27 April 2008

The Fishy Ballistics

Machines of war. They never fail to capture the imagination of big boys. From aeroplane to tanks. Rifles to RPG’s. What caught mine are rockets emerging from the deep blue sea. Woosh!

Admist Malaysia preparing to acquire their first and second submarine around next year, I have found out that the neighboring countries has been operating a number of them for quiet sometime. Singapore has 4 (or probably more) submarine vessel. While Indonesia had six so-named Cakras subs running in their waters. Our northern neighbor, Thailand has got an aircraft carrier in its naval fleet, but never acquired any subs. While Brunei has plenty of patrol and gun boats, they have shown no interest in operating a subs to guard its water.

Malaysia has repeated its stance for many times of its armed acquisition as preparation for defensive to stave off any external offensive. This is somewhat being ruled out in Laws of Engagement as deterrence. In an event of war, Malaysia would let the fellow enemy puncture a wall or break the window first. Much like letting another person push your forehead before you deliver him a clean compact punch on the face. But, when the war drum starts rolling, the most we could do is all of our assets could survive and serve to protect and produce an effective counterattack.

Most of capable and heavy assets such as artilleries, MLRS (multiple rocket launcher ) and SAM ( sea-to-air missile ) were placed in military store which are pretty much vulnerable to attacks. These store locations are fixed usually known by enemies, and movable assets stored there may have their movement carefully calculated by enemies in the event of war it can be pinpointed at near perfection. Perhaps a thickly fortified store shall provide resistance against most strikes, but how long? So, lets picture that our heavy tanks has been pulverized that kedai potong wouldn’t want to accept the scrap and MLRS has been turned into dust and our MiGs and Shukois rendered useless as airstrip being bombarded. Almost all land based weapons rendered useless. What shall we have to strike back since this land and air defense has been virtually paralyzed.

I like the idea mobile ballistic missile placed inside the belly of submarine. And yes,they do exist. It is called the SLBM (Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile), they are stored vertically inside submarine belly and launched through tubes that houses them. The idea of launching something from a submarine is really interesting, since subs moved around and in an event where fixed assets were rendered useless during war; these may provide the best counterattack measure. The improved stealthily design and radar jamming equipment on modern submarines allowed it to dive near target without being spotted.

SLBM’s are specially deployed ballistic missile. They’re as tall as 3 storey building ( 9metres high). Propelled by liquid propellant which were fueled minutes before launch. When launched, it saperated into stages which finally the tip of the whole missile that will contain explosive, chemical, biological or atom to scourge enemy into oblivion.

What attracted me towards SLBMs are the mechanics involved. Since, rocket science never work inside water (try lighting a lighter inside a tub full of water), the rockets bottom were encapsulated inside an airtight retractable casing. These casing were pumped with gas prior to the launch. When the launch hatch tubes opened, these pressurized casing together with the missile will ‘impatiently’ move upwards towards the surface (try to release air from a deflated balloon submerged), once at the surface, these airtight casings will go apart, thus allowing the rocket engine to start firing in the normal air. The missile will gracefully start to soar into the sky to its designated target at speeds nearly breaking the sound barrier. It is known that the whole submarine would shake and tremble when this 59,000kilogram mammoth start spitting fire from its booster stage. Reminds me of how powerful the rocket engine until it is capable of affecting the submarine which lays under the water.

Together with this entry I have included a video related to show in detail how rockets emerge from the ocean horizon. The juicy bits of this video begins at 2:13. Really appreciate your patience.

Ballistic Missile Submarine - For more amazing video clips, click here

The range of a single mid-SLBM can go up to 4000kilometres depending on its warhead load. This means, our sub could be diving near the Mariana Trench of the Philipines Bay and launch a missile to Pulau Batu Puteh south of Johore in a matter of minutes. While the mobility of submarine as SLBM carrier advantage can be gained by silently placing the submarine near the enemy coastal line to initiate a quicker ‘surprise’ attack. For instance form southern of Malacca strait to Pulau Batu Puteh. The phase of a ballistic missile allows it to travel to the upper part of atmosphere where the air is less dense. Thus allowing it to dodge radar detection better and also makes enemy countermeasures more difficult.

Due to the complicated mechanism of SLBM which requires high level of engineering precision and technical reliability, the cost of single SLBM could reach up to 1billion ringgit. Each subs were be able to carry minimum of four SLBM at certain time (advanced subs were able to carry up to 18 of these). It can be loaded during the subs landing on its berth to our only customized subs berth of Sepanggar coast of Sabah. A total of rm 4billion of nation deadliest and precious asset lugged around the South China Sea. Yet the roaming submarines with its deadly weapon in its belly are relatively vulnerable too. Missile carrying subs are usually slow and heavy. They’re no match for fast moving torpedo armed frigate or gun boats which hovers on the surface like electric eel in swampy paddy field.

