04 February 2008

The Faunas

You might notice that many times, animals were mentioned in previous entries of my blog. As far as I’m concerned, pig, rats and mice has joined the club of being featured here on Tudya! Why are there too many mentioning of animals? Frankly speaking, animals has long been the source of inspiration for me. Cynical? Nah. Average people who have read my blog wouldn’t be too shallow minded to know that these animals were representation of real people in real life.

In a society where Paris Hilton would just bashed and drop several F-bombs on peeping Papparazis, direct confrontation and publicly raise of voice is something that measure the jantaness plus with the public getting insanely interested in suing each other under the pretext of defamation, lack-of-sleep, tense emotions etc. etc. There are still rooms for courtesy, I might say.

Animals on the other hand, are easy to deal with. They wouldn’t sue us if we did a story on them. Even if we mocked or antagonized them with ugliest possible ways till hundreds of chapters, they would just continue with their daily routine of food searching, sleep and other natural instinct they were born with.

Take a look at Knut, the first human raised polar bear ( Wow! Humans learned to raise a bear! That’s the opposite of Jungle Book ). Grown in the confines of the zoo somewhere in Germany. Look how the bear has inspired people to be extra environmentally aware without preaching a single word. With Knut, there are various merchandises like notepad, umbrellas and things like that are being sold barring his unknown mood face. The zoo received an increased number of visitors. Finally, this Knut the polar bear got something that most our business student were trying to emulate even before their graduation year. Knut has been trademarked and listed in Berlin stock exchange. Nuts, isn’t it?

Using animals as mere representation of real person or a certain organization may sound like cowardly critical to some. Yet, for me this is taken as a symbol of courtesy. Even, folklores or children storybooks have used animals to represent the real life situation. Remember the first quirky thing happened to Alice on her misadventure to Wonderland. It’s the rabbit hole. A rabbit ( Hmm… rabbit satay is juicy though ). The folklore of various cultures of different regions has used animals as the main characters to portray real life situation. Remember ‘the dog and its shadows’? ‘ugly duckling’? or ‘the wolf and the lambs’ where the mother lamb performed a miraculous C-section to free her children lambs from the wolf stomach without anesthetics. Some version is too kind to show the mother lamb stitching back the wounds. After all, it’s folklore.

Some animals were used as degradation slang. For instance, the nature of female dog having sex with many often various male dogs has triggered the ‘bitch’ word. Bitch either with a asterisk cover or without it were used widely, especially in places like colleges where girlfriend and boyfriend swapping were becoming like a trendy publicity stunt. Bitch word were thrown here and there, sideways, left, right, back and front like we used to crumble papers and throw it aimlessly in the examination hall when it ends. Here, in my home state, the situation which children that has siblings which were bore by different mother were called ‘ adik beradik’ amongst them. But, it took an interesting turn as siblings were from different father but the same mother. They were termed as ‘ saudara anjing ’. Like earlier mentioned, the nature of female canine making up with different male canine ( In other words; one size ~ fits all ) has spurned this degradation term. Worst, it lingers till the children. Well, saudara anjing may not be registered as an official lingo in Kamus Dewan, but, it reflected that human do indeed learned a lot from animals.

Before ending this blog; I would like to extend my wishing to those families and friends which are going to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Gong Hei Gong Hei! Golden Rats everywhere!

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