31 May 2008

Part 2: Vying the Sixth

The best way to describe Mahathir wanting Najib Tun Razak to be the sixth prime minister would be simple: Terhutang Budi.

I suspect that during the Tun Razak minister ship, it was Mahathir only comeback opportunity. After losing in 1969 election and personally sending letters which demands Tunku Abdul Rahman resignation (which earned him the first ouster from UMNO), Mahathir landed between the cracks of the floor. Perhaps he may be at the crossroads and intend to pursue his carrer in medicine doctor at Klinik Maha of Alor Setar. Tun Razak at the time has realized that amidst the turmoil in UMNO which image tarnished pretty badly due to the 1969 incident, there is something else important to pursue: The gathering of Malay intelligentsia and future capable leaders. Names like Musa Hitam and Mahathir Mohammad was incarcerated into UMNO itself.

It was Tun Razak time when Tun Mahathir proceed from being a parliamentarian elected senator to a full fledge rakyat voted parliament member. Tun Razak may have set the path and foreseen the capability of Mahathir to lead the nation, in turn, leads Mahathir to hold high-profile cabinet positions such as Ministry of Trade and Industry and Ministry of Education. Tun Razak surely has put Mahathir in a political highway which is fast and quick yet still vulnerable to political saboteurs. Tun Musa Hitam at the time was also a hopeful child of the UMNO party which was groomed well enough to possibly become the next prime minister. Like Captain Faiz to Sheikh Mudzaffar he is like a secondary astronaut back up crew which go thru the same thing as the prime candidate does. Tun Musa was under the senior political mentor of Tun Dr. Ismail ( Tun Razak deputy)

Perhaps, just a guess, Tun Razak may have left an unspoken or spoken vision of seeing Najib, his eldest son to carry on the legacy left by him. It may have made known by Tun himself. And as a return favor towards Tun Razak which has opened wide the political opportunity windows, Tun may have made a pledge/promise in which to see Najib become a prime minister before he dies.

Probably, this is why Tun Dr. Mahathir is in strong urgency to see Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as prime minister to resign .The position can be succeeded by Najib Tun Razak as he is currently the legal ‘prime-minister in waiting’. This can further be proven by Tun Mahathir repeatedly saying that he intends to make Najib his successor, but the factor of his early age has hindered it from happening at this moment. The alleged Tun Mahathir deal with Pak Lah seems to put the picture much clearer, as the latter was supposedly to step down after a single 5 year term. The alleged ‘deal’ was refuted by Pak Lah.

Of course, the above are some of the wild guesses as observed from the past UMNO political scene, but the truth is when Tun Dr. Mahathir denounced his membership, Najib Tun Razak was thousand kilometers away from Malaysia. He was attending a trade related convention in Sharm-al Sheik somewhere in Egypt. When the news came to him that the former 22-year UMNO leader has quit from the party, the media reporters and journalist rushed to see him. Response was pretty shocking: He was seen crying with eyes a bit watery and voice a bit wobbling.

He even reinstated that he would personally meet Tun Dr. Mahathir to talk on his quit from UMNO, perhaps, to pursue the former PM in reconsidering his decision on the grounds that “his guidance and advice is very much needed in hard times when the party is in bad shape and badly need to strengthen up after a political tsunami during the march election”

The reaction in Egypt was so much different in Malaysia where Pak Lah henchmen were lambasting Tun action. From Rafidah to Zaid Ibrahim. From Shahrir Samad to Muhammad Tyson. They said that the old men is blackmailing, short-sighted, had a personal agenda, disloyal, etc. etc. What else the smaller UMNO branches leader can do? They did what they usually do before, being like a lackey, they gathered and discussed over a teh suam and a bunch of bananas. Pledge their undivided and loyal support to Pak Lah. Yet, giving this PM another comfortable imagery of being the ‘untouchable’, a similar comfort which Pak Lah gets before the March election. The Wanita had become like a bitch who had found a richer and more influential men to sidestep her own husband, literally, by dismissing what Tun has been saying lately. The other Tun who once worked hand-in-hand with Mahathir had turned his favor in joining the ‘others’ in dissing Tun. Apparently, like a rule of thumb, it is easier to hate people that people commonly hates. Almost everybody in UMNO does the same thing as the Malay sayings ‘Lalang kena tiup angin’

It has brought to me a question which why these screaming ‘Hidup Pak Lah!’ chanters were really into him leading UMNO or just had to plain pretentious loyalist?