Expensive it is, that is the exact price for peace loving nation of Malaysia who has got the deterrence to let itself being hit before hitting back. Like I mentioned before, machines of war, they capture big imagination of big boys.

22 April 2008

The Statesmen

UMNO shine is dimming. We all have to admit it. Yet, never let it flicker out. The moment it flickered out, its already too late for a change. Obviously, Pak Lah stepping out in this early hour is amongst the vital one. Apart from that, its time for UMNO members to become more of a statesmen

When I was serving the National Service in Kuala Nerang, Kedah, we were ordered to wake up as early as 5.30 in the morning. We prepared ourselves then were asked to gather at the assembly area. On the darn cold morning, nobody dared to shower. It sends chill to the bone that anyone might crazily shiver like on orgasmic twitching . Later, in groups, we were asked to jog at not less than 4 kilometres around the camp area which is nothing to look than thick lush jungle, mountains and single-car small roads. Only sounds of humming bird and heavy breather were heard, some went pancit (exhausted) but did not dare to slow down since the girls groups were trailing us from behind. So, those pancit ones still exert as much energy to remain in one group.

When we gathered again at the starting point, we were asked to do the ‘cooling-down’ exercises. Light muscular movements which were done on the spot, it includes flexing of wrists and waists. A few stretches and push-ups. Those who was caught smoking cigarette or rokok daun last night were given special exercises. As the teacher cynically described: “pi bagi asap keluaq balik ” ( making the smoke comes out again ).

Before breakfast, we are ordered to form a line of three in a row. Like the army formation when they march. Three in a line. We were sweating like hell till our eyeballs were aching due to the salty sweat which begins to flood the eye bag. Momentarily, in one short simple command, the cikgu asked us to do a 45degree turn. The order was simple: massage the head of the person right in front of you. Yups. In a sweaty sticky-ikky situation like that, theres nothing more better than someone scratching the scalp of your head giving a fresh blow of the morning breeze. Wait, while I enjoyed the this ‘royal’ treatment, I had to do it onto other person. Depends on your luck. You might get Chinese, Indian, Siamnese or fellow Malays head to massage. Scalp massage is not the only thing you do. The combination of ear pulling, shoulder presses and waist grabbing is compulsory. I can guarantee; the palms of your hands will be soaked with workout sweats of fellow National Service comrade.

During the 3 months stint, my finger which I’m using to type this blog right now had shares of Indian, Chinese, Siamnese and Malay sweat. I honestly had no problems handling their bodily fluid. Of course, its nothing and just a sweat… the same fluid that my body excrete. Although there might be occasional thoughts of ‘This Chinese might be eating pork during his three days off’ or ‘ would this Indian be drinking alcoholic beverage’, there are occasional of ‘ this mamat could be a druggie or what’ , no matter how sticky or sweaty the situation is, I definitely had no issues with that. These fingers did not rot, falls off, poisoned or gangrened due to the massage. Infact, its still doing fine today.

The UMNO or as I fondly referred as sang saka bangsa (the name of its keris flag) is a political organization with a noble cause. And it has a long history of contributing towards the Malays as a whole. PAS was once part of UMNO last time, and enjoyed sort of firm mutual understanding between them with double membership. Malay clergymen stood strong behind UMNO. UMNO was an absolute strong hybrid of religious and nationalistic Malays which fought on the same platform and cause. Yet, the extremities which the party has went into with its many mismanagement and, of course, weak leader has led this party fundamental idealism into a big question which sparks doubt onto rakyat like you and me: Is racial based party still rational today?

I can guarantee, if racial-based party rationality can be refuted, so did PAS stance for religion also may be at risk, as the Malaysian Malaysia idealism may sweep as quick as a pack of wolf hunting down its prey. If those freethinking politicians may be working at bottleneck speed they might somehow find a way to suppress the Malay majority, we could see Malays pushed into the cottage and kampongs and fate could be worse than the Australian aborigines. No doubt if this Malaysian Malaysia party had this magnitude of strength, the remaining Malays academia and politician inside PKR shall be eaten up till the last bone and pulp. At that moment, 11 May 1964 shall never occur again, Malays are back into Stone Age. No luck for those pretty eyed Malay anak dara to wear expensive shiny DKNY/Gucci/Ray-Ban/Guess overgrown shades literally speaking.

