes the next opposition?

Thanks to the miracle of technology, the advent of blogs and websites enable people like us explore the truth and logic of Malaysia socio-politics that were often blurted out. The widespread penetration of broadband internet and alternative news media gives the rakyat bigger pictures of what is going on. Also through miracle of social utilities we see pictures of these thickly buttered oversea studying spoilt son and daughters of MP’s using their ‘elite minority’ parents allowance trying to mimic Paris Hilton or Dafi with their overgrown Gucci/DKNY/Ray-ban/Guess shades.

11 March 2008

Part 1 - Pendulum Swings

I wonder when Kedah BN candidates roamed the kampongs sweet talking the folks to vote UMNO. Do they care to explain why they are rallying behind Pak Lah which is very critical towards Tun Dr. Mahathir?

Depa dok mengata kat orang kita” ( They has smeared our people ), the sentiment of state wide dissatisfaction has fueled the kampong folks to cast their votes towards the opposition. Those who still had strong faith in perjuangan UMNO, but saddened by actions of Pak Lah might just lock themselves inside home and wouldn’t care to vote.

The Kedahan majority of Malays has given opposition; particularly PAS the mandate. First in the state history since the first election were held in 1959. Never in a single term had PAS gotten any chance of being the state government; not until 8th March 2008 when Ustaz Azizan Abdul Razak were sworn in and given the letter of appointment as Kedah 9th MB.

I know it may sound a bit absurd and immature. That old doctor has retired politics, now venturing into some bread making business. But, he is still loved by most Kedahan, and Malaysians too. Even the PAS and other opposition leaders are giving him credits ( taking into consideration it could be a political public stunt ). The nation pretty much misses the days when political hiatus were just a mere hiccup in the daily runs of government administration. Dr. Mahathir quickly quell it then it’s back to normal business. The relevancy of Mahathir is still felt in Kedah, and the action of Pak Lah to virtually shut Mahathirs’ views from falling into public ears is very real. Mahathir absence from Persidangan Agung UMNO in previous years surely felt like not being invited to class/course reunions to me. Mahathir earlier proposed projects which perhaps paving solid groundwork for Pak Lah to gain more vote were being scrapped, instead being replaced with corridors which were nothing concrete but rhetoric promises ( except for WPI which objective can be clearly seen through Nusajaya ). Pak Lah elegant silent is also a sign of egoistic non-cooperation even though he had hours long of meeting with Tun. Pak Lahs whom regarded the inability to execute mega-projects during his tenure is due to huge spending during Mahathir minister ship is showing some sort of blame game. A legacy problem; to say in very discreet and cynical way.

These rhetoric corridors can be further questioned, worst; the falling of big northern states of Perak, Penang and Kedah further casts a limbo on the implementation of the ambitious NCER.

Surely, my earlier entry on this state being captured by the opposition ( PAS for Kedah ) has finally come to a fact. Not after 1am, the state tally sided on PAS side after neck-to-neck of catching up. Weirdly, I repeatedly asked my Kelantanese housemate of how living would be in a home state ruled by the Islamic PAS. Questions like can I wear my Bermuda pants? Can I bring along a chick in a vehicle? Can I swim along the beaches of Langkawi? Are the cinemas going to be closed down? No more karaoke? Would my hands be chopped if I was caught stealing? All these question which can be deemed as petty matters but regarded as main agenda of PAS in policing morals of people apart from enforcing their promise of negara kebajikan ( welfare state ). I have yet to see Kedah under PAS and was very excited to return there. Not like PAS is going to paint the air green, but due to their manifestos and exhaustive effort to capture this northern state, they now had a chance to realize those vividly pictured

What attracts me about PAS is their candidate which tends to be close with the constituents. They pray inside wooden kampong suraus and old mosques and listened to the same khutbahs which the commoners listened to. They ate in eateries which the constituents ate at. They bathe the water of which flowed by the same rivers that carried for the constituents. They don’t carry little notepads and lists down people concerns about the well being of their place but felt it inside their vein, seen it with their own eyes. Nonetheless, never goes to lavish trips to enjoy any European esplanade with their spoilt children taking pictures donning their overgrown Gucci/DKNY/Guess/D&G/Ray-ban shades and posting it on Facebook or any social utility websites. The image of ‘minority elite’ should be banished from UMNO, and should be declared cardinal sin for UMNO men to have this image. The humbleness is something which people really expect from an MP or Wakil Rakyat. The dedication makes people felt they are being given deeper attention rather than those who comes back to kampong months before elections.

