05 March 2008

Part 4 - Ultra

There is always something in the air. No doubt, right now, the air is filled with the fact BN is going to settle with something less than impressive.

“ I don’t need Chinese voters! “, that was what former PM Tun Dr. Mahathir said.

It was in 1969 when Kota Setar Selatan parliamentary seat had its election, and Mahathir Mohammad was pitted against a PAS candidate. The fumes of 13May had yet to begun. The area is a Malay majority in which the Chinese encompasses less than 10%. Plus, the calculative politician thought that the Chinese wouldn’t ever wanted to cast votes on PAS which is strictly in enforcing the Islamic agenda which may ignite discomfort among different races.

Tun was wrong. Chinese indeed gave their support to PAS, a candidate by the name Tuan Haji Yusoff Rawa. Tun lost the Kota Setar seat and realized that it was his mistake for undermining the Chinese voter. The wrath of making those kind of statement never end swiftly. A person never forgets easy, now, it is about an ethnic affair. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad was popularly regarded as an ‘ultra-malay’.

He has got plethora of plans to boost the Malays in terms of economy. Since, we know money talks, and quantity means nothing if we couldn’t prove that we had a share of something that’s valuable and important. Assets and properties that formed the nation. Its nothing to cherish if we never had our hands or becomes part of it. Glorious conglomerate around the globe is useless, if we are not the ones who thrive, drive or thrust it from the inside. World class infrastructure is baseless if it was never mend to construct at our order. All of which, will make this Malay a distinct ethnic not just because of its tradition, culture and knowledge. But for the compromise it has made to gain something of bigger magnitude and valuable proportionate.

The ‘ultraness’ of Mahathir can be traced back to the Tunku Abdul Rahman era, in which he criticizes the Tunku for being lenient with the foreigner. Indeed, at the time, the mat sallehs were reluctant to let go certain key positions to us. Not until 1970’s or so. But we cannot totally blame Tunku for the leniency he has shown towards the mat salleh. Maybe, the situation demanded him to be a little ‘welcoming’ towards them. That is the logic why our forefather has supported UMNO and its move towards independence. Or else, our forefathers would have supported Ahmad Boestamam or Ibrahim Yaakob which will give no room for discussion and reconciliation with these Mat Salleh to siphon our wealth.

As time moves on, the seat of Educational Minister ( Kementerian Pendidikan, as then ), was filled by Tun Dr. Mahathir in 1979. At the time, we see the minister of education seat as a vital and strategic position, which were filled with possible Malaysian PM’s. Several notable people holding the education ministry including: Pak Lah from 1984 till 1986. Anwar Ibrahim was in this position from 1987 till 1990 followed by Najib Tun Razak 1995 till 1999. Again, we can see him trying to ascertain the Malay through language. He sets the standard of Bahasa Melayu as the the de-facto language in teaching. The split platform which were demanded by the Chinese and Indian educationist and intellectuals were fulfilled since they were concerned about preserving the mother tongue language and education systems, yet, the appeal of Sekolah Kebangsaan were seen more ‘mainstream’ platform of school. With good faith, multi stream schools are seen as the bane in national unity. Mahathir himself authorize the shutting down of SARs ( Sekolah Agama Rakyat ), in order to boost the enrolment of Malays into SMKs. Mahathir indeed never wanted to see knowledge gap between rural Malays and urban Malays. It was up to the government to further ‘push’ the job market and tertiary institution in order to ensure Sekolah Kebangsaan ( national school ) alumnus as the appealing choice. Since there are Chinese and Indians too in national school.

As a doctor whom belongs from attap roofed dwelling with earthen floor family since childhood, he had really understand the Malay traditional way of life in vein. Tun was the first commoner to hold the PM seat. Through modern medical perspective, he has given suggestions which demands the improvisation of Malay diet, which includes the importance of breakfast and the effect of lempeng (dried rice which were eaten with sugar or coconut ). He even initiates the milk programme to provide dairy nutrition to kampong kids like me. Once in a month or so, the milk bus will come and distribute boxes of yummy chocolate milk for consumption.

At times, Tun Dr. Mahathir ‘Ultraness’ were taken into the international level. To some extent, we taught that this old man is blatantly stupid. He started a ‘ Buy British last campaign’, which calls for Malaysian consumers to treat Britain produce to be purchased last as a last option. I’m sure, many elite Malays in the business and politics shall give a weird face when looking at Mahathir and his absurd stance which pretty much will backfire Malaysian economy than the UK itself. Besides, we see UK as a second-home. Many Malays have settled there or further studied there due to our history connection. During a 2003 United Nation speech, Mahathir regards Jew as the controlling the key posts of the world, but doing so through ‘proxies’.

Tun Mahathir once handled the situation which I call ‘two enemies within proximity’ scenario. We were having a strenuous diplomatic ties with Singapore which at the same time, we were having diplomatic backlashes with Australia. You know, this type of situation the worst kind which we can possibly avoid. With other less outspoken nation such as Philippines, Indonesia and Brunei witnessed how Malaysia – Singapore, Australia went sour, we thanked them for not actively choosing side and remaining neutral which helped this matter to remain a regional affair. In short, leaders may throw words at each other, but the diplomats are busy doing damage control.