Again, if the sultans were in place to defend the Malay special rights, without the rakyat standing united behind them, the Malaysian Malaysia saga will happily regard it as a ‘huge threat of insignificant effect’, they may delay their vision as long as possible, elongating their saga to hundreds of chapters while weakened Malays giving salvos of ineffective resistance and endless blackened-out plight. So the sultan&rakyat sync is very vital.

Malay special rights is something that has to be taken seriously and delicately. We all get mad when talking about Malays were getting perks here and there. I hear non-Malays voicing out their silent angst towards this bumiputra special rights in one of the brainstorming session during National Service. It seems like ‘equal opportunity’ is becoming a music to youngster ear these days. Demographically, Malays are the dominant ethnic here in Malaysia. And their plight is the most prioritize due to their large numbers. Perhaps this is the magic of democracy. Chinese with their economic superiority should have given special rights, but there are no such thing as ecocracy… its democracy. Stupid as it sounds, yet still, people power is what we are looking at. And of course, there are efforts done to fulfill other ethnic needs.

The UMNO man should shed away the Paris-in-the-morning, Hong-Kong-in-the-evening image. Practice what they preach, if the government have delivered good enough to the rakyat for so long, then, use the public amenities. Best, get their son or daughters to local education institution. We have learned a lot along 50 years of sovereignty. If they prefer to study overboard, then go ahead-lah. Let them queue like other commoners at the immigration offices to get their visa approved. Humble is what Malay are traditionally known for, if these son and daughters of ‘select Malays’ has been pumping V-Power into their sport cars and sped through LDP with their overgrown Gucci/Ray-Ban/DKNY/Guess overgrown shades, how astonishingly lavish it could be when we have fulfilled the 25% national equity share by 2020? Its time for UMNO man should be able to tell the difference between the Hakka, Hokkien and Tionghua sub ethnics, rather than describing them flat-out as Chinese. There are sub-ethnics of other ethnic which I’am interested to find out.

Be everywhere near the people, remain anonymous. I reckon that it leaves a good feeling when we helped some unknown people and they thanked us, statesmen shall serve well even if their names are not aforementioned. Self-lessness shall made them to be known by their courtesy, not through prefix of Tan Sri’s or Datuk Sri. And for those that benefit shall never know till they found out by themselves “ Oh! He’s a UMNO statesmen! “

There were suggestions UMNO should revert back as a kampong party. I doubt that would bring any good.

UMNO should be a party best for both worlds. Either for minyak attar scented kampong folks or Paco Rabbane perfumed town folks. Do not repeat the mistake of leaving our opponent strong area and let it be an infestation ground that would spur more Malaysian Malaysia cadets. Stood still and remain headstrong, in high or low tide.

UMNO statesmen should strike a good chat or two with the indigenous mix of ethnic in Malaysia. From hot-shot Sikh Lawyers, to paddy farming Tok Wan. From fundamentalist Chinese to liberated christened or freethinking Chinese. They should be able to articulate the nature of ‘special rights’ that are running in the nation is more than rhetoric fantasy. Malaysia would be a million kilometers further than being an industrial-aggressive Singapore if the fate of trailing Malays train were pulled apart from a steam-engine driver. UMNO-men should get hell out of their confinement of ‘Malay-business-politicking’ powerhouse. UMNO should instead be a academic-think-tank powerhouse, let the business Malays exists in separate entity. Without pak ampu trailing/flanking around, they roam free and maintained as a nameless servant. Jog at the municipal park or eat at people eateries. If we claimed to be masters of land, then master the land. Do not let others master us. Speak the ‘language’ of land, move ‘along’ with the land, and learn the ‘mood’ of land.

This kind of UMNO statesmen compatibility with commoners shall remain all year long (not a phenomenal nearing the election season) , like a gale wind sang saka bangsa shall rise and its rationality will never be questioned anymore. Today if I showed too much love for my race, I might be mistakenly known as ultras, a supremacist, worst, a secularist. Yet the love born for own race is never a criminal or politically motivated. Hopefully loving ones race will not be seen as something susceptible, instead, Malays may get praised for this embedded-in-genes of origin appreciation.

When these statesmen worn their best svelte baju melayu, shiniest kain songket and dust-free songkok, delivers a speech with confidence infront of thousand listeners and hundreds of flashing cameras, their action shall neither be feared nor prejudiced. Fellow Chinese, Indian, Siamnese and other ethnic will open their eyes, ear and hearts to listen. Because they knew, the statesmen are the one which stood along them, in good and bad times. In breezy dry or sticky sweaty situation.