Along comes the UMNO old timer, Aziz Tapa with his suggestion to drag the Monarchy along to settle this in-house political dispute. As he described “Both is fire. Fire going heads on against fire isn’t going to settle a thing”

On the opposition sides, the odds are very cloudy and uncertain. ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ party may be plotting their own agenda/drama/counter-reaction if the royalties were to oppose their candidacy of prime minister after what had happened in Perak. This plot got to create a big bang as it marks the zenith of their success and epitome of their effort which may be brightly marked in the chapters of their establishment in ‘revolutionizing’ Malaysia and altering the social fabrics.

The royalty, indeed must be prepared to answer a few questions posed by the ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ which had spend millions of human thinking hours digging the constitution in to find a way in asserting their desires. They may start with trivial ‘trigger’ question such as: - Why have you shown sense of dislike/fear/disgust when our candidate is being proposed democratically as PM? They would ask what have you done back then till you feared our candidate as PM today? Are you implying that our party members are non legitimate citizen of Malaysia? As the constitution stated that being a Malaysia citizen is prerequisite to become a PM.

Instead, it can be a less prerogative affair. Do not forget, this "Malaysian Malaysia" party has Malay members too. Perhaps, they would have placed a Malay candidate and made him/her as a ‘vacuum’ prime minister. As for top-crop leaders, they turn themselves as masters of puppetry.

The PAS side may take a spiritual approach and their vision of Islamic Malaysia may catapult this wonderful nation into the pre-independent era where Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu and Perlis were in non-aligned states while the rest took a liberal way, putting their own ‘prime minister of non-aligned Malay states’ perhaps their own shadow cabinet . Surely, this is what we predicted by marriage of convenience, a polarization not by race, instead by ideologies according to regions. Anwar, the un-surrendering hustler vying to be the first non-national front PM has got his hands shaking frantically to carve his name in Malaysia history textbooks ( by September 2008, he expected an early election, just in time I would be a legal voter. Yay!). His dreams: The first defect of UMNO which made it to become a PM, making UMNO looking like the worst decision of the century.

His road is never that easy. He may be strong willed and laid spectacular promises like reducing the price of fuel ‘exactly the day after he was sworn as PM’ (Harini saya jadi PM, esok turun harga minyak!) which makes the mat lumba+custom kereta roaring like lion king and queens. He should have not forget the terms of understanding between his party and the other two forged were rather towards toppling BN and stuffing leaders like Mahathir into jail, not any concrete terms/guides/understanding of ruling this nation in a harmonious way if God willing them to create a federal government. The other two parties too may be vying for the PM position and had long established in the arena of politics. Why should they bow to an amateur party?

In this tumultuous period and tireless race for the sixth PM, what can we as a rakyat do? Where does UMNO and Malays lead after all this? Time never waited for anyone as this the fifth PM seat becomes hotter.

Thank you for reading this second and final part of the Lackey series. You may leave your share of thoughts/feedback/response on the comments section!

29 May 2008

Part 1: Enigma and Eclipse

1988- UMNO split into two and Team B created Semangat46; 1998 - Anwar was sacked and some of UMNO heavyweight did leave the party, 2008 – What now, UMNO ?

When a prime minister is sworn in, he or she had made a contract just like any other civil servant to provide the best service for the country. To bring out the best of their wit, brawn, strength and for the well-being of the country. To assist and ensure that the daily running of administration went as smooth as it can possibly be . They were summoned to give undivided attention towards the problems. They were given the duty to help And when times come, their service had been no longer needed or due age factor, perhaps, personal decision, they are free from these responsibility and continue their daily life

What does an ex-prime minister has to trouble themselves to involve in hectic government bureaucracy and criss-crossing politicking when they can enjoy the freshly crisp newspaper over a cup of tongkat ali while grabbing a pencil to settle a soduku or two at the comfort of own home. They may have more than enough to spend with their pension/gratuity scheme which keeps coming in every month.

But no money could compensate the trouble and tiresome role of prime minister. State assemblymen gets death threat and mailed with live bullets for their minor legislative recommendations, just imagine how prime minister with their vast influence of power gets live bullets and threats. During my fishing trip in Kenyir back last year, a man told me that a Mentri besar (state minister) he knew had six bomohs (shaman) to protect him everywhere he goes; staving off evil spirits and avoid any untoward harm. I guess, a prime minister then should be having a dozen of bomoh trailing wherever he goes as he is more vital and important. Just a thought.