No wonder, the votes of Malays has swayed towards the Islamic PAS. A chain-effect that I would expect is UMNO to work harder and does better than what the opposition yet to offer Kedah. Watch and learn, and UMNO shall gain the higher grounds. For party sake, the federal government cannot ‘systematically pressure’ PAS-led Kedah to weaken its governance delivery, an old dirty trick which can further tarnish BN image as people gets more matured and exposed nowadays. For the Indians, they might have their grudge against MIC for certain reason seriously needs major overhaul. The Chinese; they are flexible and strategic voters. They have this ‘independency’ towards any single political party and votes along the candidate line. Votes were only casts to those who could serve well; pure statesman.

The winning of Mukhriz Mahathir in Jerlun parliamentary seat perhaps can be translated as votes of sympathy and hope. Sympathy of what ruckus has been surrounding his dad as former premier and a dash of hopes in making the UMNO as relevant party to achieve its objective as Sang Saka Bangsa. Mahfuz Omar of Pokok Sena will be working in PAS central committee which hopefully could span his influence and do something that can develop Kedah. The United States Kent University Law graduate new Kedah MB, Ustaz Azizan might think wisely in implementing any Islamic laws which may prompt discomfort among non-Muslims. After all, the lack of 2/3 majority in the state seat limits the changes of state governance. The presence of PKR candidate offers a healthy mix. Major defeat would be the stuttering Zainuddin Maidin which contested in Sg. Petani parliamentary seat. I guess, he’s back to becoming Senator.

05 March 2008

Part 4 - Ultra

There is always something in the air. No doubt, right now, the air is filled with the fact BN is going to settle with something less than impressive.

“ I don’t need Chinese voters! “, that was what former PM Tun Dr. Mahathir said.

It was in 1969 when Kota Setar Selatan parliamentary seat had its election, and Mahathir Mohammad was pitted against a PAS candidate. The fumes of 13May had yet to begun. The area is a Malay majority in which the Chinese encompasses less than 10%. Plus, the calculative politician thought that the Chinese wouldn’t ever wanted to cast votes on PAS which is strictly in enforcing the Islamic agenda which may ignite discomfort among different races.

Tun was wrong. Chinese indeed gave their support to PAS, a candidate by the name Tuan Haji Yusoff Rawa. Tun lost the Kota Setar seat and realized that it was his mistake for undermining the Chinese voter. The wrath of making those kind of statement never end swiftly. A person never forgets easy, now, it is about an ethnic affair. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad was popularly regarded as an ‘ultra-malay’.

He has got plethora of plans to boost the Malays in terms of economy. Since, we know money talks, and quantity means nothing if we couldn’t prove that we had a share of something that’s valuable and important. Assets and properties that formed the nation. Its nothing to cherish if we never had our hands or becomes part of it. Glorious conglomerate around the globe is useless, if we are not the ones who thrive, drive or thrust it from the inside. World class infrastructure is baseless if it was never mend to construct at our order. All of which, will make this Malay a distinct ethnic not just because of its tradition, culture and knowledge. But for the compromise it has made to gain something of bigger magnitude and valuable proportionate.

The ‘ultraness’ of Mahathir can be traced back to the Tunku Abdul Rahman era, in which he criticizes the Tunku for being lenient with the foreigner. Indeed, at the time, the mat sallehs were reluctant to let go certain key positions to us. Not until 1970’s or so. But we cannot totally blame Tunku for the leniency he has shown towards the mat salleh. Maybe, the situation demanded him to be a little ‘welcoming’ towards them. That is the logic why our forefather has supported UMNO and its move towards independence. Or else, our forefathers would have supported Ahmad Boestamam or Ibrahim Yaakob which will give no room for discussion and reconciliation with these Mat Salleh to siphon our wealth.