End note: I ought not to be a politician, since I’ am rather weak in executing stuff. Furthermore, architecture suits me well. Above entry are just share some thoughts. You can do it too at the comments section.

18 April 2008

The Resilience

Spice Girls, a relic of pop-culture for the 80’s baby. These girls have long broken up. But their lines: “If you want to be my lover, you gotta get wif my friends“, has got the brain juices flowing.

While flashing back neatly a decade into the past, I am looking forward to a big change in terms of relationship somewhere around October this year. At times, I have been preparing a rock solid foundation which I expect of sustaining a long term relationship rather than flings and scandals. I have to admit it, having short lived relationship is rather frustrating, time wasting and worthless in terms of experience. At normal pace, next October is simple date set to anticipate a big change.

There have been countless self reflection or rather post-mortems being done on why have I failed miserably in previous relationship. As I am committed to create a better and firmer relationship. Those horrible mistakes in the past shall not be something which I can easily regard as ‘Oh! I was young and dumb’, and start a brand new so-called clean slate for the newly found relationship.

Along the way, I have found things that I regretted for not doing or doing. There are miscalculations which had been the obvious reason that led to the collapse of relationships. There are threats and challenges which have not been handled with absolute caution. Time constraints and weaknesses which have been poorly compensate with something that is rather mutually beneficial. And the magic of relationship just enters into the pungent air of uncertainties and confusion before falling like durian luruh.

One of my weaknesses of which I had noticed is my affinity of striking things out in openly manner. For instance, if I disagreed with some of my girlfriend colleague, I shall voice it out or have shown it in somewhat noticeable ways. This type of thing have and often led to arguments which put my partner in a dilemma of jeopardizing the long made friendships or souring the sweetening couple mood.

So there I am with the proposed solution of ‘100/100’, in which I may not interrupt my girlfriend when she is meeting her girls and she will not be involved in any of my social circle gatherings. This is to ensure that she had 100% of space amongst her friends, which on my side I’ll have my share of time to enjoy with my friends too. Some conversation and PDA (public display of affection) can be a bit unsuitable and quirky for fellow friends, plus boys conversations is frankly dirtier than any could ever imagined. There are also concerns of ‘stolen attention’ during my presence amongst her friends. So, In this 100/100 way, I rather have a segregated friendship circles of mine and hers The other 100 would be the 100% absolute focus between each other when we dated without friendship matters coming along the way.

Surely, I am not a big proponent of friendship segregation, so do double standardizing of friends (top friends? Where do the un-top friends fit?) . Eventually, there will be a merge of these social circles, which will take place step by step without urge to rush.

No doubt friends can be very supportive in times when we need them. They understand us well. But there are subliminal ways of friends abusing this specialty when the girlfriend is highly dependent upon them. Perhaps, it has got to be a female trait of maintaining a good vibe around them; they would love to hear the nicest things said about them, so, in an event of which ,I, as a boyfriend, being heavily criticized the relationship might experience an uncomfortable position. I may be shied away or given a cooling-off period of dateless weeks. A collective anticipation amongst her friends to witness the relationship failed can be troublesome and unpredictable. The talks just slipped into the air, and turned out to be strong hope. Applying pressure on the guilt stricken girlfriend which is constantly losing side.

Some did it in a very faint manner of match-making our girlfriend with some guy. Like waiting bait to be captured by prey, the current relationship which eventually fall were ushered with celebration. I even witnessed a situation when a girl gets attached to a man when her friends kept calling this man a leng lui (handsome man in Chinese). This kind of talk cheers and boost up the confidence of a girl. Indeed, it can be real danger when used the opposite way. Surely friend-lover interest needs a skillful balancing act like a trapeze walker. We can just pray and hope, in the unexpected world of human behavior, her friends shall never neglect these support to a form of damage-inflicting blackmailing instrument.

There is nothing wrong for my future girlfriend to have lots of friends. I’ll be glad and would be very pleased to know each and every one of them. Its totally absurd to put someone on a leash, blinding or deafening them from hostile voices in the air. I personally belief, certain quarters of friends can provide support in situation argument happens. They provide a far of better channels for girlfriend to voice out their tribulations regarding relationship rather than ending up a relationship in a bitter third party sympathique tactic manner. I trust that a good friend listens and understands well, yet, there are limits of stories that shall encroach into the insecure public air.

