24 June 2009

Part1 -Tripartite Hydra

Once again it’s on. Looking back in time, PAS was telling all its supporters to ponder and think about this statement: Which is much more important, race or religion? Now a similar question arises; but in a different tone by broader range.

UMNO is fighting for the bumiputras. Do these bumiputras come from pure Malay linage? With all the mixed parentage of Zeiglers, Danishes and Karins does bumiputras exists?

It wasn’t much of a trivia. It’s a statement that emphasize that PAS was fighting on the right political platform. A holy path which nobody can deny or mock. If u deny any cause that is justified under the reason of God, you will be regarded as jahil (narrow minded) , zalim (unjust) or musyrik (imposter).

Our reasoning will be regarded paralyzed if we state that race is more important than religion. Na

turally religion comes before race. Yes, religion is important, in any way how can we deny it? Without any intention of cynical, we lived the five pillars of Islam and six pillars of Iman. The ‘one million dollar’ question is like a chain bomb; it comes with a plethora of other question like: Siapa yang akan menyelamat kita di dunia dan akhirat? Bangsa atau agama? ( Which of the two will save us? Your race or your faith? ) and Apakah malaikat soal bangsa kita apabila mati? ( Will they question your race when you are dead?) Yet, the question subtly referred to political preference between UMNO and PAS.

At the time, UMNO did not take that lightly, they responded and casuallyagreed that religion is the most vital part of anybody life which would made PAS smiling due to the credo. Yet, the idea of religion before race does not mean that someone has to be in PAS camp regarding it as the blessed political platform. With a billion over Muslims in the world in a state of instability and prejudice, we had to come to realization that binding medium of Muslims in 

Malaysia shall be that of ethnicity.

Smaller, manageable units of Muslim society – that is the way of UMNO.

The UMNO affair with the second most accounted religion is breaking it down to smaller, manageable part. Just like how family institution (dad authority, mom approval) can contribute to 

the success of the nation. Where is unity when this ‘breaking down’ happens? Though, Muslim brotherhood knows no geopolitical border, yet, Muslim seems to don bad face due to ethnic malfunction. Just like Saudi giving United States sponsorship to attack Iraq in 1991, an example of how brother spilt another brother blood. All of this due to ethnicity malfunctions; the Arabs failed to agree on commonality amongst themselves and allowed external influences to intervene.

It seems the idea of questioning race or religion first has backfired towards the other camp. UMNO starts questioning: What kind of sign tells us that UMNO way of fighting for religion through ethnic platform is invalid? God guarantees that each good deed done towards the sacred religion is being accounted, no matter how small it is. Did they mention deeds of PAS members received magnified values or triple bonus point? Worst, If UMNOs deed were deplorably unacceptable; they have got to be kafir? Don’t they?

Now, UMNO has to respond to the broader range of rakyat. PAS whom fundamental aim seeks to create Islam Statehood had join forces with unflinchingly outspoken ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ party to pose another one million dollar question: ‘Does Malay itself a race that is original or had become impure due to cross-breed?  A hard rhetoric considering the fact that Tun Mahathir father himself is an Indian from Kerala. How did former Selangor MB Khir got his Toyo? There are some whom admitted that there is no such race as Malay; as they explained: “semua darah sudah campur, Melayu takdak“ This is a salvos of question seeking to refute the platform which UMNO stood now.

Probably, Im well aware about UMNO mechanics after the 8th March political tsunami. They are trying to tell the rakyat that there are two different way of thinking within PAS members. The so-called modern, much versatile, coat donning, blackberry utilizing ‘Erdogan’ sect and the conservatism ulama (Muslim clerics) sect. There is no use breaking up PAS because in the end of the day, PAS can be the Malays only salvation. Weakening it now may result in a quickening of Malays downfall as the demographically dominant ethnic in Malaysia. Thus, quicken the transformation of Malaysia into republic and quelling Malay hopes to reside in cities pushing them back farther into the depths of outskirts. Making the wicked orchestration come to its fruitation.

As I see it, there’s big possibilities of this unflinchingly brave ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ party becoming the dominant entity amongst the Pakatan Rakyat. Dominant, not in the sense that they will sweep many seats, instead, dominant as they will hold key seats – the populous, more cultured urban folks. This is apparently true as what we saw in recent election. The rich states shall fall under their hands. PAS on the other hand, will get the votes of Malay belt states ( such as Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis ), which economic output were still based on agriculture. That’s fine, early in the days; both parties can harmoniously form an alliance government

Epicenter of Republic in the high-hopes of domino effect

Hence, when the Malaysian Malaysia party had an upper hand, with their dominant seat they shall allocate meager funding to masjids and suraus, PAS will somehow become infuriated, yet they powerlessly obey. A furious uproar from PAS grassroots leaders from the corners of kampongs and desa sends chills to the upper echelon of PAS. PAS higher council shall asks the Rockets.

