20 January 2008

The Rockenstein

Faisal Tahir is the first runner up of One In A Million reality show. Deemed as the ‘Rockenstein’, he garners lots of admiration and fans all around Malaysia. The shining star sparkled soo bright that it outshines the champion; Suki and the likes of it. Until recently, we had a mixed reaction about his show.

Personally, I do listen to his song. A few of his songs is indeed here in my iTunes playlist. These includes Maha Karya Cinta and Gemuruh. While I wrote this piece of blog, his songs might come and play along the shuffle mode. While, it seems like his image has been a little tarnished by the recent ‘bold’ move of taking off his shirt on the stage witnessed by hundreds spectators at the Park Garden somewhere near Sri Pentas, Bandar Utama the artist remained cool, while admitted the move was somewhat ‘unclever’. Sounds like a word of PR.

There should’nt be much of an issue to make of this. Unless, when it comes to the different interpretation of what really happens. Which, makes us looked divided between the much lauded and embraced freedom-of-individual expression and the much sensitive and guarded thing called etiquette. The different interpretation on Faisal Tahir’s made Malays look ridiculous in defining meaning of ‘liberty’. The various acceptance towards the incident. Some stated it as a decent show while some absolutely slapped it as awry and improper. Some never care and some stood firm against it. In the end of the day, other people are laughing at us and moving forth with their daily businesses, while we still debate so much on matter of taking off shirt on-stage with different hypothesis. Worst still, disagreement among the opinion seems to be unacceptable due to this matter somewhat chained with religion and etiquette. Unchaining it means you are a secular Malay, while leaving it alone means that you are somewhat an escapist. A single (bold and underlined) conclusion has to be made.

Well, this thing has been going on since forever. In 2005, In Perak, a female club singer cum dancer was caught by the state religion authority for wearing a short sleeve tight top. Not a tank top. Wow! If they were really zealous in doing that, they will find bazillion of them here in my college! Not only they can reveal their rubella and BCG bulge on their arm, but also other things near the cleavages.

A Malay proverb says Bapa borek anak rintik ( A son attitude reflects the fathers attitude ), which brings me to think of the possible ways of which this semi-naked incident to occur. Don’t get me wrong, I am not referring this to Faisal Tahir’s biological father. It applies to his ‘stardom’ father. Do make yourself clear that he was performing for the 8TV Rocking Concert to celebrate their 4th anniversary held in Central Park Avanue.

The Media Prima conglomerate consists of several free-on-air channels. They were gathered through acquirisation, creation and mergers. The collection of channels includes TV3, ntv7, TV9 and finally 8TV itself. To avoid clashings of viewers, each channels has its own target group. This means their programming were dictated by the people it targeting. Generally, it goes as follows:-

TV3 - The hotshot, or the Wolverine in the X-Men mutant arsenal, this station is the most established and well known in Malaysia. The spearhead of Media Prima. The pioneer of private TV station in the nation, TV3 aimed to be the mainstream TV station that fulfills everyone channels appetite. Shows including cartoons in the morning, woman shows, Americano telenovelas, Hong-Kong serials, occasional Hindustans, Malay soap operas ( including Pontianaks ), and American phenomenal serials. It virtually has no target groups, very family oriented, although most of the shows is in Malay. TV3 is also famous for its spot-on journalism which vividly reflected through its 1-hour news slot Buletin Utama which also spurred unforgettable names like Karam Singh Walya, Pang Chin Fei and Azizah Ariffin....did I mentioned Azizah Ariffin?

Ntv7 – Targeted towards the young executive, Francise-running corporate woman, the Donald Trump wannabes, class-concious people. The in-house shows made for this channel often feature coat/blazer wearing hosts. Or blouse/evening dress woman in warm hues. Do not expect some funky spoilt brat shows with seasoned converse and washed-out jeans jumping around – quiet rare. But programming includes comedies from seasoned comedian such as Seinfeld and Raymond. Independent movie maker timeslots is genius. They even had roadtours to malls… ehem… expensive malls in big towns such as Penang, Johor Bahru and Klang Valley. Trying to project the high culture and elitism inside it.

TV9 – As soon as you heard the catchy rebana music montage of this channel, you probably get the idea of its target group. Going by the motto “dekat di hati” ( close to heart ), TV9 has a viewer target around the Malay-belt-states. These states are Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu, which compromises Malays as majority ethnic composition. Their 8 o’clock news includes tudung wearing newscaster with overmake-uped cheeks and the colour green as its corporate image. The shows includes Malay classics, religious programming, Indonesian soap-operas, Malay-translated Nickoledeon cartoons and finally.. but not least…. Charlie Chaplain show. Um..

8TV – A channel made for the uber cool college kids which drives their parents Volkswagen Golf GTi and wear Paris Hilton overgrown shades thru the Smart-tag lane on LDP. Probably the biggest money-maker in Media Prima stables, this channel is the reincarnation of Metrovision ( remember socks!? ). The channel features loads of reality shows and latest American serials. Even as far as Las Vegas censored edition which turns like a cut-and-paste flick. Also frequently features Korean dramas and Mandarin news. In-house production much focused on fast-paced lifestyle, non-conformist and sometimes radical ideas. 8TV strives to be the preferred channel for the Kenny Hills, Bukit Tungkus and Damansara Uptowns citizen if they’re wasn’t any Astro. Strictly 16-40 age range. Or those who are quite exposed, open-minded ala-Paris in the morning, Tokyo in-the evening people.

The incident maybe indicated that the folks at 8TV were thinking that the concert is enjoyed by their target group. Even the crew employed, were of the same mindset perhaps. I’m not quiet sure there may be TV9 crew present during the concert since Media Prima is good in synchronizing staffers between channels ( this is of course to save cost ).

SKMM ( The Malaysian Communication & Multimedia Commission ) reported that there is a 2 minute delay between the live feed and broadcast period. Yet, no alteration of what would have occurred happened. This 2 minute delay is important in the case that Faisal Tahir’s show went awry ( etc. electric guitar burned, a suicide bomber came in or some lunatic dancing stark naked on the stage ). Yet, the shirt ripping incident was taken lightly by the several dozen crews who just might taught: Hmm…. 8TV fans must be enjoying this!

Finally, Faisal Tahir, the star who were born by 8TV itself. All of the people in the chain of command in 8TV has been intoxificated by the ‘target group’ idea. The idea has been infused into Faisal Tahir while he was still in the nebula of stardom. And finally, when the star is born, 8TV as the stardom father thought they have nurtured the greatest money making child, giving him the second OIUM podium. Yet, the unexpected occurred.

Maybe, Media Prima should do something what the Americans have done a long time ago. It is called ‘localization’. Do a radio or TV channel specifically for a certain region. Like the Sinar Harian newspaper which only appeared on the east-coast states of Peninsula Malaysia. The content can be picked according to the sensitivity and reception of the ‘target group’. For instance; big towns like Penang, Klang Valley and JB got the spanking new, visually daring and Americanized shows and the Malay belt can get the etiquette-based religion centered programs. TV3 on the other hand can stay in neutral, offering a mix of both, so as long as there is no big thinking gap between the urban, suburban and rural areas.

But wait! If Media Prima does that, and I’m here in Kedah barred from accessing 8TV, how am I going to know Faisal Tahir in the first place? Besides, Malaysia is too small and impractical for those localization sets. If that would happen; I wouldn’t be able to listen to his Gemuruh right now.

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