As time moves on, the seat of Educational Minister ( Kementerian Pendidikan, as then ), was filled by Tun Dr. Mahathir in 1979. At the time, we see the minister of education seat as a vital and strategic position, which were filled with possible Malaysian PM’s. Several notable people holding the education ministry including: Pak Lah from 1984 till 1986. Anwar Ibrahim was in this position from 1987 till 1990 followed by Najib Tun Razak 1995 till 1999. Again, we can see him trying to ascertain the Malay through language. He sets the standard of Bahasa Melayu as the the de-facto language in teaching. The split platform which were demanded by the Chinese and Indian educationist and intellectuals were fulfilled since they were concerned about preserving the mother tongue language and education systems, yet, the appeal of Sekolah Kebangsaan were seen more ‘mainstream’ platform of school. With good faith, multi stream schools are seen as the bane in national unity. Mahathir himself authorize the shutting down of SARs ( Sekolah Agama Rakyat ), in order to boost the enrolment of Malays into SMKs. Mahathir indeed never wanted to see knowledge gap between rural Malays and urban Malays. It was up to the government to further ‘push’ the job market and tertiary institution in order to ensure Sekolah Kebangsaan ( national school ) alumnus as the appealing choice. Since there are Chinese and Indians too in national school.

As a doctor whom belongs from attap roofed dwelling with earthen floor family since childhood, he had really understand the Malay traditional way of life in vein. Tun was the first commoner to hold the PM seat. Through modern medical perspective, he has given suggestions which demands the improvisation of Malay diet, which includes the importance of breakfast and the effect of lempeng (dried rice which were eaten with sugar or coconut ). He even initiates the milk programme to provide dairy nutrition to kampong kids like me. Once in a month or so, the milk bus will come and distribute boxes of yummy chocolate milk for consumption.

At times, Tun Dr. Mahathir ‘Ultraness’ were taken into the international level. To some extent, we taught that this old man is blatantly stupid. He started a ‘ Buy British last campaign’, which calls for Malaysian consumers to treat Britain produce to be purchased last as a last option. I’m sure, many elite Malays in the business and politics shall give a weird face when looking at Mahathir and his absurd stance which pretty much will backfire Malaysian economy than the UK itself. Besides, we see UK as a second-home. Many Malays have settled there or further studied there due to our history connection. During a 2003 United Nation speech, Mahathir regards Jew as the controlling the key posts of the world, but doing so through ‘proxies’.

Tun Mahathir once handled the situation which I call ‘two enemies within proximity’ scenario. We were having a strenuous diplomatic ties with Singapore which at the same time, we were having diplomatic backlashes with Australia. You know, this type of situation the worst kind which we can possibly avoid. With other less outspoken nation such as Philippines, Indonesia and Brunei witnessed how Malaysia – Singapore, Australia went sour, we thanked them for not actively choosing side and remaining neutral which helped this matter to remain a regional affair. In short, leaders may throw words at each other, but the diplomats are busy doing damage control.

Mahathir is indeed found a common ground to link PAS and UMNO before these two political party would virtually becomes a Berlin-wall-of-Malay; the Palestinian and West Bank issue. In this issue, we saw Mahathir shaking hands with the former PAS president, Ustaz Fadzil Noor while handling a donation box. In mind, Mahathir were not too eager to fight PAS and wipe its existence from Malaysia, instead, he was trying a ‘common grounds’ because there are Malays among PAS too. PAS can disregard the Islamic-ness of UMNO but, in turn, UMNO can never deny Malay within PAS. Do remember that PAS was once part of The Alliance ( Parti Perikatan ), the pre-cursor of today BN.

