01 March 2008

Part 3 - Zieglers, Danishes and Karins to Powerpuff Perlis

As the election is drawing closer, the Buletin Utama shows nothing but only BN gimmicks and ceramahs of those contesting here and there. We grew sick and tired of watching all these and I shall have a break for a while.

Lets us look back to the mid 1990’s when most of the 80’s baby wondering out there wearing Alien Workshop Belts and thought United Colours of Benetton was as cool as hell. There was no Astro then, and One Utama was as small as the old wing. And IKEA somewhat fitted inside that small building.

The free-to-air TV channels featured hosts that are purely Malay. Perhaps, the Information Minister back then ( the late Tun Ghafar Baba ) has imposed a rule which pretty much banned the involvement of mixed parentage models in hosting any documentary, news or talk shows. I’am not sure about films, but, the ruling were probably less-stringent for them. That is why we never heard or rarely find unique tongue twisting names such as Julia Ziegler, Nora Danish or Maya Karin .

Back then, the hottest girl-on-TV would probably be Normala Samsudin. Any nodding heads? If there were Internet, mainstream gossip-magazine, Myspace, and Zouk-ses and the likes of it, Normala Samsudin would probably be the most sought after face and body to be featured. It will sure gain a spinning head. There comes to a point where the former Buletin Utama anchorwomen Normala Samsudin were called as the prettiest Malay woman alive at the time. Following the footstep of Wan Zaleha Wan Radzi of classic Majalah3.

Now, the ban has been lifted, and we could see a sudden surge of Malay mixed-parentage, Eurasians, Seranis, Portuguese, Chindian and other kind and sort of mixture rising to fame. The decision to lift the ban is timely since Malaysia has become somewhat filled with exotic beauties and Malays has been very glokal ( Globally Local, should have asked Tok Jib ) where marriages occurred from different ethnic. Even, I heard there are Malays as far as Maldives. South Africa near the Cape areas and even to the extent of Portuguese itself.

Lets get back to Malaysia. At this moment, Normala has long quit long retired news casting, and nothing much were heard about her. But, surely, what we knew, Normala Samsudin is now known as Datin. A title earned by wifes of Datuk Sris, some sort of knighthood which is given to prominent, outstanding or powerful people by the favor of Kings or Yang Di-Pertua Negeri. She is married to Datuk Sri Azmi Khalid the minister of natural resources and environment ( by 2004 cabinet ). He is the man responsible for Malaysian greeneries, forestry and nature conservation matters.

How did he tackled Normala? That is something I don’t really get into. But Datuk Azmi Khalid remained like a kampong boy epitome to me. Like earlier mentioned, I professed that I’am a kampong boy myself. Datuk Khalid heed from Perlis, a small state at the northern tip of peninsula Malaysia. He contested for the parliamentary seat of Padang Besar. A constituent which exactly borders with Thailand. Care to bring your girlfriend to Padang Besar?

Try to bring an uptown girl of Damansara, Hartamas or Ampangs or any Zieglers, Danishes or Karins to Pekan Kangar or Arau and they will shriek about the nothingness there. No pun intended, but seriously, there are almost nothing in the state capital except for one or two hotels and few grocery shops. I’ve heard people stating that Alor Star would be dead silent at 10pm, while Kangar fell into silence at shocking 8pm! It would probably dinner hours for those Penang clubbers who has got to shower and making-up to dos. I attended some kenduris there too, and what people said seems to be correct.

Being the smallest state in Malaysia, Perlis is a quiet state which rarely we heard news coming out. Not much development going on there except the Menteri Besar Datuk Sri Shahidam Kassim making remarks and new rulings and polygamy lenience policy. A new star also spurned out of Perlis would be its controversial and non-conformist mufti ( state religion advisor ). Dr. Mohammad Asri Zainal Abidin. Young and outspoken, he is one of the mufti that played the same game but in different rules. He was regarded by PAS as someone who speak loud on government leash. Physical development are the stories that we rarely heard of Perlis.

But there are stories circulating in the air that the kampong boy who daringly tackled uptown girl like Normala Samsudin would replace the incumbent 20-years-and-going Perlis MB. Although, I may sound silly ( or perhaps cynical ), but I think it will be a cool idea. Datuk Azmi Khalid and Datin Normala would settle in Kangar. They would witness that the development there is too far lacking even to match that of Pekan Kuah in Langkawi. Perhaps, uptown girl Bandar Utama bound Datin Normala would pour in some noble idea which could transform Kangar into a fresher, youthful and very-much alive town. So, in later years, any Zieglers, Danishes or Karins who visited the state would be happier and smiling all the way while telling other uptown girls back in KL about how interesting is little Perlis; the tiara of Malaysia. Perlis shall be powerpuffed! Who knows.

Sadly, Shahidan Kassim will be holding his post as Perlis MB. Perlis shall be mothballed in the clout of boredom. Yet, anything can happen in politics. Be it the way Syed Razak of Kedah whom tirelessly wanted to put his favorite candidate as Kedah MB, only to be replaced by Mahazir Khalid. But the best way to whisper in his ear while he comfortably enjoys the comfy baby cot would be Perlis people voting him out. A big majority means a statement with exclamation marks.

Perlis is also a state which can never be taken lightly. PAS once pledged that if they had ruled the state, they shall demand a separation from Malaysia ( yes, Singapore 2.0 but without steelhead of Lim Kuan Yew ). They wanted to create a full Islam state complete with hudud and moral police making round checks to see whether mak ciks and kak ciks wear their tudungs. Seriously, this is quite daring ( taking into consideration that the news may be manipulated ). If this happens, the Zieglers, Danishes and Karins were far away from stepping in with their expensive shoes to this little state.

Do not forget, PAS also had their heavy guns in Perlis. Names like Ustaz Dr. Haron Din and Hashim Jasin shall make BN, UMNO in particular, to be more careful in placing candidates. PAS candidates could make a fiery roaring ceramah and quote from the holy kitabs which could make UMNO people pee in their pants and legs weak right on the stage.

The green flagged party shall refute UMNO stance in fighting for ethnic. Kenapa patut kita memperjuangkan agenda bangsa!? Bukankah bangsa Melayu sudah berkahwin sana sini, maka Melayu asli itu sudah pupus! ( Why should we fight for the Malay race? Pure Malay has extinct since they have married different ethnic ), this shall or perhaps be referred to the Zieglers, Danishes and Karins, as an exemplary that Malay has gone glokal. In a nutshell, which platform will we choose to fight first when both urges comes in the same time? On religion or race platform? A confusion that has plagued us ( since forever and shall be unsolved for another 100years ) which hindered us to move forward rapidly. Not good for health, since both fractions is going to avoid each other and some opportunist may exploit that crack sooner or later. We will be crying foul if it had happened.

I wondered when the Palestinians fought against the Israelis. Do they fight with a nationalist spirit to gain their home soil of an independent Palestinian state? Do they fight in the name of religion seeing jew as Islam sworn enemy? Or do they fight with a spirit of Arab as the vein archrival which bore the responsibility to suppress the Jew?

This PAS UMNO stance schism may last forever. Should we support ADIL instead? which fight for human rights and black-eyed ousted leader ? Simple. Tak banyak cerita.

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