Some relationships are subject to under a great deal of influence by friends/peeps/clique of our girlfriend. Worst come to worst; vital decision has to get their consent. Like a senate hall or something, all the words mentioned to your girlfriend have been illicitly passed to her friends in order to get the majority approval. How can we justify situation like these, when a relationship which are built on trust demands a certain level of secrecy has been broken. Until what level shall a person like me remained ‘accommodating’ towards the voices of these ‘intruders senate’ suggesting this and that? Do this and that?

Since we cannot possibly shut the mouth of our girlfriend peeps/friends/clique, plus its their claimable rights for free speech. I expect certain level of mantle, strength and resilience from my future girlfriend, apart from clever balancing act. While on my part, I’ll ensure that I maintain a positive relationship vibe between me and her social circle. Some may argue that I should have taken it easy. But irony seems to find its way in fate, and facebook is very generous to include ‘it’s complicated’ for the status box.

14 April 2008

The Talk

Talking too much about other person is perhaps just a waste of time, energy and money (well, if you accompany it with a shisha), worst of all, it does injustice towards yourself.

Get near to a trained burung kakak tua (parrot bird), if its caged, get as close as possible. Try to grab its attention. Snap your finger or clap once or twice. Once you get its attention try to hum or make sound which this bird made. Slowly, you’ll notice the bird repeat after you. Sometimes with occasional neck swings, humping and furs on its head rising as if there’s some electrocution happening. The birds then will reposition itself to the left and right shifting weight, trying to balance on the wood stick. Then, you try from making animal sound to human verbals, you’ll notice, the burung kakak tua slowly mimics your words.

There is nothing unlawful or sinful to talk about other people achievement or greatness. Sometimes it inspires us and gives us the confidence to face the world and its various challenges. I did that too on my previous entry like on Tun Dr. Mahathir and the filmmaker Steven Spielberg. They are figures and respected people in what they do, and there are plenty of these successful people outside there which stories we haven’t heard of yet.

But, come to certain extend where we heard too much of a person, then, it has become somewhat discomforting, annoying and patience testing. Especially when those people that are not considered as figures or not worth mentioning more than once. Boasting about the how great life has been being personally affiliated to the particular person because they own something great or attain position that’s high. I believe, once a while we encounter these type of conversation.

“ I knew this datuk and he can do such and such, I knew this Tan Sri, he can do such and such… he/she is great! It was fun being around them! “

For those who are familiar with me, I rarely talked about third-party in my conversation. I assume talking too much/long about a single person could stagnate the mind, hindered continuity of conversation and were merely sacrificing ourselves into giving cheap publicity towards this non-present third-party. Furthermore, it makes me wonder, if these people we zealously mentioned is larger than life and greatest beyond words; then, where have we put ourselves? Apart from having sense of pride because this ‘revered’ person is on the ‘friends list’ of our Friendster, Facebook or Orkut account?

I was never a social-science student during my high school (although it is being offered), but there is no doubt you can tell people who takes advantage of our vulnerabilities. When people knew have phobia against iguana, then people starts throwing fake iguana to just to poke fun to see us freaked out. In real life, for instance, people knew my vulnerabilities of having short temper, and start doing things which test my patience. In the hope that I’ll snap and start messing around. When they succeed in doing so, they will start a smear campaign telling people that I’m a big-bad-short-tempered-hatred-motivated person, which would make them in upper hand position since I lacked in explanation channels to tell what really happened. In short, I call this ‘decision traps’, or in Malay term telan mati mak, luah mati bapak.

But when a certain person talks too much about another ‘revered’ person, it has become the opposite way. This one qualifies as a person who took advantage of others strength. Not weakness, but strength. I do not know if they felt harsh inferiority, but they seem to lay everything on the strongmen. Everywhere they go, the strongmen becomes the subject that they epitomize. This ‘revered’ person is idolized in many and different aspect of life. Two most common reason why this they become much of household names were: The position they attain, the material they possess.

You talk about food? This revered person has eaten at RM500 per-reservation eateries. You talk about cars? This revered person has the highest spec, turbocharged, supercharge, moonroof-ed of that… his amongst the few in Malaysia. Talk about famous people? This revered person has had breakfast, lunch, hi-tea and dinner with the famous person… his/her amongst the few in Malaysia too. Talk about clothes… this revered person has gotten the limited edition of it… and his/her is the only one in Malaysia which possessed it… plus, I’m confidently proud to know this revered person. It’s a kind of talk which I lastly heard when I was still a short-pants donning standard 2 school kid.