Generally, Mahathir ‘ultraness’ has taken a toll on the party during the 1997 Anwar sacking and subsequently giving BN a bad election record in 1999. Anwar who rallied behind UMNO and its perjuangan , now has took a multi-racial stance. It was pleasant to hear by almost everyone when an ousted high-ranking leader decided ‘open’ Malaysia ( pretty much mimics the DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia which firmly abolishes the affirmative action ) while accusing Mahathir as practicing nepotistic rule. Non-Malays were chased away by Mahathir ultraness, while Malays were sympathized with Anwars detention torture and black-eye incident, which in turn, BN lost Terengganu.

I still remembered standard 5 classmates in my former school stating that there was no kuppiah/serban wearing leaders of UMNO roster. The Islam-ness of UMNO in fact is skin deep. We can see Mahathir choosing Islamic-scholars such as Anwar Ibrahim ( ABIM leader ) and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ( Islamic studies graduate ) to win hearts of hardcore Islamist Malays.Its for the love of Bangsa, he never wants to see a rift between Malays just because of the holier-than-thou matters. It was clear to Mahathir, the Ethnic-Religion rift can cut clean Malays into two insanely fanatic sects.

Tun Dr. Mahathir even ordered the shut down of The Star ( others includes Sin Chew Jit Poh and Watan ) newspaper publication in 27th October 1987. One of the reason was Tunku Abdul Rahmans’ “As I See It” column which bothers Mahathir during his minister ship. The shutting of The Star gave Tunku Abdul Rahman a great deal of pressure from The Star bosses which were pushing him to be less vocal in criticizing Mahathir and Musa Hitam; the two budak kanyar which Tunku hates to see inside UMNO. Tun prime concern at the moment; particularly 1987, was the subversive movement in somewhat transforming Malaysia into a ‘Malayless’ nation by somewhat quietly gathering academician, educationist, ethnic and opposition leaders and spark a revolt movement within densely populated area which Malay concentration was lacking to impose an effective resistance. Ops Lallang were initiated, the names like Karpal and Lim Kit Siang was swiftly taken into detention by bell-bottomed long sideburn policemen of the retro late 80’s. An old story, since Malays too were divided between the UMNO-Baru and another pro-Malay faction of Semangat46. But Tun did strike a good chord of progressive economy where booming of wealth at the time secured him the mandate to helm the government. The Chinese would not mind any mega-NEP initiative was taken, as long as their pot of wealth were not being encroached or disrupted.

It was funny for me to think again about the ‘campus politics’, which sees young blood around my age were angered by Mahathir actions, I totally mean Mahathir himself, not his administration; for approving the construction of Zouk ( I know…stop giggling! ). They even make a fuss about Datin Seri Hasmah, the wife of Tun, for not wearing tudung( veil ), despite claiming that Malaysia is an Islamic nation. Young university students which to some extent studies provision were given by the government were brainwashed to speak on Mahathir led BN refusal to enforce Hudud. They took out this and that dalils, surahs, and buktis. They even accused him as secular and firaun. Of course, he did not remain quiet; he call these people extremist, lunatic fringe, orthodox.

The political days of Tun Mahathir has over. His legacy were being slowly but recklessly dismantled by Pak Lah. We ponder, due what time another vocal leader will rise and do things which in near future, we’ll be telling it all over again with full of excitement to future generations. The hardship they had went through. Perhaps, that old man which we used to regard as firaun, kafir, jahil or secular are taking break by venturing into bread-making business. Look at that old man face, and count every wrinkle that he fought for anak bangsa. Perhaps, the sang-saka-bangsa is the being given to wrong leader, or is it a normality for politicians to backfire their successors. But surely it’s great to see one who lead sang saka bangsa has a clear objectivity rather having a leader which is lost. Perhaps, Dr. Mahathir can be deemed as a skema politician whom joined UMNO to fulfilling the party main purpose as the sang saka bangsa itself.