For me no evil spirits or whatsoever jinx can influence the wisdom of a leader. The strength of thinking and the mantle of mind is the one that dictate the behavior and decision of a certain leader. The passion of leaders to get things organized and executed successfully leaves no room for little things

The fracas began when Tun Dr. Mahathir admitted that “ he sometimes made mistakes in making decisions”, even the strongest of bomohs cannot stave away the bad auras in making bad decision.

The moment Tun Dr. Mahathir started to criticize the current leadership of Malaysia casts confusions over me. I thought he was over with the government? It’s been a year since he passes the baton to his handpicked successor and now he wants to be replaced. Why would’nt Tun Mahahir just stays at his home and enjoy a fresh crisp newspaper and settled a soduku over a cup of tongkat ali?

Shouldn’t Mahahir showed his undivided support towards UMNO and his successor. Does the role of Proton advisor, Petronas University chancellor and President of the Perdana Leadership makes him busy enough?

Picture this, Tun Mahathir as a retired PM. Supporting all Pak Lah decisions. When reporters with their flashy cameras and sound recorders came by, he would have commented on the recent March election as “kita tak ada rezeki. Kita akan cuba lain pilihanraya akan datang”. Tun Mahathir then would be rhetorically writing a column or two in the newspapers that Pak Lah is the best and should be strongly nominated as Bapa Pembangunan Insan. Tun Mahathir would be praising Pak Lah because his non-confrontational method makes Malay a stronger and resilient race in Malaysia in-line with UMNO purpose. Tun Mahathir would just announced that he is stunned that Pak Lah can achieved 5 development corridors during his 5year tenure as PM while he can only made 1 corridor during his 22year premiership. Tun would have lauded Pak Lah decision in limiting the expenditure on superstructures and megaprojects. Tun publishing a book entitled “play safe: new trend of national spending for a developing country”. Picture Tun making rounds of speech urging the rakyat to wait and give Pak Lah time to initiate changes. Even though his policy changes are poorly implemented, ineffective or lead to bigger loopholes.

Of course, the above description is just an imaginary Mahathir which stood by UMNO right or wrong. Yet, its too far too sad to believe that as a fact. I wouldn’t believe that would be Mahathir. Tun Mahathir never wanted to associate himself with the weak and incapable. He is a political realist. He sees too many and too much of mockery towards the Malays due to UMNO failure to step-in and confront. Its Pak Lah style of reservist ‘elegant silence’ sets an example to other followers. Politics is a dirty game of no moral on grounds of freedom and equality. When UMNO showed silence, the opponents showed no empathy but keep beating the drum making more noises.

Noises during the Mahathir era are bearable and more sensitive. There were complaints of KL roads full of hole, Muslim civil servant not wearing veil, haze (which opposition blame on Mahathir megaprojects, partly blamed on Mahathir firaun dictatorship), Why Siti Hasmah did not wear veil, corruption which resulted in KLIA, Sepang F1 and Petronas Twin Tower coming out of nowhere and allegedly nepotism which now we sees Mukhriz himself became an MP at 43 while Khairy is 34 and aiming to be a PM before 40.

But politics now has been blown out of proportion and insensitive. The Monarchy has been virtually dragged into the scene. Opposition has become bolder in questioning the rights of Malay. Once is fine, twice is still comfortable, but comes three and countless of times, its not only morally degrading for the Malays but also may spurn new cadets that openly and bravely tries to refute Malay rights. Like blind loyalist hummed by the music of equal opportunities, they are like race horses which eyes were covered to win.. Honestly, the swiftly looked Malay rights and agendas seem incorrect and unjust, and would guarantee a good chance of winning if it were bashed. Frantically moving forward thinking they were right from the start

Yet, the idea of confronting head on is something that not all leaders could do. One mistake shall ruin a political career. Odds are, if Khairy wouldn’t have been associated with Pak Lah, this Oxford educated politician could have been the single strongest staunchest opponent of ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ ideologies brought forth by the opposition. He has proven himself to be capable of confronting heads on and are quite familiar with their tactics and stratagem. Poor boy, Khairy is proven not to be very popular outside UMNO.

