02 December 2009

The Altered Native

There was a time when we hail American bands, brands and ideas as uber cool. While some may still subscribe to pax-americana, some begun to seek alternative ways and led an interesting life.

Its been a year since I initiated an effort to de-americanize my iTunes playlist. Not as a means to totally wipe all American songs from my playlist, neither a way to protests any foreign policy made by Uncle Sam. Nothing political, I’m just keen to reduce made-by-America tunes and instead turn my ears upon songs by different nations (sometimes in its indigenous language). As it turns out, music is universal. I personally met a person who had playlist packed with Korean songs, a true success of off-relying on American far-influential entertainment industry. Kudos

Our nation once had the ‘look-east-policy’ which seek to study ways of eastern countries like Japan achieve such as tremendous success par to the western nations. The policy made Japan as exemplary/ role-model nation. Rather than settling for conformity of looking up towards western nations. Yet, not all western countries are developed in such a domineering manner.

German is another nation which I personally regard as ‘a woman who maintained her honor after being gang raped’. I apologize, those words could not be more offensive, yet, it’s the most vivid word for me to describe German perseverance after the devastating war. Post World War II Germany had been divided into four sectors ruled by former military foes of Soviet, United States, France and Great Britain (that is how the gang rape derived from). Later years, Germany was still divided into two in the form of east and west. Until 1991 when Berlin Wall fell, the unification of Germany comes into full circle. Yet, small engineering marvels such as photography optics spell words like Carl Zeiss or Vario Tessar. Spark plugs that driven our cars are never too familiar with the word Bosch. Pencils and erasers, Steadler and Faber Castell. These are small things which not all nations had citizen committed in doing it.

As an architecture student, I’m acknowledged of German strings of brilliant architects whom owe a lot to modern architecture. A friend of mine who studied medicine recalled that medical apparatus such as scalpel, scissors and needle were mostly manufactured by German. The American could not be more thankful towards a former German military scientist, Von Braun and his research in rocket science that made stars and stripes proudly planted on the lunar surface.

Look Elsewhere

As for individuals, we can somehow seek different sources of influence for our lives. Maybe American brands, trends or bands used to drive us mad. If nations like Malaysia can ‘look east’. We can perhaps ‘look elsewhere’.

For instance, a man who once owned a Volvo, shall- for a long time- own a Volvo and seek to find another Volvo in his/her life. Why these brands can be so patronizing? Maybe, it had projected such qualities which only limited number of people can understand. It takes lots of thinking and judgment to appreciate a Volvo over the more prominent brands like BMW and Mercedes.

Obviously, BMWs and Mercedes, are brand commonly associated with luxury. Drop a bag of cash on ten common people on the street, eight of them shall hurrily go to these marquee showrooms. It takes a certain class and thinking divergence to appreciate a Volvo. And choose a Volvo. Let’s delve into the mind these people. Why Volvo when Beemers and Mercs can project much more ‘class’. Why? Why? And why?

The recent call to boycott all American and Israeli brands, I did not go all for it. Not because I did not pity neither I devaluate the struggle of my Muslim brothers in Palestine. I personally think the call for all this boycott is much more thrived by angst. It lacks ingenuity and much more towards a gimmick.. Safe to say, it rather brings more damage than good. Surely, in the end of the day these fiery boycotters shall fell back into the clasp of these ‘devil’ brands. Not to mention how vast American/Israeli conglomerate can exist in every inch of industries there is on earth. Our money shall somehow trickle into their pockets. I’ll be an instant darling if I blindly join the boycott, you know it feels good to be darling of a certain society heh?

Ingenuity only happens when someone like my fellow friend whom had her ears turned to Korean songs or a man who remained patronized to Volvo for as long as his lifetime. They had learn to naturally appreciate things that are non-American thus indirectly boycotted them. Their appreciation for non-American things were not done forcibly (just like the current government forcibly wants us to embody 1Malaysia ). These people does not expect to be a darling of society because they did not chose American products. They did not expect to be cool and tell people around them: “hey! I’m anti-America! Its easy to hate America! “.They had long found alternatives.

Nations like Sweden is one that achieved developed status with ethics and positive imagery. They never initiate war or disregard moral in its path to rapid development. Its achievement in the entertainment industry played pivotal roles which position where America is today. NSync and Backstreetboys undoubtedly had Swedish producers for their songs, virtually their brainchild had almost half of world teen population crushed during the boyband heydays. Britney also sang hits produced by the Swedes. ABBA was an alternative choice of 80s Discos, their expertise in weaving ‘electronica’ element is simply surreal at times. Robyn, The Cardigans, The Sounds, Royksopp(Norway) and Sigur Ros (Iceland) are worth while listening.

IKEA had brought affordable, practical and quality furniture. IKEA introduces policy which allowed exchange of products if we are not satisfied, currently no known local furniture seller does this (they instead punishes us for making incorrect choices) How generous. If Germans are keen into making imagery optics and spark plugs, Swedes had submitted themselves into making metal bearings. SKF is known as world’s largest bearing makers today. Small things, big pride.

Swedes military superiority is a result of nation innocence. The Swedish JAS39 ‘Gripen’ fighter aircraft are capable of landing on normal roads instead of dedicated airstrips. This is due to the fact of Sweden inevitable fear of being invaded by Soviet Union during the cold war (1950s till 1990). They feared Soviet superior number of troops can paralyze their country. Soviet forces can easily wipe Swedish airfields which had the latter exhaustively develop an aircraft than are capable landing on roads. Sweden perhaps can be easily granted NATO protection against such dreadful enemy. instead, Swedes took a path which is somehow reflect its true stance of sovereignty: neutrality.

I may sound unpatriotic, yet It’s sort of acceptable for me to meet people who have ‘altered’ natives. Simply because we doesn’t own ‘that’ attitude which can lead us to greater magnitude of success. Ever noticed some Malay families goes to an extent of calling themselves ‘ana’(me) and ‘anta’(you), might be due to the fact that our prophet was born there? I can never justify their ways. Some may subscribe themselves of listening to American bands, buying American brands and praising American Ideals, living the American dream because it seems pretty, I can never justify that too.

But those day of American idealogy imperialism had long declined, instead I began to ‘look elsewhere’, to nations to draw inspiration. Perhaps, my altered nativity would be Sweden? Those ‘ana-antas’ had Saudi Arabia as their altered natives? My Korean listening friend had Korea as her altered natives? Nevermind. As long as it’s not Uncle Sam.

I admit America stranglehold in our daily life, from entertainment, food & beverages and hawkish way of thinking is real and happening right now. But its not that hard leave them. The New World Order had us constantly exposed to them from the very beginning. It takes time to definitely say goodbye towards first-love. . Its always the first-love hard to get over.

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