23 February 2008

Part 1 - PAS for Kedah

Its not hard to imagine…

This state has been second strong bastion of PAS after Kelantan. Some of strong PAS hardliners, old-timers and outshiners has been contesting in Kedah for some reason. Perhaps being part of the Malay-belt states proven to be the playing grounds of the Islamic-centric party itself. The numbers of parliamentary seats here are even more than that of Kelantan ( 14 seats ) or Terengganu ( 8 seats ) which are more vast in-terms of geographical area.

The prospect of Kedah under PAS is not to be clearly seen. Perhaps we can expect the normal thing they would do such as segregated male-female counters, gender-separated stadiums, no-da-ma-cai, moral police force and no-more-concerts ( come to an extent Mawi-only concert ). The presence of PAS in Kedah is very strong and clear. Each election season, tall poles were placed in the kampungs, masjids, madrasah and even pecan kecil’s. Come to a point, a rock hill was carved with PAS insignia, the locals called it bukit PAS. The ceramahs were running all year round even not during the election season. They will always be somebody from the party which will deliver speech brewing with hottest political issue and offering a vivid picture of the paddy state if it falls under PAS rule. The people will be roaring and shouting with agreement which made you felt like its election time. Mind you, clapping is forbidden in Islamic-related event. Since PAS is tightly synonymous with Islam, so no clapping on its occasion.

Now, that the election fever has swarmed, PAS shall be gearing up its preparation for the tip of the battle. PAS has sets its target to maintain Kelantan, re-take Terengganu ( which was lost in 2004) and takeover Kedah. A realistic aim since the former two states has been successfully held by them before. The aim can be lots more possible, since its been in the air lately that the ruling party under Pak Lah has been too sloppy and lackluster in economic development. Yet, this doubt cannot fuel the possibility of handling over Kedah to PAS. Malay is an ethnic that has loyalty as its fundamental values, which cannot be swayed easily by fiery speech of political wisdom. So, this makes the battle for Kedah interesting and dangle the hope to 50/50 between the ethno-centric UMNO and Islamic-centric PAS

PAS on-going effort to take over Kedah has been furious and real. Not only the political rally were enormous, not just the gathering were always held and thousand of PAS flag waving under the Kedahan sunrise, but the candidate being put here are among the top guns. Like nuclear bombs to an arsenal of weapons. The harshest and the hardheads were put forth. Looking at previous elections, We can see PAS putting our sasterawan Shahnon Ahmad ( who wrote the novel SHIT, and sparkled my interest in Malay literature ) contesting for his birthplace of Sik. PAS own ketua penerangan ( ala propaganda minister ), Mahfuz Omar were put to contest in Pokok Sena. PAS late president, Ustaz Fadzil Noor was contesting in Anak Bukit ( a royal place of Kedah, it’s where the istana is located- do you think the Sultan favored PAS ? ), his successor maintained the seat. The vocal Mat Sabu who was captured and questioned during Bersih rally were contesting in Kuala Kedah, the place where you get your boats to Langkawi for your joyous trip.

Do not forget, even KeAdilan has placed its number two ( the vice-president ) to contest in Kubang Rotan pitting against Syed Razak Syed Zain. The list goes on as PAS own vice-president ‘hip-hopping’ Nasharudin Mat Isa is fixing its bayonet to get the Jerai seat. Only Karpal Singh of DAP is being calculative about taking risk here. Do note that Karpal Singh once contested in the Kota Setar seat and lost (1969 perhaps? ). Maybe the 12th election his return to Kedah? The heavy gunners of every party has sets its sight on an alliance to rule Kedah, yet, so far the possibility laid on these two party: UMNO and PAS.

News had come that Mukhriz Mahathir will be c
ontesting the parliamentary seat of Jerlun in the upcoming election. It’s his first foray or muka baru. The fact that he is Tun Dr. Mahathir son would not guarantee his winning. But, I do wish him luck. Ironically, Jerlun is Kubang Pasu neighbor on the west. Kubang Pasu is where his father contested before.

The closest PAS went to rule Kedah was in 1999, when the Reformasi issue was still as hot as rotiboy. Yet, as long as PAS have not laid its hands on Kedah, the incumbent majority seat holders will never learn its mistake, becomes too comfortable, forgotten to improvise the way that they should serve the people here. And, perhaps we should reconsider the vote that shall be cast in the upcoming election. Look at Terengganu which falls under PAS rule in 1999 election. In the next election 2004, BN has re-taken the state and look what Idris Jusoh has done within a single 5-year ( actually less ) mandate. Something real has taken place there.

Perhaps we should see Kedah falls under PAS for a short while. A term or two till the BN sides might formulate working manifestos that may satisfy the Kedahan hunger for something real and progressive.

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