It was Tun Mahathir himself that made himself available when on times like these. He never let him sharp critical mind and deep wisdom being consumed by old age. Never laid back at home enjoying a cup of tongkat ali while filling some soduku boxes. Never his style to let a disease inside UMNO festers. It is his timely move. So do the opponents themselves see this as a window of golden opportunity. Lately the opponent did not resort to personal attacks on Pak Lah, but concentrated on attacks of his administration. The opponents would love to see Pak Lah retain his position, as they smelled their victory seems to be on a straight well-tarred and unobstructed road. Weakening the outside before seeing the rot inside UMNO settle the rest.

Opponents were playing chicken switch game, where Tun’s every action were prepared with placards to lambast/condemn him with allegations. His urge for the PM to be replaced were being criticized as being ‘interference of government proceeding’. If Tun were criticizing the bureaucracy of Pak Lah run government he would have been accused of trying to be a PM for the second time. I hope, with long experience and strong political wisdom, Tun would strike a good chord in achieving his vision. Enduring in this three way argument is proven hard, especially Tun who can be seen as opposed by both sides and seen as the weakest entity.

If Tun wanted to see Pak Lah being succeeded with a new leader, whom would it be? If it were mend for Najib, why? And on the opponent side, who is vying for that post?

22 May 2008

The Known Before

“ You are not the person I used to know before” is an extremely common reason to slip out of a relationship. A lame and blatantly cruel escapism which is similar to a men leaving out of a couplehood by meanly telling a girl: “ You’re Fat”

As usual, after a few weeks of break-up due to “Not the person You Used To Be” syndrome, you were left in the clouds of confusion and uncertainties. You tried to rationalize and doing quick flashbacks of how could the past be better than present? You brave yourself and reenter hell by confronting the problem face-to-face. Doing a quicky biopsy, you dialed your just declared ex-girlfriend number and asked her “ How was I when you used to know? ”

Too bad. There was no more magic in the conversation. The chirpy voice is no more there, in turn, you were given cold shoulder instead of first-class treatment. If your fuses blow, you might settle with nothing less than tragic.

Pardon me, Im not choosing sides of which gender is more righteous in this type scenario. Like we all know, during rainy days, everyone gets wet. Apparently, its got to be many different reason of why this kind of syndrome occurs. Mostly, I am well aware the failure to give a concrete reason but the knee-jerk urges to escape/abandon/betray a relationship made either male or female to tick-off with this lame and boring reasoning.

Why knee-jerk in wanting to abandon a relationship? There are good and bad reason. Of course, sensational counts brought the bad reason to light first. The involvement of third party can be primarily blamed. No doubt, the missing-shoulder-to-cry-on is like to a widely opened door of the Ali Baba cavern that contains loads of bountiful treasures. Chances are, the supportive and caring nature of third-party unintentionally or intentionally made them given the chances to get closer. In this hustle bustle world of where the are many things to catch up. Assignments and datelines crisis, why would a men lend their eyes, ear and concern to be a Michael Ong-esque messiah to hear tribulation of a female failing relationship? Surely the lure of intimacy and flings is what drive them?

Who knows? These people perhaps are honest bunch of people with a heart of a Samaritan to help and fix the broken pieces and let wheel of life rolls again. In that case, my statement above may be wrong and made me look like a negative thinker. Yet, too much had to be learned, as underestimating somebody whom popped out of nowhere to help the ailing relationship might turn the table around and gain benefit to themselves instead. In this light, I might be looked by people as someone incapable and weak in maintaining a relationship. Shameful. Decision traps are always around us to gladly cheer when we have failed to conceive a rock-solid solution.

You go too hard it may be wrong. You go too slowly, you might be wasted.

The You-Are-Not-The-Person-I-Used-To-Know-Before syndrome deemed us to be more intuitive in predicting the situation. Yet, our brains are not future prediction calculative machines which are able to make the right decision. Some made the right decision, but at a wrong time. Some made the right decision at the right time but at the wrong places.

Another reason why this easy-escapism say and leave YANTPiUTKB Syndrome would be the intolerance of either party to accommodate current changes. Like money, plants and animals, human grows. They went through various phase of life. Previously, you might be think its cool to listen to NSync, but now Arctic Monkeys is the uber cool music selection. Big Mac might be the largest burger you knew in life, not until Carls Jr. franchise came and change everything and might kill off McD like McD did on A&W in the early 90s.

