19 March 2008

The Prediction

Last Month, Pak Lah was confident in winning 2/3 majority, but indeed, BN lost most of the seats. This week, Pak Lah is sure there will never be any vote of no-confidence against him … Are you sure Pak Lah?

Hur Har sana sini! It was noisier and shinier than any of JomHeboh carnival; BN people of various position and divisions were yelling out their pledge to stand tall behind their beloved Pak Lah. The prime minister who has brought BN saddening simple majority. The prime minister who is right now trying to balance out the rakyats plight in reality and his people plight inside the ever dirty world of politics. It all started with Musa Aman that claimed Pak Lah leadership is still needed. Other BN component parties later followed suit, Wanita UMNO, Pemuda UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, Hishamuddin, Ong Ka Ting, Samy Vellu, The High-council all of them; like a public stunt, made official statement that affirm their believe Pak Lah is a very very valuable asset that cannot be replaced, ever. Are we witnessing the distorted dimension of Malaysian politicians? Or, again, BN people are very out of touch with reality. Just to maintain the BN-unity look, these educated people pledge with their heart and soul to stood by Pak Lah. What’s wrong with Pak Lah?

If it ain’t broken, why fix it?

It all started with Mukhriz Mahathir personal letter send towards Pak Lah days after announcement of BN simple majority win. The content; Pak Lah should held responsible for the bad record and shall, with dignity, step down as prime minister and UMNO head. Next day, he was given media attention as a selfish politician, individualistic leader, trying-to-be hero newbie of politics. Penang UMNO urges him to be completely sacked from the party. It was a tumult inside the Pemuda UMNO. Pak Lah just leave it to Hishamuddin on what-to-do-next. While Pak Lah went on to rawat (overhaul) BN with his cabinet reshuffling, vigorous implementation of policies and making a live broadcasted interview to ensure the rakyats that he is not a stubborn ‘elegant-silent’ prime minister. " The rakyat are conveying message, and I heard what they mean"….

Like a domino effect, the other BN high-ranking politicians are among the first to hear the message loud and clear. First, it was Koh Tsu Koon, whom right now still having trouble sleeping over the routing of Gerakan in Penang witnessed in recent election. Like a colony of termites poisoned out from its lair, Gerakan has a profound history and prolific record in Penang. It was a political party joined by educationist, academician and highly respected statesmen. Dr. Lim Cheong Eu founded Gerakan after 1969 Racial tension, and later, would become the opposition to The Alliance particularly MCA( today, known as BN ). Eventually, along 20years in being chief minister of Penang, he decided to rejoin BN. And for Tsu Koon who nearly beat that record just served for 18years; 2 years short. Clearly, in politics, its not about serving duration, yet, the Gerakan defeat by not winning a single seat in Penang has brought a lot of shame. Without any letter of suggestions or public petition, he seeks resignation.

UMNO Secretary-General story shares a similar moral values as the above. Perlis-born lawyer Radzi Sheikh Ahmad who which hold the important post last term made it clear that he is incapable working effectively anymore with Pak Lah with current circumstances. This simple statement is pretty much self-explanatory. If I’m not misunderstood, Radzi Sheikh Ahmad must felt responsible for his inability to retain BN 2/3 majority like it had in previous elections. Adding speculation that KJ is more likely to play the sec-gen role than him in UMNO. Crop it up, its Radzis’ first term as sec-gen of UMNO. The sense of responsibility comes like a clotted-blood vein stroke striking an old man. Radzi Sheikh Ahmad quits UMNO and BN sec-gen and remained as Kangar parliament representative.

Baby faced Khir Toyo may be champion in giving broom award, but this time, he had to admit the failure of BN in winning the majority state seats of Selangor which led him to offer resignation from all positions in UMNO and BN. He had made the statement to the people of Selangor apologizing for the poor performance his party has shown during the 12th General Election. It was known that UMNO Selangor is holding their ‘postmortem’ for their poor record during Khir Toyos’ unexpected exit.

We always hear that UMNO, MIC or MCA even PAS, PKR and DAP politician were like fighters. They fought till the last breath and strived until the last blood drop. Never giving up is like their lifelong motto. But what kind of fighter who never learnt from its mistake? Why such a steep decline in votes? Any newspapers can shows numbers & figures showing Tun Dr. Mahathir-led BN also experiences decline in votes for 1986 general election after impressive win during his first-term. But does that inflict much damage? Today, BN is damaged.

When it’s damaged… it has to be fix!

UMNO as sang saka bangsa also brought so much confusion by its supporters. It has become a tradition where leaders cannot be challenged, young to never question the old, as if the way UMNO works would not allow many changes to happen quickly and rather let it fester. While the opposition may be laughing their way in anticipating their next big federal takeover win if the voters sentiment still remain until 2012 or so.

If Mukhriz were criticized for his affinity to ask Pak Lah stepping down. Then, its time to cherish Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah affinity to challenge leaders which he felt stood against his ideas. The veteran round faced UMNO politician whom served as the longest parliament member ( since 1969 for Gua Musang parliamentary seat ). At 71, its probably the right time for this Kelantanese prince to voice his concern over the decline of BN. Like his saying: “ I may be too old, but I still have the strength “, at this moment nobody dared to sack, mock or criticize him. For a veteran who has seen lots of UMNO high and lows, he would not speak nonsense. He felt the UMNO leadership is leading nowhere, so he pointed it out.

He came closely to becoming prime minister the year when I was born when he bravely challenged Tun Mahathir for UMNO presidency. At the time, this man was in 50’s. When the split of UMNO has become apparent where each sect parted ways, it was Ku Li’s decision of initiating/founding Semangat46 brought Malay politicians under one roof rather than dispersing into PAS, even worst, DAP. Without Semangat46 for the same perjuangan ( political cause ) of being alternative sang saka bangsa to UMNO, influencial politician such as Rais Yatim and Radzi Sheikh Ahmad would be nowhere to lead and serve today. We should thank Ku Li.

Maybe we should thank Ku Li another time for shooting out straight onto the weakness of UMNO leadership. We might give bigger thank If on 11th May this year, we may see a revolution spark from the nearly rotten core of UMNO if Ku Lis’ proposed EGM happens. Not for the fun of seeing an UMNO leader falls, but the concern on sang saka bangsa future and its questioned rationality actually bothers a lot.

Only time will tell... Good luck Ku Li.

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