Mahathir is indeed found a common ground to link PAS and UMNO before these two political party would virtually becomes a Berlin-wall-of-Malay; the Palestinian and West Bank issue. In this issue, we saw Mahathir shaking hands with the former PAS president, Ustaz Fadzil Noor while handling a donation box. In mind, Mahathir were not too eager to fight PAS and wipe its existence from Malaysia, instead, he was trying a ‘common grounds’ because there are Malays among PAS too. PAS can disregard the Islamic-ness of UMNO but, in turn, UMNO can never deny Malay within PAS. Do remember that PAS was once part of The Alliance ( Parti Perikatan ), the pre-cursor of today BN.

Generally, Mahathir ‘ultraness’ has taken a toll on the party during the 1997 Anwar sacking and subsequently giving BN a bad election record in 1999. Anwar who rallied behind UMNO and its perjuangan , now has took a multi-racial stance. It was pleasant to hear by almost everyone when an ousted high-ranking leader decided ‘open’ Malaysia ( pretty much mimics the DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia which firmly abolishes the affirmative action ) while accusing Mahathir as practicing nepotistic rule. Non-Malays were chased away by Mahathir ultraness, while Malays were sympathized with Anwars detention torture and black-eye incident, which in turn, BN lost Terengganu.

I still remembered standard 5 classmates in my former school stating that there was no kuppiah/serban wearing leaders of UMNO roster. The Islam-ness of UMNO in fact is skin deep. We can see Mahathir choosing Islamic-scholars such as Anwar Ibrahim ( ABIM leader ) and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ( Islamic studies graduate ) to win hearts of hardcore Islamist Malays.Its for the love of Bangsa, he never wants to see a rift between Malays just because of the holier-than-thou matters. It was clear to Mahathir, the Ethnic-Religion rift can cut clean Malays into two insanely fanatic sects.

Tun Dr. Mahathir even ordered the shut down of The Star ( others includes Sin Chew Jit Poh and Watan ) newspaper publication in 27th October 1987. One of the reason was Tunku Abdul Rahmans’ “As I See It” column which bothers Mahathir during his minister ship. The shutting of The Star gave Tunku Abdul Rahman a great deal of pressure from The Star bosses which were pushing him to be less vocal in criticizing Mahathir and Musa Hitam; the two budak kanyar which Tunku hates to see inside UMNO. Tun prime concern at the moment; particularly 1987, was the subversive movement in somewhat transforming Malaysia into a ‘Malayless’ nation by somewhat quietly gathering academician, educationist, ethnic and opposition leaders and spark a revolt movement within densely populated area which Malay concentration was lacking to impose an effective resistance. Ops Lallang were initiated, the names like Karpal and Lim Kit Siang was swiftly taken into detention by bell-bottomed long sideburn policemen of the retro late 80’s. An old story, since Malays too were divided between the UMNO-Baru and another pro-Malay faction of Semangat46. But Tun did strike a good chord of progressive economy where booming of wealth at the time secured him the mandate to helm the government. The Chinese would not mind any mega-NEP initiative was taken, as long as their pot of wealth were not being encroached or disrupted.

It was funny for me to think again about the ‘campus politics’, which sees young blood around my age were angered by Mahathir actions, I totally mean Mahathir himself, not his administration; for approving the construction of Zouk ( I know…stop giggling! ). They even make a fuss about Datin Seri Hasmah, the wife of Tun, for not wearing tudung( veil ), despite claiming that Malaysia is an Islamic nation. Young university students which to some extent studies provision were given by the government were brainwashed to speak on Mahathir led BN refusal to enforce Hudud. They took out this and that dalils, surahs, and buktis. They even accused him as secular and firaun. Of course, he did not remain quiet; he call these people extremist, lunatic fringe, orthodox.

The political days of Tun Mahathir has over. His legacy were being slowly but recklessly dismantled by Pak Lah. We ponder, due what time another vocal leader will rise and do things which in near future, we’ll be telling it all over again with full of excitement to future generations. The hardship they had went through. Perhaps, that old man which we used to regard as firaun, kafir, jahil or secular are taking break by venturing into bread-making business. Look at that old man face, and count every wrinkle that he fought for anak bangsa. Perhaps, the sang-saka-bangsa is the being given to wrong leader, or is it a normality for politicians to backfire their successors. But surely it’s great to see one who lead sang saka bangsa has a clear objectivity rather having a leader which is lost. Perhaps, Dr. Mahathir can be deemed as a skema politician whom joined UMNO to fulfilling the party main purpose as the sang saka bangsa itself.

When Vivek the comedian from Chennai asked Tun Dr. Mahathir, what inspired him to do so well in many things, Tun simply answered non-verbatim: “ For the love of nation “

His fellow nationalist compatriots would be the late Suharto of Indonesia. Mahathir visit him as frequent as possible during his decline of health. There were sayings that Mahathir cried meeting him. I have read stories on Suharto. Perhaps, if not too much mixed reaction, Indonesia should have pride having a leader like Suharto. For fellow Malaysian, Suharto is the man who quelled the Konfrantasi+Ganyang Malaysia started by Sukarno.

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed the all the four-part of Politicus series, apologize if there are any inaccuracies in my blog. Please do give a feedback or comments to make your share of mind heard. I wish all eligible Malaysian voters to vote wisely on the 8th March.

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