If there are possibilities which we could save rooms to accommodate the different phase of life and changes that occurs. What I’ am implying is the abilities of oneself to become like a capacitors which able to differentiate the ‘low’ and ‘high’ voltages of companion vibes. Able to keep it when its too high, providing a cushion and release it to proper channels. Communication would be a great thing to do. We don’t want anybody to be lost in translation just because either one of the party were going too quick or too slow. We are scared communicate because communication means the revealing of our mortal weaknesses, which without guarantee may be big mistake if either one had decided to turn the table around. In this case, YANTPiUTKB reason is legitimately used.

I have to admit that I get very temperate/grumpy during submission weeks. We all are accustomed to last-minute work culture (which symptoms were never shown when I had a girlfriend as time calculated to have more spare times, seriously don’t laugh). Even the simplest of question of how to transfer a file from a folder to another would prompt a higher and aggressive intonation. Even simplest jokes may be regarded as cynical assaults. Same goes to a girl along their PMS. They tend to be more ‘prickly’, hit the wrong string and the tune just may being terribly disrupt. These are short term changes.

For long term changes, in which they occur and shows only after prolonged period of time, there are stories of which gets really subjective and mind boggling. Like a fungi that appeared out of cracks of a floor; the causes spanned down the historical record.

There are also changes which are not related at all with the relationship. Such as families influence; like breaking up of families and social influences; like the change of college means change of friends which may belong to different kind of interests yielding you to be a different person. It all incurred in the process of growth which is inevitable.

Yet during these phases of changes are vital if we stood still. It’s a sign that we are not arrogant and problem escapist, it’s a clear indication that we are willing to learn our partner emotional rhythm. And because we grow, we cannot possibly stop the cycle of growth. What am I today may be different from what I’ll be five years from now. May be worst and god willing may be better. Maybe I would be laughing my head off reading this blog in 2013 if God permits. Nothing is gained by hopping relationships, just a bit of ooh ahh-ing by people which knowing us for going in and out of love, for once, for twice and later people get bored by that.

Amazingly, our parents are living proof that humans have the ability to tolerate and survived the hi and lows of companionship for a long duration of time. Like what they may uttered ‘till death do us apart’, indeed, some of them may be educated in the busiest, funkiest and culture-forwarded cities and nation of the world yet still managed to maintain a very long relationship.

10 May 2008

The Handmaiden of God

Who helped you to hush down those bad semester results? Who becomes a mediator when u had a terrible argument with dad?

Mother. They are our lifeline. The mediator when our badly failed mid-term exams demand a big serious explanation. The one that made it possible for candy snack grabs during petrol stops on long journeys and balik kampongs . The one who whispered the right thing to do when ayah gets really mad. The one who gave advice to us which girlfriend that really fit and good which would eventually carry her genes down the line.

My dad used (and still) to be a strict person that forbids me from eating inside the vehicle during long journeys. It was a painful struggle to do so when it involves such long journeys from Bandar Sri Damansara to Pekan Changlun. An almost 5-hour journey without snacks felt like a cat with its neck tied on a leash. Gazing upon a fresh fat fish which is so close yet impossible to reach. Occasional petrol stop made me crave for some of those colourful candies which would enlighten the day and gave the tongue an extra jolt of sweetness.

Mama went inside the petrol mart since ayah has wanted to read the newspaper of the day. I was told to stay inside the vehicle, and as a good boy I did. Looking through the window, I noticed that mama went out the mart only with the newspaper clutched under her armpit. No signs of carbonated water, candy packets, choki-choki or some tid-bits like asamboi. Darn! I cursed myself.

As ayah still busy filling up fuel and summoning the petrol pump workers to soak and clean the windshield with the miraculous squeegee (I thought it was a miraculous invention at that age), slowly, mama took out a packet of candy out of her handbag. I was surprised and excited, smiled from ear to ear. Oh! How nice and wonderful the world is, those were the things that you needed very very much! Plus, its my favorite brand with my favourite variant!

Pandai pandai sorok tau “ my mom reminded me. And I shall devour those candies when dad was on the reclined front passenger seat to pick some rest.

