27 April 2008

The Fishy Ballistics

Machines of war. They never fail to capture the imagination of big boys. From aeroplane to tanks. Rifles to RPG’s. What caught mine are rockets emerging from the deep blue sea. Woosh!

Admist Malaysia preparing to acquire their first and second submarine around next year, I have found out that the neighboring countries has been operating a number of them for quiet sometime. Singapore has 4 (or probably more) submarine vessel. While Indonesia had six so-named Cakras subs running in their waters. Our northern neighbor, Thailand has got an aircraft carrier in its naval fleet, but never acquired any subs. While Brunei has plenty of patrol and gun boats, they have shown no interest in operating a subs to guard its water.

Malaysia has repeated its stance for many times of its armed acquisition as preparation for defensive to stave off any external offensive. This is somewhat being ruled out in Laws of Engagement as deterrence. In an event of war, Malaysia would let the fellow enemy puncture a wall or break the window first. Much like letting another person push your forehead before you deliver him a clean compact punch on the face. But, when the war drum starts rolling, the most we could do is all of our assets could survive and serve to protect and produce an effective counterattack.

Most of capable and heavy assets such as artilleries, MLRS (multiple rocket launcher ) and SAM ( sea-to-air missile ) were placed in military store which are pretty much vulnerable to attacks. These store locations are fixed usually known by enemies, and movable assets stored there may have their movement carefully calculated by enemies in the event of war it can be pinpointed at near perfection. Perhaps a thickly fortified store shall provide resistance against most strikes, but how long? So, lets picture that our heavy tanks has been pulverized that kedai potong wouldn’t want to accept the scrap and MLRS has been turned into dust and our MiGs and Shukois rendered useless as airstrip being bombarded. Almost all land based weapons rendered useless. What shall we have to strike back since this land and air defense has been virtually paralyzed.

I like the idea mobile ballistic missile placed inside the belly of submarine. And yes,they do exist. It is called the SLBM (Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile), they are stored vertically inside submarine belly and launched through tubes that houses them. The idea of launching something from a submarine is really interesting, since subs moved around and in an event where fixed assets were rendered useless during war; these may provide the best counterattack measure. The improved stealthily design and radar jamming equipment on modern submarines allowed it to dive near target without being spotted.

SLBM’s are specially deployed ballistic missile. They’re as tall as 3 storey building ( 9metres high). Propelled by liquid propellant which were fueled minutes before launch. When launched, it saperated into stages which finally the tip of the whole missile that will contain explosive, chemical, biological or atom to scourge enemy into oblivion.

What attracted me towards SLBMs are the mechanics involved. Since, rocket science never work inside water (try lighting a lighter inside a tub full of water), the rockets bottom were encapsulated inside an airtight retractable casing. These casing were pumped with gas prior to the launch. When the launch hatch tubes opened, these pressurized casing together with the missile will ‘impatiently’ move upwards towards the surface (try to release air from a deflated balloon submerged), once at the surface, these airtight casings will go apart, thus allowing the rocket engine to start firing in the normal air. The missile will gracefully start to soar into the sky to its designated target at speeds nearly breaking the sound barrier. It is known that the whole submarine would shake and tremble when this 59,000kilogram mammoth start spitting fire from its booster stage. Reminds me of how powerful the rocket engine until it is capable of affecting the submarine which lays under the water.

Together with this entry I have included a video related to show in detail how rockets emerge from the ocean horizon. The juicy bits of this video begins at 2:13. Really appreciate your patience.

Ballistic Missile Submarine - For more amazing video clips, click here

The range of a single mid-SLBM can go up to 4000kilometres depending on its warhead load. This means, our sub could be diving near the Mariana Trench of the Philipines Bay and launch a missile to Pulau Batu Puteh south of Johore in a matter of minutes. While the mobility of submarine as SLBM carrier advantage can be gained by silently placing the submarine near the enemy coastal line to initiate a quicker ‘surprise’ attack. For instance form southern of Malacca strait to Pulau Batu Puteh. The phase of a ballistic missile allows it to travel to the upper part of atmosphere where the air is less dense. Thus allowing it to dodge radar detection better and also makes enemy countermeasures more difficult.

Due to the complicated mechanism of SLBM which requires high level of engineering precision and technical reliability, the cost of single SLBM could reach up to 1billion ringgit. Each subs were be able to carry minimum of four SLBM at certain time (advanced subs were able to carry up to 18 of these). It can be loaded during the subs landing on its berth to our only customized subs berth of Sepanggar coast of Sabah. A total of rm 4billion of nation deadliest and precious asset lugged around the South China Sea. Yet the roaming submarines with its deadly weapon in its belly are relatively vulnerable too. Missile carrying subs are usually slow and heavy. They’re no match for fast moving torpedo armed frigate or gun boats which hovers on the surface like electric eel in swampy paddy field.

Expensive it is, that is the exact price for peace loving nation of Malaysia who has got the deterrence to let itself being hit before hitting back. Like I mentioned before, machines of war, they capture big imagination of big boys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tapi xleh lawan ballistic missile + napalm Sivaraman Kuppusamy...