07 July 2008

The Gray Matter

Assume me as an Anwar avid supporter. Anwar Ibrahim. He used to be head of ABIM.An Islamic youth movement. A man who aspires the young and took charge of reformation against old and dusty establishment corroded with abuse and nepotism. He looks promising.

Lets brush aside the allegation which this 61 year old politician is involved in sodomy with a 23-year old male university student. This is just the same technique to ploy his downfall exactly 10years ago. Don’t you happen to hear that a murderer never uses the same weapon which failed to ‘kill’ its target in its previous attempt. Let alone, leave this bickering to the others to analyze and speculate. Go ahead conduct some sophisticated fabrication DNA test or tap on some madam Zorra advice regarding Anwar facial acupuncture hotspot to determine his wrongdoings of sodomy is true or lies. Never trust them, because only God knows besides Anwar.

He is one inch closer from being the fifth prime minister. Yet, his boss have retrenched him. That happened ten years ago. With Rahim Noor held responsible, I further had trust in Anwar. He has enshrined a vision for better Malaysia, an Islamic and non secular Malaysia. He had made UMNO looked less secular. He is nationalistic too. He justified the usage of Bahasa Baku. The exact pronouncation disregarding any regional slang. Now I’m saying ‘saya’ instead of KL tongue ‘sayer’. Just that he did not accomplished it. I’ am enthralled by his vision, fortifies my support towards him.

Anwar is a standing tall beacon of light, standing near a hill, beside a ravaging sea. His rock solid foundation is made of pure enthuastic supporters. His supporters once were high intellect people which past even rooted from UMNO. The party which they seek to relinquish on the basis of reformation, change and restoration of justice. Names like Dr. Chandra Mudzaffar and Ezam Mohammad Noor used to stood beside Anwar and his tireless political quest to reform Malaysia. I call them heroes and the incredible think-tank of the party. Capable of denouncing Tun Mahathir authority during the height of reformasi. The taunt, the cries and shouting. Now, they have changed side. They never really understood the struggle of PKR perhaps. Should I call them coward of giving up too early? Nah! Even UMNO has their defectors.

Yet, Anwar still never lose his shine. He insist he could attract more current ruling Parlimentary members to join him, I mean, his side. He never let departure of Ezam Mohammad Noor from neutral to the opponent side stall his quest. By the final weeks of June, there were talks that four BN Mp’s were changing sides. Who is Ezam? Just a political apparatus to be brought around town making noises about how dissatisfied with his former party and tens-of-thousand strong youth division he led. Anwar mentioned that the recent allegation of sodomy has affected this plan. Like an interrupted gear shift when the clutch is not fully pressed. Its okay. I buy his words and willing to wait and support him avidly.

To spruce things up, this leader has made some sort of guarantee to become a PM by 16th of September. Coinciding with Hari Malaysia. Even the old days oracles and fortune teller has been very generally ‘playing safe’ in predicting events and occurrences that would come in their life: eg. “Between the fifth and sixth full moon of the year”, “ days after the full tide”. Anwar is a very highly-disciplined and business minded person. 16th September is the set date. Only he did not mention about the exact time. On 17th September, expect a euphoria filled Malaysian as they expect cheaper fuel. I’m buying his words, and remained his avid supporter.

Another reason why I call Anwar is a beacon, is because his promise of lowering the fuel price as soon as he becomes a PM. Surely, we, rakyat lately has lost our sight and in need of light from this beacon. Our sight has become blurred, and recent price hike has made our steps becomes slower and sloppier. The only thing is, the standing still on solid foundation beacon has not yet been installed by high beam, fog penetrating light bulb. The government are very rhetoric in teaching us to be less subsidy reliant. It is not issue to being subsidy free. This is about the oil reserves which we had in our backyard, our property, our rights and our khazanah. Who deserves them any better than us! The rakyat of Malaysia. Yes! Lower the price of fuel because its our lifeline. A light which Anwar would lay upon our path, is cheaper petrol and diesel. A post-election manifesto since election were held when he is still under restriction or pantang politik . Do not assume its gimmick or populist affair. It has to be taken seriously. because a single cent of fuel hike affects the rakyat, especially the poor and disadvantaged. Now we see a sudden rise of 78cents, would we just stand there and do nothing?

Cheaper fuel means cheaper breakfast when I go to college. Cheaper taxi rate as I travel to college. Cheaper stationeries and materials needed for my studies. GPMS suggested a student card which local IPTs can enjoy student rate everywhere you go. Right now, I do not see a single fire. Do you think the leaders knew how local students felt? No. Their son and daughters are in universities abroad where flights to homeland are worth a whole semester of tuition fees here. I do not mind leaving the ‘wanting-cheap-mentality’, if my family only breadwinner has increased wage. But look. We are getting poorer instead of richer. We are having government that asks us to step back instead of moving fourth. Its is not that we are having famine here, but its irritating when prices goes up and the value of current wages keeps decreasing. Anwar casts ray of light. On top of projection of becoming PM by 16th September, he made another promise of reducing fuel price. I bought his word and remained an avid supporter.

His other mission is to dismantle laws regarding detaining without questioning. Nations who lauded justice and freedom resorted to detaining of civilian without questioning. Ironically, this very nation also provides backing up and political hospitality to Anwar. Ever heard of that state? In the far far west? Yes! This state has a little brother near East Asia. They call this other state ‘little sheriff’. This little sheriff strongly advocates preemptive strike. Plans of sending rockets to suspected targets on nations outside its geopolitical border without inspecting or questioning. That is seriously not adil.

Lets see how this promising Anwar handle the fragile multiracial harmony in Malaysia. Lets see how he exercise his power when he heard convincing whispers in the air that someone is plotting something, but he has no prove to neither detain nor stop them. If this all never happens in the span of next 2years, yet, I still buy what promising Anwar says, avidly supporting him. Who am I?

I won’t support the current government either. They are corroded with power abuse and nepotism. They are the ones who made the fuel rise 78cent giving spasm of stroke-like shock to rakyat like me. They were the party which world paradoxes with rakyat. They live in denial. Their state divisions are always holding meeting and making news headlines so common and boring like: Kesemua bahagian sebulat suara menyokong Pak Lah. ( All division in unison pledged their support to Pak Lah ). Duh. Come down to a kedai kopi, then you look how reality plays its role.

Then, rakyat should immense themselves into a much liberal political realm of being the non-alligned. The gray matter of politics. We neither advocate, nor support to any party. No allegiance towards any collective bodies. When someone asks you: “ Which party are you supporting “, just simply answer “ Undi itu rahsia

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