When Vivek the comedian from Chennai asked Tun Dr. Mahathir, what inspired him to do so well in many things, Tun simply answered non-verbatim: “ For the love of nation “

His fellow nationalist compatriots would be the late Suharto of Indonesia. Mahathir visit him as frequent as possible during his decline of health. There were sayings that Mahathir cried meeting him. I have read stories on Suharto. Perhaps, if not too much mixed reaction, Indonesia should have pride having a leader like Suharto. For fellow Malaysian, Suharto is the man who quelled the Konfrantasi+Ganyang Malaysia started by Sukarno.

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed the all the four-part of Politicus series, apologize if there are any inaccuracies in my blog. Please do give a feedback or comments to make your share of mind heard. I wish all eligible Malaysian voters to vote wisely on the 8th March.

01 March 2008

Part 3 - Zieglers, Danishes and Karins to Powerpuff Perlis

As the election is drawing closer, the Buletin Utama shows nothing but only BN gimmicks and ceramahs of those contesting here and there. We grew sick and tired of watching all these and I shall have a break for a while.

Lets us look back to the mid 1990’s when most of the 80’s baby wondering out there wearing Alien Workshop Belts and thought United Colours of Benetton was as cool as hell. There was no Astro then, and One Utama was as small as the old wing. And IKEA somewhat fitted inside that small building.

The free-to-air TV channels featured hosts that are purely Malay. Perhaps, the Information Minister back then ( the late Tun Ghafar Baba ) has imposed a rule which pretty much banned the involvement of mixed parentage models in hosting any documentary, news or talk shows. I’am not sure about films, but, the ruling were probably less-stringent for them. That is why we never heard or rarely find unique tongue twisting names such as Julia Ziegler, Nora Danish or Maya Karin .

Back then, the hottest girl-on-TV would probably be Normala Samsudin. Any nodding heads? If there were Internet, mainstream gossip-magazine, Myspace, and Zouk-ses and the likes of it, Normala Samsudin would probably be the most sought after face and body to be featured. It will sure gain a spinning head. There comes to a point where the former Buletin Utama anchorwomen Normala Samsudin were called as the prettiest Malay woman alive at the time. Following the footstep of Wan Zaleha Wan Radzi of classic Majalah3.

Now, the ban has been lifted, and we could see a sudden surge of Malay mixed-parentage, Eurasians, Seranis, Portuguese, Chindian and other kind and sort of mixture rising to fame. The decision to lift the ban is timely since Malaysia has become somewhat filled with exotic beauties and Malays has been very glokal ( Globally Local, should have asked Tok Jib ) where marriages occurred from different ethnic. Even, I heard there are Malays as far as Maldives. South Africa near the Cape areas and even to the extent of Portuguese itself.

Lets get back to Malaysia. At this moment, Normala has long quit long retired news casting, and nothing much were heard about her. But, surely, what we knew, Normala Samsudin is now known as Datin. A title earned by wifes of Datuk Sris, some sort of knighthood which is given to prominent, outstanding or powerful people by the favor of Kings or Yang Di-Pertua Negeri. She is married to Datuk Sri Azmi Khalid the minister of natural resources and environment ( by 2004 cabinet ). He is the man responsible for Malaysian greeneries, forestry and nature conservation matters.

How did he tackled Normala? That is something I don’t really get into. But Datuk Azmi Khalid remained like a kampong boy epitome to me. Like earlier mentioned, I professed that I’am a kampong boy myself. Datuk Khalid heed from Perlis, a small state at the northern tip of peninsula Malaysia. He contested for the parliamentary seat of Padang Besar. A constituent which exactly borders with Thailand. Care to bring your girlfriend to Padang Besar?

Try to bring an uptown girl of Damansara, Hartamas or Ampangs or any Zieglers, Danishes or Karins to Pekan Kangar or Arau and they will shriek about the nothingness there. No pun intended, but seriously, there are almost nothing in the state capital except for one or two hotels and few grocery shops. I’ve heard people stating that Alor Star would be dead silent at 10pm, while Kangar fell into silence at shocking 8pm! It would probably dinner hours for those Penang clubbers who has got to shower and making-up to dos. I attended some kenduris there too, and what people said seems to be correct.