10years sure have passed quickly. It was some of my memoirs which I surely cannot forget. One of my ex-girlfriend still described the look of me seeing happy things as; she elaborately described; “a little boy who got his ice-cream”. In spirits of high and lows, mothers are purely reliable life supporters; they gave hope in ways where we should have run out of viable ways to settle problems. I am very ashamed that I can fail them in many ways. More ashamed, as I realized but changes were not as humanely swift as other kids had possibly done to their parents.

Besides mom, I have met plenty of aspiring and exciting women in my life. Women in Islam are regarded as The Handmaiden of god; their roles are not restricted to baby nursing, household cleaning and meal preparation. They are among the single strongest instrument of believers purveyor. They were given lots of advantage and rights including rights of education, keeping their earned money and dedicated verse in the holy Koran. They are even promised a position in paradise if their struggle to deliver babies ended in departure. Women in Islam are not restricted from liberties, if they love pretty and attractive clothes go ahead and wear it. All is fine as long as the clothes worn are not provocative. Mostly, there is no need to embrace the Western feminism.

The liberties of women in Islam can be simply proven through the equality of sexes which the God has shown. There were no such things as virgin robe, in which women can lead a healthy sexual life (provided done with legit husband) while showing as much divinity towards God. Their basic rights and purpose to function as a human (performing the hajj, doing prayers,having sex) were never taken away without questions of religion impurity.

Western obsession of expressionism/exhibitionism is a bit weird. They love show to the public in frank openness such as wearing lingerie outside just to bring out the vibe of feminism. While ethics rich cultures of hiding/covering a women body were regarded as our stigma seeing women body parts as something shameful. So here we are; like monkey trying to emulate how a donkey walks when we tirelessly tried to embrace western expressionism of publicizing life goings-on and problems, as if life is a one-hour prime-time television drama ala-One Three Hill. The eastern values have taught us the importance of keeping the vibe behind the walls of homes, within the vicinity of family members. And architecturally we see westerners had an affinity of creating big public spaces which contrary to the east side, particularly, the Chinese and Japanese, the importance of integrating gardens or open space within the enclave/enclosure of homes.

08 May 2008

The Falsetto

Remember when you have done your homework badly, your teacher might just throw away your book onto the floor. And when you bow to pick it up, you’ll notice the dust covered exercise book has Rukunegara printed on the back. A series of principles which Malaysians strongly uphold.

Expressing the love for nation through alternative or rather non-conformist ubiquitous channels has never been something new. Butterfingers recently have done it, OAG have done experimenting with it. Two of Malaysian ‘grandmaster’ and longest running band which started humbly inside the comfort of bedroom and per hour basis jamming studios, to gigs. Expect some discreet nationalism as the next uber coolness, which these artist imbue into their songs delivering very strong message in their lines and clips about the need for us to save the nation budding talents and crawling industry against the raging wave of music from one particular neighbouring country whose songs and artist pouring in without limit or stoppage. From OAG OrAnG cover which features red, blue and yellow colour theme for the cover art and Butterfingers 1000tahun clip featuring skit news clips on current on-going in Malaysia. The message is very clear: If we were reluctant to support the local music industry, then, who else?

Who can we blame? With the advent of internet and broadband technology, listening to our neighboring nation artist song would be as quick as a few clicks away. Frankly, their songs do have an edge over our songs. Probably their brave and daring producers such as Melly Goeslow which songs seems to keep up with the pace and never slowing on any tempo impressed me. The first time I heard “Jika”, somewhat around 2000, a duet with Arilasso gave my music taste buds a gush of fresh air and uplifting experience during times which the local music scene were saturated with Siti Nurhaliza and other Siti wannabes melancholy jiwangness. Even Arilasso rahsia wanita is a daring lyrical experimentation which never fails to hook listeners attention and it just tickles.

Indeed, after the Indonesian invasion into our music market, artists, producers and composers scrambled to find a formula which intends to explore and diversify the ever demanding music taste of Malaysian. At that moment they realized the potential of exploring unchartered territory of our 20million citizen thirst for diversified music. Yet, Its lucid enough to see that our industry was in a brink of collapsing that time, even the industry figures were adamant to admit it. As our struggling producers, artists and composers become a bit brave in experimenting ( after the likes of Melly Goeslow has done ) with new flavors of music, they still hampered us. I still respect those who had a career flop when venturing into new genre of music as there are those who are ignorant to changes.