Call it egoistic, arrogant or plain jealous, there are limitation to what extend we may cherish a certain person. No matter how great they are, we certainly cannot emulate them since we have limitation and has got our own style in administering matters of our lives. Furthermore, this limitation of how we emulate others are not self-imposed

The real self-imposition here is trying to be someone else. We start branding ourself with similarly what you seen on media. We start labeling ourself with something outlandish. In the end, when the desired response is not achieved, you get puzzled. Yet, there are certain things that we can possibly do which this ‘revered’ person cannot do. Probably in better and bigger ways. That is what I mean by injustice towards yourself. I pity this people who do not realize their true potential and instead beating on drums about others great and significant achievement. In my place, the kampongs folks metaphorically regarded them as burung kakak tua. Only to impress others by repeating words.

10 April 2008

The Invitation

In Islam, one of the several signs a Muslim be given privilege to reside the heaven during afterlife is those whose heart attracted to visit and utilize the mosque when they are young. The word ‘young’ rings a bell inside my mind.

While personally speaking, I’m not a holy person that visits the mosque very regular. Of course, Friday prayers are an exception. My affinity to perform prayer in mosque doesn’t come to a level where I can barely know every folks there by their nickname or fondly calling the imam pak long or pak ngah and enjoy cups of Kopi Radix shoulder-to-shoulder. Obviously, miles further from organizing activities for the institution which involves lots of people. The Islam way of easing-the-way allows us to perform five main fardhu prayers at the comfort of the home with the family. This further strengthens the family relationship; a chance for positive family get-together beyond the eating table alone. Instead, performing one at the mosque is never intended to be wrong either. Its time to meet and greet neighbors and create new friends and also discuss current matters.

Mosque and its surrounding can be the best ground as meeting point for online traders or birthday gatherings, perhaps, a place to sell goreng pisang for hi-tea? . Perhaps, all these worldly businesses do injustice towards mosque divine purpose? Well, has mosque been too ‘enclosed’ these days?

Mosque played important role in the lives and culture who’s Islam has influenced. For instance, souqs and bazaars are located near or in the compound of mosque in trading nations/regions which Islam has spanned. So, the worldly business of those people of trading ran along with spiritual needs of Islam. Merchanaries; of different religion, also does trade at the bazaar/souqs near the market within the compound of mosque. Same goes to marine-ports in Islam regions. There are mosques which is laid side by side with ports where ships unload their cargos.

“Live like you’re going live a thousand years and devote yourself like you are going to depart tomorrow”

The arrival of majestic and iconic mosques around Malaysia that spanned feet high and hundreds meters wide is something to marvel about, but, Its huge presence sometimes gives impression of Islam in Malaysia as a stern, Arab-centric and ‘conquering’ instead of easing-of-ways and culture tolerant. The future mosque shall be communal based mosque, appearing in midst of thriving housing estates around Klang Valley. We are looking at mosque that caters to 100-200 jemaahs.

In the quest to attract the young towards mosque, the architecture of it has to be more challenging and fresh too. Apart from the roles of mosque has to be expanded to certain dynamics and creativity. Unfortunately, these efforts sometimes are hampered due to stigmata and the fixed imageries that we are accustomed to.

All the dynamics and creativity which a mosque should be refreshed should not be all that jazzy and radical. We picture buildings like gigantic Mid-Valley or classy BB’s Pavillion, since those places really entice the young to come over. Well, for a mosque, a sense of humble and openness is what we should imbue. There should be a sense of welcoming mood radiated through-out every corner and curves bounding of a mosque. A gigantic ala-Stargate gateway is not what we seek. An open-terrace or garden paved with chequered-like concrete imprint is good enough with railings as tall as the waist can be sufficient alternative to the green mesh wire.

The ablution ( air sembahyang/ wudhu’ ) area should be located far away from the praying area; a longer walking distance wouldn’t hurt, plus, it’s healthy to walk more. Along the shaded walkway, there should be some spanned ‘dumbwalls’ which traps the breeze and create a bottleneck wind effect along the walkway. Thus, after the ablution, the jemaah will come drier and fresh as they arrive at the praying area. If this can be attained, then the trouble of smelly carpet that some jemaah endure can be hindered. It benefits all jemaah.

Upon entering the praying area, there should be only simple planes of walls, probably on the east and west elevation. The rest remained open. This exposed elevation allows non-muslim, youngsters to see the activities going on the prayer hall (fig2, right ). No mirrors or glass required, this exposed elevation combined with raised platform allows passerby to witness jemaah doing their prayers from head to toe. Overhangs are made to avoid rainwater blown by winds into the praying area with shrubs planted along the edges of platform to avoid water corroding the soil underneath.