Being the smallest state in Malaysia, Perlis is a quiet state which rarely we heard news coming out. Not much development going on there except the Menteri Besar Datuk Sri Shahidam Kassim making remarks and new rulings and polygamy lenience policy. A new star also spurned out of Perlis would be its controversial and non-conformist mufti ( state religion advisor ). Dr. Mohammad Asri Zainal Abidin. Young and outspoken, he is one of the mufti that played the same game but in different rules. He was regarded by PAS as someone who speak loud on government leash. Physical development are the stories that we rarely heard of Perlis.

But there are stories circulating in the air that the kampong boy who daringly tackled uptown girl like Normala Samsudin would replace the incumbent 20-years-and-going Perlis MB. Although, I may sound silly ( or perhaps cynical ), but I think it will be a cool idea. Datuk Azmi Khalid and Datin Normala would settle in Kangar. They would witness that the development there is too far lacking even to match that of Pekan Kuah in Langkawi. Perhaps, uptown girl Bandar Utama bound Datin Normala would pour in some noble idea which could transform Kangar into a fresher, youthful and very-much alive town. So, in later years, any Zieglers, Danishes or Karins who visited the state would be happier and smiling all the way while telling other uptown girls back in KL about how interesting is little Perlis; the tiara of Malaysia. Perlis shall be powerpuffed! Who knows.

Sadly, Shahidan Kassim will be holding his post as Perlis MB. Perlis shall be mothballed in the clout of boredom. Yet, anything can happen in politics. Be it the way Syed Razak of Kedah whom tirelessly wanted to put his favorite candidate as Kedah MB, only to be replaced by Mahazir Khalid. But the best way to whisper in his ear while he comfortably enjoys the comfy baby cot would be Perlis people voting him out. A big majority means a statement with exclamation marks.

Perlis is also a state which can never be taken lightly. PAS once pledged that if they had ruled the state, they shall demand a separation from Malaysia ( yes, Singapore 2.0 but without steelhead of Lim Kuan Yew ). They wanted to create a full Islam state complete with hudud and moral police making round checks to see whether mak ciks and kak ciks wear their tudungs. Seriously, this is quite daring ( taking into consideration that the news may be manipulated ). If this happens, the Zieglers, Danishes and Karins were far away from stepping in with their expensive shoes to this little state.

Do not forget, PAS also had their heavy guns in Perlis. Names like Ustaz Dr. Haron Din and Hashim Jasin shall make BN, UMNO in particular, to be more careful in placing candidates. PAS candidates could make a fiery roaring ceramah and quote from the holy kitabs which could make UMNO people pee in their pants and legs weak right on the stage.

The green flagged party shall refute UMNO stance in fighting for ethnic. Kenapa patut kita memperjuangkan agenda bangsa!? Bukankah bangsa Melayu sudah berkahwin sana sini, maka Melayu asli itu sudah pupus! ( Why should we fight for the Malay race? Pure Malay has extinct since they have married different ethnic ), this shall or perhaps be referred to the Zieglers, Danishes and Karins, as an exemplary that Malay has gone glokal. In a nutshell, which platform will we choose to fight first when both urges comes in the same time? On religion or race platform? A confusion that has plagued us ( since forever and shall be unsolved for another 100years ) which hindered us to move forward rapidly. Not good for health, since both fractions is going to avoid each other and some opportunist may exploit that crack sooner or later. We will be crying foul if it had happened.

I wondered when the Palestinians fought against the Israelis. Do they fight with a nationalist spirit to gain their home soil of an independent Palestinian state? Do they fight in the name of religion seeing jew as Islam sworn enemy? Or do they fight with a spirit of Arab as the vein archrival which bore the responsibility to suppress the Jew?

This PAS UMNO stance schism may last forever. Should we support ADIL instead? which fight for human rights and black-eyed ousted leader ? Simple. Tak banyak cerita.