Some were too ignorant, and still pushes the envelope of Siti-Nurhaliza-esque melancholy jiwangness to the extend of overexposure sickness. Thinking pattern of a strictly business person; As long as they can produce lots of money, then show them as many time as possible. The ignorance can still be found today when reality show winners were asked to do cooking shows, talk-shows, travelling shows and charity shows; if you know who I refer to. As if this ‘world’ had never had enough of this artist. People of this kind were the ones that going to ruin the industry with stagnancy of distasteful music. They were being given undeserving heavy rotation to the extend, people were forced to listen whether they like it or not. Perhaps with the intention people may get accustomed to it even though the voice was creaking like stuck gearshifts and sounded as ugly as mesin padi.

This resulted in music fans seeking outside music flavors to quench their thirsts for something unique and different.

Today, the turbulence times of our music industry has over, and we walked out of the hiatus with added maturity and with simply more stylistic face, most notable change, the almost wiped out melancholy jiwangness Siti-wannabes out of the local music industry and independent bands winning mainstream awards. It all sums up to a matter of time and our willingness to support them all the way to turn the table around. Its our support and contribution to make it possible these stars would enter the neighboring music scene. Do realize, we have become a nation long enough to have a generational fans, like M.Nasir and Sheila Majid whom my parents loved to listen to were being passed onto me. They did not ask me to listen to them, but what they did was tuning their stereos to their tunes. Other names may include Zainal Abidin, Anita Sarawak and Jamal Abdillah which attempt to refresh their image seems to a bit rocky. Overtime, I learned to appreciate it. I grew up listening to them It’s now or never for us- the current generation- to start looking into the scene and pass the ‘artsy-legacy’ onto the younger generation for them to appreciate. Please do teach your kids to listen honest non-profit motivated artist. Not disastrous distasteful ‘world’ artist.

When the time comes for our industry rise back into prominence, then, those bitterly silent pledges done by OAG and Butterfingers shall be a meaningful move for them, as it takes serious guts to oppose general opinions, and relay it through music. The excruciating pain of standing under the shadows of giants, as giants now refers to neighboring nation bands which took the music scene by storm. Although, rhetorically speaking, music never speak any particular language and music does not divide/border between religion, skin colour or income rate, yet, there is no doubt the healthy competition should exist.

In future, we would brace ourselves for surprises that together runs the industry; as for years of tune experimentation, brilliant, conceptualized and thought provoking artist like Bjork might rise to fame, although having only niche fans with wacky unaligned instrumentation recordings and fusion with contemporary visual arts, yet still, it’s the new many faces of music. The smaller the niche, the visible it will be.

In Bjork case, her messages delivered were none of the Icelandic entertainment industry struggle against any of its neighboring influence, but, the message has become broad and globally interpreted. How should the Chinese government respond if the above song is dedicated to Tibet? Bjork looks cute, but this petite singer is no pop sex toy, she must have inherited the outspoken trait from her unionist leader dad. The poetry skills now have extended beyond “aku cinta padamu, adakah kau cinta padaku” theme. It has become somewhat an intellect game which employs nerve warfare, these boys of MCKK packed with nationalism have chosen this platform rather than what other MCKK boys does; the parliament and courthouses. Music has now become a statement of thousand exclamation mark.

03 May 2008

The Mayday

Labourers. They thrive, drive, spurs and stirs the economy. Their brute strength and service is compensated with wages. Which will eventually be spend and spread to the different branches of the economy.

Looking back at the Sejarah Tingkatan5 textbook, you’ll notice that the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States is more than a show-off of advanced weaponry or spy versus spy duel. It was more likely a war of ideology. It begun during a kitchen exposition in Moscow when the Russian premier Nikita Khrushchev bravely pointed his finger “we will bury you” (My vas pokhoronim!) towards the capitalist-based western world, particularly the United States. Nations which practices socialism and communism formed a coalition so-called the communist-bloc. The 1957 Malaysian Independence was partly due to the swift wind of anti-colonialism brought along with communism. The British feared it would consume and win the-hearts-and-mind of Malaya citizen. Even, the opportunistic Lee Kwan Yew realized the threat of communism towards his political career, party and Singapore when he proposed the nation-state count into the formation of Malaysia. In the textbook, we were made known that communism is bad since it never allowed its patron to practice religion. Mind you, Iran and Egypt sided with the communist bloc/eastern-bloc. Personally, communism was not that bad at all. The holiday declared on 1st of May is a legacy left by communism itself.