FYI, Muslim prays towards the sunset hemisphere, which is the east. The prayer area can be separated into sectors divided by path which formed east-west axis ( fig.1, below ). On occasion such as Friday prayer where the number of jemaah is higher, crowd dispersion is important since townfolks nowadays have office hours to catch-up. They did not have time for longer than usual doa, while others may have the time to do so. The usual four-tiered wall bounded mosque forces these early leavers to walk infront which I think is very improper and disrespectful towards the elderly.

There was a time when I attended a Friday prayer in Kedah where an old man got struck by heart attack a few saf ahead of mine, there was trouble in bringing him out quickly when the ambulance arrives. With a path which are exposed to sunlight and floored with grass or pebble stones, there would be little chance which prayers would obstruct the way thus preserving the functionality. A path also helps jemaah to attain a further front saf ( prayer line ) quickly and easier, as these straight path requires no gap making in tight lines of already sitting jemaah.

The existence of this pathway grid made it possible for youngster or non-muslims to figure out what is there at the kiblat and imam preaching cradle. There are no holy-water, sharp pike or supernatural holy inscription which can bazoo any in-believers into oblivion. Just a simple Quran as a guidance.

If the mosque is made to be a neighborhood mosque that caters to a smaller scale of jamaah, then the compound should do away with car parking. This in effect cuts noise and light pollution which comply with the exposed prayer area. Walking is recommended with open gardens and cluster of tall-trees providing shading for the neighbors to meet and come together to have a chat or two before the azan start to air. These parking-less compound then shall be replaced with community area instead, a small scale single-person operated kueh-mueh kiosk, goreng pisang or cakoi stall and fruit stalls are something to make mosque compound much alive. Wide shouldered planter boxes of irregular shapes were put to enhance the greenery and provide almost maintenance-free seating.

I doubt there is any wrongness for any non-Muslim to enter mosque compound, so I suggest there should be minimal usage any wall or split leveling (except for women section which required extra privacy). Since if I enter other religion place of worship, I would become more cautious/anxious as I stepped on higher level as they might attains higher spiritual importance. Instead, shrubs or planter boxes can be a pleasing and ‘friendlier’ bordering method since it never disrupts visual contact.

Ensuring the diversity role of mosque which accommodates people who has a quest to spread goodwill regardless of religion, skin colour and ethnicity, a library and multipurpose room is attached to the prayer area. To curb the image of mosque is for the problematic, dead and old, there should be inclusion of interactive (no, I’m not talking about token gaming machines). Islam encourages its followers to do sports activities, which itself coined the term ‘riadah’. So, the inclusion of children playground and soothing landscape provide an extra positive vibe for families to blow off some steam after a hard day work. A squash and half-size futsal court perhaps.

Architects and architects to-be should heed and anticipate the diversification roles of mosque. Furthermore, we have a certain level of dictation towards the human behavior that utilizes our building, its time to practice it to good use. While, injection of creativity may spurn questions like the mosque main priority and sole purpose, it’s the challenge of putting those in balance. With careful execution, its time to see the young choosing mosque due to its uber-cool image that simply outmatched any cafĂ© or bars.

Most pleased, we could see mosques of the near future been irresistibly inviting towards the non-Muslims community too.

End note: Thank you for reading this entry. I would like to invite my fellow friends and architecture mates to contribute some ideas and vision of the young-enticing communal mosque. Apologize if there are any inaccuracies or irrationality especially regarding the sensitive religion matters, please do correct me if I’m wrong. This is the second time I made an entry on architecture; the first was ‘The Mandatory’

05 April 2008

The Ignorance

My 50-year-old dad always reminds me about the importance of making ‘informed decision’. A decision which is made based on knowledge of a particular matter. But, too much knowledge can be a bit confusing though.

I was looking through computer component pricelist from Low Yatt Plaza trying to figure out the best combination/configuration of specification to set up a whole new CPU. There was a mix matching session going on inside my brain since different combination results in different performance. Unlike a desktop PC package sold by branded names like Hewlett Packard or Dell, a self-assembled desktop requires you to choose each hardware and components according to requirement.

When it comes to this part there are many things to consider in layman term such as:-

  • Processor – The brain of a PC. Perform baulk of the computational calculations. Currently there are two rivals competing in the consumer processor market, Intel and AMD. I have sided the latter one, because I have a tendency of choosing ‘second-best’ rather than the best. Technology of microprocessors has pretty much improved until it has become possible to include multiple cores ( of 2 or 4 ) inside a single chip. Imagine Einstein with double brain under his white hair and thick skull. If he does, maybe today he has figured out on how to reverse the fabric of time and space. At any point of this article which makes you yawn or dizzy or this all is just not your stuff,do skip all points to the green coloured paragraph below.