The Malaysian Malaysia party shall pose trivial questions like “ How many of you are pure Muslims? Why I can see a few/lots of you drinking alcoholic beverages? Why not many of your female is not wearing Hijab since it’s compulsory? “,in a way to justify the need to lessen allocations, further sidelining the Malays. If a revolt starts, the Islamophobia messages will spread through the arms of information channels. Whatever cause PAS and its followers fought for is considered futile.  Once Islamophobia were spread amongst city folks which will widen the gap, PAS have this image of recklessly backward thinking party which resorted to violence. While Rockets are sitting on their offices further suppressing PAS.

It is no harder to see, the ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ party will firstly play the racial card. We see them trying to create an ‘epicenter of republic’ in Perak, hoping the domino shall fall and rakyat realize that the grass is greener and laughter is filled with joy in Perak after the lost of Sultanate Intervention. They never succeed in doing so, yet they achieve a small degree of success giving tremors to Malaysian politics about their unwitting will to wipe the Sultanate in order for democracy to run smoothly according to their liking. Their action should be punished severely, neither; it is not a matter of faux pas and sensitivity of Malays (which they would gladly disregard, because their life run on the books of akta). This is a matter of Kings Prerogative and judgment when disputes occurred. 

As co-belligerence, Is PAS ready to be backfired? Does PAS ready to be seen as a party that represents a group of people which are non-existent? Is PAS really ready for the prejudiced Islamophobic gaze? Just like today opposition trying to tell people that UMNO represents an ethnic group that is nonexistent. Like some says “darah sudah campur, Melayu takdak” Does God assurance that Islam is a religion that shall be forever dignified, so does this let PAS rest on its laurels? PAS for all this while never agreed to become minorities of UMNO, then, PAS are willing to let itself being overcast by a more horrid shadows.

Not bridging the gap

If today we lauded the ideas Malaysian without ethnic identifiers (with intention to irrationalize UMNO), who might guarantee the Rockets might barred their thrusters from blowing fire about Malaysian without religion? The Rockets shall held the book of akta in their hands, spit out to the faces of PAS delegates that how once they refuted kesetiaan kepada raja dan Negara, now they are gleefully refuting kepercayaan kepada tuhan. Remember PAS,any force exerted, it shall heed with the annoying Islamophobic gaze. The Islamophobic is an easily available prejudice weapon which The Rockets will never think twice to use, especially against its non-like-minded ally-PAS

Like UMNO people admitting they are plain mad being regarded as chauvinist. How do PAS delegates responded when they had extremist tag on their forehead?

For Malay belt states, they shall prepare themselves to be gazed as regions that breed terrorists. Be prepared as our beloved nation split into two regions between the angry north and dominant south peninsula. Malaysia at that moment shall have a bigger problem to deal with; not more of ethnic unity, but national unity. Something that had been tackled since the Tun Abdul Razak generation.

Kau ingat ini negeri bapa kau punya? “ this is what the late Tunku Abdul Rahman gets when he arrived in Johor to collect signature of all Malay Rulers as a sign of unity which paved way to the formation of Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Now that is shameful and hard to swallow, Yet, today there is a party within Malaysia itself, for the sake of democracy to run at its liking, wanted to re-introduce regionalized Malaysia. It’s no secret; their daring first steps would be to create an epicenter of republic. Countless times said, they regarded the Sultanate as Malay Achilles heel, and it’s a joy to throw acid at them.

This is how the Pakatan will play their games and ploy the road to victory: breaking apart Malaysia between the urbanites and non-urban. When they imposed their holier-than-thou so-called ‘economic justice’, they widened the gap between the affluent and poor. With their self-righteous principle that a nation cannot wait for those who are uncompetitive and poses liability they retracted special rights and bumiputra privileges. Does anyone have to re-explain the consequences of widened income gap? Never regard this as a vile threat; this orchestrated effort shall face a vain consequence.

Of course, some shall regard this entry as very prejudice and full of hatred. Butter thick with sinister and racism. Wanting to saw seed of angst. The ideas of ‘silent orchestration’ would just be a by-product of my extreme paranoia. I guess I’m just being vigil to the mesra rakyat solutions offered. Could they become a more effective alternative option for incumbent ruling National Front?

This reminded me of Hydra, a Greek mythology which tells about multiple headed dragon-like monster. What happens when Hydra with all three minds of its own start biting each other? Yet they existed on one body. By the fact, it doesn't take Hercules to slay this type of conflicting monster. 

After all speculation, I guess, there is matter still left hanging here. How UMNO is going to respond a query regarding Malays are not being authentic anymore?

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