Diving back further into history, when France was declared as a republic, there are groups of people which declared themselves as the ‘bourgeois’ in the heavily structured social fabric. In Malaysia, the bourgeois class person would be equivalence to the middle-upper class who cari makan through their connection with people of higher places. This class of people disgust the absolute power of royal monarchy and collectively supplanted them. They positioned themselves as people with influence and capable of pointing fingers towards a desired direction where the nation should leads. They maintain close relationship with the ruling/high class. They assume themselves as the crème-de-la-crème and have some sort of bargaining power with the ruler in term of taxes and fine. Burgoise people owns guilts,factories, smelters and plants which employ the proletariats.

Standing below the bourgeois class, are the proletariats. These people are also known as the working-class. They worked in the factories, smelters and plants owned by the bourgeoisies. They are the one who demanded the increase of pay, better allowances and a higher pay for their labor. Hence putting the relationship into a dilemma since the bourgeois are concerned in putting their cost as low as possible and pushing the workers to the extreme limits. With working hours spanning from daybreak till sundown. Women were forced to work under harsh circumstances and children as early as 8years old doing labor are rampant. The bourgeoisies were nothing but filthy rich people putting ruling government on leash made of money.

Karl Marx regarded the bourgeois as people who exploit the proletariats. In our terms would be making money atas angin (out of other work). The bourgeois would be paying a small/minimal sum of money as wages for the proletariats’ labour and sell it for a higher price. This gives them extra income which would be divided into two major portion; first, as for private profit taking and the other part for buying raw materials in order for their work and production to continue. Karl Marx lambasted this idea of socio-economic arrangement as a promotion of master and slave cum exploitation situation. He lauded that the working class are more eligible to determine their wealth distribution.

Communities were preferred rather than selected few, thus the commune lend the origin word for ‘communism’. The hammer and sickle was a sign of power which belongs to the working class.

The proletariats are not uneducated bunch of plebs. They are capable of getting organized created a uniform partisan that reject the bourgeois class. When the proletariats upraised, socialism is effectively in action. Thus, when the bourgeois don’t exist who would own and runs the factories, plants and production facilities? They all become the property of the state. This means the proletariats earned their living straight from the state government. That is why in communist country, celebrity businessman like Donald Trump virtually don’t exist. These countries qualify ‘socialism’. The nation which pretty much opposes the communism-bloc was distraught by this awakening thus making rooms for creation of labor unions and extra provisions in labor rights. Socialism was as strong as a male goose, and all of the capitalist nation could do is allowing the emasculated/downgraded form of socialism fused with democracy in their political scenario. For instance, the current ruling Labour Party of UK headed by Gordon Brown.

Some people said that you cannot drive without looking at the rear view provided by the side mirror or the rear-view mirror. History has taught us that any country in this god green earth could never function with an income gap that is tremendously visible. On the current situation where Malay special right are highly debated and youngsters being hummed to the music of ‘equal opportunities’ and playing-on-the-same-field, they should be made known that the consequences of high differential income among citizens are real and dangerous.

Government interventions in implementing ‘affirmative actions’ to ensure Malays were not lagging in economy should be looked in positive light as a mechanism to close up the income gap/margin. A study conducted reveals that for every RM1 the Malays earned, the Chinese earns RM1.25. Although this income gap is considerably harmless and relatively small, it may take another 100over year to reach income parity between these two races. Yet , the effort to speedily narrow down the income margin would be futile if the mechanism employed were being abused to feed the already fat and rich ‘select-boirgeois-Malay’ whose sons and daughters zooms through the LDP on full pedal while donning their expensive overgrown DKNY/Gucci/Bvlgari/Ray-ban overgrown shades and regards the fuel price increase as a mozzie bite.

The Second International meeting was held in 1910 where representatives of labour and socialist met in Paris; apparently the place where the word ‘bourgeois’ originated. They have declared 1st of May as the official labour day and the legacy continues till today. Personally, I'am neither a proponent of communism nor opponent of capitalism. Both has its pros and cons. Yet,both can never escape the wrath of corruption. But communism made it clear that it is not about restriction on religion freedom ugly face which we see in textbooks, but rather to equality of wealth and balanced social fabric it has offered. Still much had to be learned. I’m just plain glad to usher May with a holiday!