  • RAM ( Random Accessed Memory ) – Often confused with Hard disk, this component acts like a temporal memory. Let’s put a scenario where your mom ordered you to drop by the nearest sundry to get some grocery stuff, she will describe the stuff that you need to remember such as: bunga kantan dua kupang, kelapa parut putih saja, daun karipulai, etc.etc.. RAM is like a lobe in within your brain to remember things that were never mend to be kept for a long time. A computer component which influences the speed. The bigger sizes of this memory the better it is. Which means an almost lag-free handling six to seven camwhoring photographs of removing pimple/blemishes on a single Photoshop session while YM, MSN,Word or other app remained ready at the bar waiting in-line along the ‘Start’ button.

  • Hard disk – or in short termed as HDD. Hard disk stores your saved data. Your photos, videos, documents, mp3’s and everything else is located here. Consists of rotating disk plates which rotates at a very high speed. Over ram your vehicle till the tachometer (rpm) hits 7, that’s the speed of a rotating hard disk during its operation ( Advanced HDD can go up to 10k rpm ). Considered as the slowest equipment inside a computer due to its rotating nature.
  • VGA card– or known as 3d card. Video Graphic Accelerator cards provide computational calculation to emulate graphics on the LCD. For architects/engineers who are familiar with 3d projection software, a VGA-card played a major role and perhaps may save them a few seconds/minutes/hours worth of time if they get their hands on high-specs cards. Also, with the miracle of PC gaming and ever growing size of LCD panel, VGA is an asset which makes a desktop the jewel crown of gaming machine. Like processor, there are currently two rivaling big players of VGA card. Those are ATI and nVidia which cards are in tight race to have higher points in benchmarking indexes with new models announced weeks after the other. Who benefits when these horses raced? Us.

  • Motherboard - The backbone of a PC. The fundamentals and the basis of a computer. The part of which you see lots of capacitors and chips, sockets and slots, pins and silver/gold lines. A motherboard plays the very vital role of managing all of the above mentioned components. It handles communications between those devices. Like a translator, it reads and writes many different languages. Or you can regard motherboard as the medium/organizer of single’s blind dating cum matchmaker. It utilizes itself just to see two or more individual component communicate well. How noble.
  • PSU – If human consciousness exists as wholly spirit. Then PC reason of existence is electricity. With electric signals moving back and forth at bajillion rates, then, it is important to have a Power Supply Unit a.k.a PSU. It used to be lightly regarded component of a CPU internals, but with the advent of multi-core processors, performance-RAM, Hi-rpm HDD’s and scalable-VGA, the PSU has become a particularized item which are given higher attention. A PSU manages power input which the wall AC provides. Its wire then spreads like an octopus dexterous arm into different components and parts of PC internal components. Being the frontline of electric supply management, guess you already know which CPU internal will smoke first during unexpected thunderstorm electric surge?

Okay, Finally, all of the above components were surveyed. Never mind about mouse, keyboard and speakers, they all just work pretty much the same.

With the spirit of making an ‘informed decision’, I dived deeper to find info about each component. With each survey you found out those processors ranges in speed, motherboard varies in chipset, VGA-card differs in memory and bit rate. RAM have a selection of architectures. Forums mentioned about unstable combinations? Websites stated about upcoming series of advanced components, while pricelist were swinging crazy with price increasing or mostly decreasing. Hoe about DVI and HDMI ports, which one is better? Which LCD has support for the mentioned above ports? Are their refresh rates (GTG) worth the price? Should I go for Crossfire? Oh no! Have I studied too much of computer stuff!?

If you have skipped a whole paragraph of technical verbs and adjectives, then, I’m glad and wished to be in your position. As the saying goes ‘ignorance is bliss’, I imagine of being a person who knew little about computer component and stuff which can make a whole lot of difference. If I had no interest to dig deeper into the technicality there shouldn’t be a problem since I would accept any PC configurations as long I switch it on and start displaying something on the screen. There wouldn’t be any guilt since the ignorance will make the low-spec PC an equal PC and won’t bother me.

In quest of making ‘informed decision’, here I’am tangled with many uncertainties. I doubt my future assembled PC is going to down perform. Apart from that instabilities and incompatibility concerns were taken into account too. Sigh