26 September 2009

The Nostalgias

Stadium Merdeka hold significant events of great importance to our beloved nation. But just like our wedding reception (if we do have), do we expect that dreamy all-white tent to stood there for a long time because that single wedding is a-time-of-our-life?

Once Kuala Lumpur mooted with the idea to erect a new, shining, all-modern stadium. A multi purpose sport facility that will hold big games and seats tens of thousand spectators. We have all the expertise, architects and engineers at disposal to work marvel on ideas that could tremendously alter the cityscape of Kuala Lumpur just like what Commonwealth did to Bukit Jalil. KL had the land allocations, amidst the high density city center, several acres of reserves may be available along the outskirts which someday shall be flooded with development as KL expanded.

One problem that lingered at that time is the lack of fund. The council had to spend millions per year in maintaining the city public amenities. Back then, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad has been approached to consult this matter. In his progressive ways of decision making, Tun suggested the land which stadium merdeka currently sits to be sold to any interested land developers in return for funds which can offset/fully cover the cost of a new stadium.

The suggestion was perhaps met with uncomfortable responses. Indeed, Tun got his share being painted as a person who downplayed the importance of merdeka (independence). The oldbuilding perhaps was considered sacred as Tunku Abdul Rahman taunted Merdeka! seven times which symbolically proclaimed the independence of Malaya on 31st August 1957.

It is unbeknown what crazy ideas were going through the minds of the suggesting party, still, do they expect Tun to dig from Petronas deep pockets? No, the development plan was in fact in its first gears when Stadium Merdeka were handed over to UEM ( United Engineers Malaysia )Berhad. UEM even had proposed to redevelop the area into an extensively urban-planned clusters of office tower together with a splendor of shopping complex, retail units, amphitheatre, parks and ala-leisuremall entertainment center. Conceptual sketches (pic below) is a testament of UEM to tear down stadium merdeka and replace it with the ultra modern ‘Plaza Merdeka’

Nobody would have thought that if this 1-billion ringgit project took off, we would half-smilingly asked our KL dwelling relatives “mane awak beli baju ni? “, they’ll responded “ sayer beli di Plaza Merdeka jew

A billion ringgit is considered by far a huge amount of money back then in 1998. The reason Plaza Merdeka did not come to realization is because the economic turmoil at the moment halted the progress beyond a couple of impressive conceptual sketches. Finally, UEM dropped off its plans to redevelop Stadium Merdeka in order to consolidate itself as it wobbles along the tightrope of economic uncertainties.PNB ( Permodalan Nasional Berhad ) had replaced UEM in the ownership of stadium merdeka. The Plaza Merdeka is surely ambitious and would become a one prestigious address for all, yet, PNB never had the financial capability to execute the project. From that moment, the decline of Stadium Merdeka had taken a nose dive as new, much modern and pleasant looking stadiums spurn elsewhere. Selangor FA had its own home with the monumental calm-like Stadium Shah Alam in 1999. Stadium Merdeka is plague with desertion and faces the threat of degradation as tropical sunlight are harsh and torrential rains punches hard on building structures.

A quick history of Stadium Merdeka provided a glimpse of how joyous this infant nation had prepped itself for independence.  With too little money to spend, Tunku had ordered a special place to commemorate the merdeka which will hold thousand of fellow Malayans as witness. Tunku had envisioned a piazza/pavilion which citizen would eventually utilized to hold activities and meet

ing points. Thus, a British architect heed that call and proposed a lowly elevated hill to be excavated ( Picture Stadium Merdeka as a stadia carved out of a flatten hill ). This idea infact, saves cost and minimize the time taken. On top of all, it serves the purpose without any beams or columns falling off during Tunkus taunt of Merdeka!

A Leash of New Life.

In my 22years of age, I never stepped my foot to Stadium Merdeka. The closest that I got to the stadium would be the Monorail ride as it swiftly passes the Maharajalela station. For whatsoever reason, I had never felt the calling to bring myself in there. And, if you randomly ask 10 other young people they would not prefer to be there. Perhaps they would be there if Black Eyed Peas were to perform there, but the intention to be there would purely be the BEPs presence. The building mostly would fall into the category of semi-presence, worst, absent.

Stadium Merdeka witnessed plenty of sporting events and international artiste had sweat themselves out performing there ( which includes the late Michael Jackson, Avril Lavigne, Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance. In short, Stadium Merdeka is never that sport-stricken facility in terms of utilization. Thus, ongoing daily-basis activities such as mini-gig, creative craft sales, playact classes or public outcry corner can be held over there. Through this effort, StadiumMerdeka may save its grace and avoid desertion.

Breathing Stadium Merdeka a new life is no easy task, but whenever there’s a will, there will be a way. Arsenals’ Highbury Stadium had been gloriously transformed into The Highbury Square, a collection of high-class apartments flanked the football field which has turned into a modern garden. Bare in mind, the Highbury stadium itself is 93 years old when the rejuvenation project was initiated, nearly twice the age of our Stadium Merdeka. Arsene Wenger was invited to the launch of Highbury Square recently, as I can recall, he did not make any architectural remarks about the redevelopment. Only he felt saddened as the place vividly brought out the nostalgics he had while managing The Arsenal. Well, Wegner need not to feel sad, as the Highbury Square still retains resemblance of the stadium superstructure, only, the purpose had been changed. It’s a blessing that Wenger could recall those sweet memories rather than seeing the site being radically replaced by gigantic structures of alien shapes.

In the case of Stadium Merdeka, when a building lost its connection with its occupants, through eventually being left by the latter, than, that building is considered useless and fit to be replaced or adapted to a more useful purpose. Without downplaying the events deemed significant to Malaysia, the subsequent cost to maintain it could prove to be an ongoing financial burden. As usual, some taxpayer may do that usual ‘money is better off spent for the homeless/poor’ which requires the government to again review its stance on the stadium.

Perhaps, like Highbury Square, Stadium Merdeka can be transformed into a courtyard-styled park with each evening people would jog around its track, a lavishly landscaped park with interconnected ponds is possible. A vast corridor can be a welcoming sight with a few flamboyant artist can do a live shows or live painting. A few seats along the astaka can be retained and a small elevated platform would be erected for city folks to practice some freedom of speech. A small memorial can be made within the parameter where Tunku chanted Merdeka as future generation would come and learn. The stadium alone with the hype cannot do this, it is our responsibility to enhance its appeal.

Endless possibilities awaits our historic stadium. Heritage status granted upon Stadium Merdeka in 2003 alone does not mean total immunity from demolition. Its change or perish.

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