13 March 2008

Part 2 - Rotten Tongue of Asslickers

Read the news. Those media still backs Pak Lah. They boasted BN simple majority like they did not know that it was the coalition worst record ever. Once again mainstream media tried to play their roles in distorting obvious and shocking facts.

The media spin was furiously promoting BN during the election fever. Newspapers were doing weekend columns that think security in Malaysia is far above mediocre leveling at satisfactory. Free-to-air channels are running forums that say BN is very much subsidizing the prices of oil for the benefit of rakyats. Commercial airtimes were filled with BN advertisements which focus on the Selamat Aman Makmur manifesto. There was one MCA advert which shows foreign parliament members physical fighting scene which the party never resorted to in pursue of ‘working silently to bring effective results’

Weekends forums boasted about the effectiveness of BN government that successively delivered steady stream of modernization and wealth to Malaysian for the past 50years. While Malaysians were more worried about the future; years to come. BN can boast about their past achievement, but simply they cannot ignore the English saying: tomorrow won’t be promised today.

Another blatant lies will be the government ignorance, bleak eye towards the increasing price of items, insecurity and racial dissatisfaction issues. Instead of solving it, they were swept under rug. Which in turn made the people becomes angrier. Like pouring petrol onto a raging fire, government kept making advert/statement in media which refuted and denied the minority allegations government mismanagement. The credibility and trust worthiness of the ruling federal government has taken a sharp deep. Everywhere from Chinese gerai makan till Indian community halls, the government has been bashed to the max ( kutuk rapat ), and when they turn on the TV, they acts as paradox. Telling people that rakyat still loves the way BN manages the nation.

The governments were very stucked-up until Malaysia itself can qualify for an oligarchy nation. Matters like Pak Lahs ‘Kitchen Cabinet’ were countless times denied. While lauding they were practicing democracy… which happens once in 5years, not all the time.Just something to share with you about the 99.9% success of Pak Lah in 2004 elections, I have embedded this Youtube video.

For the past few months before election, news headlines repeatedly feature Pak Lah rhetoric statement that no ethnic minorities were being left behind. Pak Lahs vows to work together with Malaysian. Pak Lah concerns with rakyat trouble and tribulations. Pak Lah denying positioning his son-in-law Khairy on political fast seat. Samy Vellu overconfidence and expectations that Indians votes shall never be swayed due to the HINDRAF issues. Days before election sees hundreds of Indians switching party from PKR to MIC and making statements which pretty much degenerate the previous party. The reality that many Indians has lost faith in MIC was buried into oblivion. Chinese concern of BN becoming of a single ethnic party was another thing receiving heavy rotation of public mouth.

Now that the election has 'spoken' the voice of rakyat. News websites, TV channels and other mainstreams were pretty much sticking to the ass-licking attitude of the federal government initiates a noble effort to save face of their beloved Pak Lah-led BN. News about how he retained the Kepala Batas Parlimentary seat ( do note his reduced majority ) and Najib Tun Razak winning with higher majority were given center stage rather than Kedah new MB, Kelantan tightened hold by PAS, PKR candidate first foray into minister ship and DAP fully routed Gerakan in Penang. I think people are happier to lend their ears and eyes to that kind of news. It’s a message which they have been talking for the past few years, and only a few days ago, it has translated into the so-called political tsunami.

But poor mainstream media. They were like motivational speech-givers conveying endless word-of-support to a failing students that have flopped miserably in exams. And this nepotism ‘student’ has no use in giving motivation since he’ll definitely cripple BN to an irreversible damage. The components may suffer collateral damages.

It translated that the BN people has totally lost touch with reality. The piece of news they ever heard was the operating rooms telling local campaign chief which passes it to the constituent that eventually tells the parliament operatives that everything is going fine and smooth; BN will get the 2/3 majority. People sayang Pak Lah. But, if any of these ranks come and sit and have a coffee or sheesha coupled with frank conversation among commoners, then they will obviously get chilled to the bones on how rakyat lost trust in current government. These chilling facts being given to the higher ranks would mean BN will never rent any convention room of PWTC with mega screens just to celebrate their ‘predicted’ victory. TV3 played the repeats of Gangstaz the night after election announcement. I guess, the timeslot has been reserved for any BN victory ball party but instead were cancelled and replaced by the boring reality show.

But the votes of rakyats doesn’t cast strong shockwave to shook Pak Lah into leaving his position as PM. For him the voices of Majlis Tertinggi UMNO ( UMNO High Council, a collective of high ranking political officers that made vital directives ) matters most. He is still being hummed by sight and sound of the fantasy world, flanked with thousand of his strong supporters that taunted “Hidop Pak Lah! Hidop BN!”, he sure felt untouchable. Its time for Majlis Tertinggi UMNO to realize that Pak Lah is becoming more of liability to the sang saka bangsa and BN as a whole. Like a cancer/gangrene disease, he should be dissected ( di-sacked-ted ) or in medical terms; amputated, just like thinking of medicine doctor Mahathir statement earlier . It would be early to do it now since the pain will be short and quick. Rather than the next 5years which damage may worsen to the unthinkable? Surely Pak Lah wouldn’t want to see himself as the next opposition leader in the opposition bench?

Media right now are in crossroads. Even information minister Zainuddin Maidin himself which pretty much reins the information has fallen in Sg.Petani. They either have to report the sour defeat of BN or continue to be asslickers by praising and boasting BN simple majority win and their good delivery for the past 50years like they are the gods of wealth and equality. What kind of crossroads does the media has to experience if BN becomes the next opposition?

Thanks to the miracle of technology, the advent of blogs and websites enable people like us explore the truth and logic of Malaysia socio-politics that were often blurted out. The widespread penetration of broadband internet and alternative news media gives the rakyat bigger pictures of what is going on. Also through miracle of social utilities we see pictures of these thickly buttered oversea studying spoilt son and daughters of MP’s using their ‘elite minority’ parents allowance trying to mimic Paris Hilton or Dafi with their overgrown Gucci/DKNY/Ray-ban/Guess shades.

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