29 May 2008

Part 1: Enigma and Eclipse

1988- UMNO split into two and Team B created Semangat46; 1998 - Anwar was sacked and some of UMNO heavyweight did leave the party, 2008 – What now, UMNO ?

When a prime minister is sworn in, he or she had made a contract just like any other civil servant to provide the best service for the country. To bring out the best of their wit, brawn, strength and for the well-being of the country. To assist and ensure that the daily running of administration went as smooth as it can possibly be . They were summoned to give undivided attention towards the problems. They were given the duty to help And when times come, their service had been no longer needed or due age factor, perhaps, personal decision, they are free from these responsibility and continue their daily life

What does an ex-prime minister has to trouble themselves to involve in hectic government bureaucracy and criss-crossing politicking when they can enjoy the freshly crisp newspaper over a cup of tongkat ali while grabbing a pencil to settle a soduku or two at the comfort of own home. They may have more than enough to spend with their pension/gratuity scheme which keeps coming in every month.

But no money could compensate the trouble and tiresome role of prime minister. State assemblymen gets death threat and mailed with live bullets for their minor legislative recommendations, just imagine how prime minister with their vast influence of power gets live bullets and threats. During my fishing trip in Kenyir back last year, a man told me that a Mentri besar (state minister) he knew had six bomohs (shaman) to protect him everywhere he goes; staving off evil spirits and avoid any untoward harm. I guess, a prime minister then should be having a dozen of bomoh trailing wherever he goes as he is more vital and important. Just a thought.

For me no evil spirits or whatsoever jinx can influence the wisdom of a leader. The strength of thinking and the mantle of mind is the one that dictate the behavior and decision of a certain leader. The passion of leaders to get things organized and executed successfully leaves no room for little things

The fracas began when Tun Dr. Mahathir admitted that “ he sometimes made mistakes in making decisions”, even the strongest of bomohs cannot stave away the bad auras in making bad decision.

The moment Tun Dr. Mahathir started to criticize the current leadership of Malaysia casts confusions over me. I thought he was over with the government? It’s been a year since he passes the baton to his handpicked successor and now he wants to be replaced. Why would’nt Tun Mahahir just stays at his home and enjoy a fresh crisp newspaper and settled a soduku over a cup of tongkat ali?

Shouldn’t Mahahir showed his undivided support towards UMNO and his successor. Does the role of Proton advisor, Petronas University chancellor and President of the Perdana Leadership makes him busy enough?

Picture this, Tun Mahathir as a retired PM. Supporting all Pak Lah decisions. When reporters with their flashy cameras and sound recorders came by, he would have commented on the recent March election as “kita tak ada rezeki. Kita akan cuba lain pilihanraya akan datang”. Tun Mahathir then would be rhetorically writing a column or two in the newspapers that Pak Lah is the best and should be strongly nominated as Bapa Pembangunan Insan. Tun Mahathir would be praising Pak Lah because his non-confrontational method makes Malay a stronger and resilient race in Malaysia in-line with UMNO purpose. Tun Mahathir would just announced that he is stunned that Pak Lah can achieved 5 development corridors during his 5year tenure as PM while he can only made 1 corridor during his 22year premiership. Tun would have lauded Pak Lah decision in limiting the expenditure on superstructures and megaprojects. Tun publishing a book entitled “play safe: new trend of national spending for a developing country”. Picture Tun making rounds of speech urging the rakyat to wait and give Pak Lah time to initiate changes. Even though his policy changes are poorly implemented, ineffective or lead to bigger loopholes.

Of course, the above description is just an imaginary Mahathir which stood by UMNO right or wrong. Yet, its too far too sad to believe that as a fact. I wouldn’t believe that would be Mahathir. Tun Mahathir never wanted to associate himself with the weak and incapable. He is a political realist. He sees too many and too much of mockery towards the Malays due to UMNO failure to step-in and confront. Its Pak Lah style of reservist ‘elegant silence’ sets an example to other followers. Politics is a dirty game of no moral on grounds of freedom and equality. When UMNO showed silence, the opponents showed no empathy but keep beating the drum making more noises.

Noises during the Mahathir era are bearable and more sensitive. There were complaints of KL roads full of hole, Muslim civil servant not wearing veil, haze (which opposition blame on Mahathir megaprojects, partly blamed on Mahathir firaun dictatorship), Why Siti Hasmah did not wear veil, corruption which resulted in KLIA, Sepang F1 and Petronas Twin Tower coming out of nowhere and allegedly nepotism which now we sees Mukhriz himself became an MP at 43 while Khairy is 34 and aiming to be a PM before 40.

But politics now has been blown out of proportion and insensitive. The Monarchy has been virtually dragged into the scene. Opposition has become bolder in questioning the rights of Malay. Once is fine, twice is still comfortable, but comes three and countless of times, its not only morally degrading for the Malays but also may spurn new cadets that openly and bravely tries to refute Malay rights. Like blind loyalist hummed by the music of equal opportunities, they are like race horses which eyes were covered to win.. Honestly, the swiftly looked Malay rights and agendas seem incorrect and unjust, and would guarantee a good chance of winning if it were bashed. Frantically moving forward thinking they were right from the start

Yet, the idea of confronting head on is something that not all leaders could do. One mistake shall ruin a political career. Odds are, if Khairy wouldn’t have been associated with Pak Lah, this Oxford educated politician could have been the single strongest staunchest opponent of ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ ideologies brought forth by the opposition. He has proven himself to be capable of confronting heads on and are quite familiar with their tactics and stratagem. Poor boy, Khairy is proven not to be very popular outside UMNO.

It was Tun Mahathir himself that made himself available when on times like these. He never let him sharp critical mind and deep wisdom being consumed by old age. Never laid back at home enjoying a cup of tongkat ali while filling some soduku boxes. Never his style to let a disease inside UMNO festers. It is his timely move. So do the opponents themselves see this as a window of golden opportunity. Lately the opponent did not resort to personal attacks on Pak Lah, but concentrated on attacks of his administration. The opponents would love to see Pak Lah retain his position, as they smelled their victory seems to be on a straight well-tarred and unobstructed road. Weakening the outside before seeing the rot inside UMNO settle the rest.

Opponents were playing chicken switch game, where Tun’s every action were prepared with placards to lambast/condemn him with allegations. His urge for the PM to be replaced were being criticized as being ‘interference of government proceeding’. If Tun were criticizing the bureaucracy of Pak Lah run government he would have been accused of trying to be a PM for the second time. I hope, with long experience and strong political wisdom, Tun would strike a good chord in achieving his vision. Enduring in this three way argument is proven hard, especially Tun who can be seen as opposed by both sides and seen as the weakest entity.

If Tun wanted to see Pak Lah being succeeded with a new leader, whom would it be? If it were mend for Najib, why? And on the opponent side, who is vying for that post?


Anonymous said...

I am very surprise that this article is written by someone who only 21 years old. It is very wise yet thought-provoking.
May I feature this article in my blog and link back to you? Thanks.


Suffian Ariff said...

Sure I have no problem with that, but there are some language error which I have not corrected at the moment.

Thank You for spending time and reading it, I really appreciate yr attention. Have a nice day.

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