30 January 2009

The Fuzzy Logic

In this age of hybrids, metrosexuality and iMacs. We all wanted the best of two things.


It does not take a rocket scientist to understand what is fuzzy logic. If you were asked about your age? How would you answer to that? If you counted your age relative to months ,then, you wouldn’t be any older till the month comes. If

counted according to years, then you age have risen up a notch as we step into new year. Apparently both are logical answer.

In this new age, even facebook seems to understand people affinity towards fuzzy logic; with its status preferences showing options of single, in a relationship, married, engaged, In an open relationship or just plain confused. Imagine how boring it would be to see either SINGLE or TAKEN shown on our profile instead when we are neither. Today, we usher an era where we don’t just answer a query in binary manner of either a 0=YES or 1=NO. Alternatively, world is not only painted in black and white. They consisted in many shades of grey.

There are no frustrating responses other than these ‘grey responses’. Being a simple minded person, we are subject to tremendous pressure of people telling you its not a NO but not a YES either. Its somewhere in the middle of unchartered territory. Like the age question: it can either be partially true and partially wrong at one time. This usually occurs in relationship.

When you have a relationship with someone, as we know, there is no way to calculate or measure affection. Mankind had gone to extreme length to measure moles of chemicals and photons of lights which seems to be too vague to calculate for the rest of us. Affection on other hand, an emotional response triggered by god-knows-what. The moment a couple seems to ‘agree’, it seems everything leads to YES. Unlimited and without holds.

In this fuzzy logic world, the term YES can branch into several types of YES. A 25%YES does exist and differs greatly from 75%YES. Occasionally, we met those kind of people that took advantage of fuzzy logic. A girl who uses the word ‘sayang’ to no matter whom she talked to. Sensible sense wise, sayang is a word reserved to someone who we really care. Its akin to honey. But perhaps, due to the oh-so-urban attitude and bye-bye-conventional kick-ass image projection, everyone gets their bit of sayang. She explained its simply not wrong to call friend sayang; She loves her friends. Then I asked what does she call the person she really affectionate? She cleverly answers “itu cinta”. I did asked further what a difference with kekasih, buah hati, teman mesra as there will be various type of parallel relationship, and there it goes a long list of this-can-be-done and cannot-be-done. Kekasih can co-exist with teman-mesra; buah-hati, sayang and cinta can exist simultaneously to form a threesome(?) and so on so on. Like a prepaid combo packages and cross-lines call tariffs. It differs.

I wonder why? When things can be as simple as binary YES or NO. ALL or NOTHING. BLACK or WHITE. There are people who subscribed to this type of complexity of OBVIOUSLY YES, PERTIALLY YES, HALF-HEARTED YES, NO-BUT STILL…, DEFINITELY NO, NOT NECESSARILY NO-NO.

Yet, I do not blame or get mad with these people and their ‘grey responses/fuzzy logic’ they are giving. We are not SQL server where there is a chart for each responses. We are not lawyers which strikes question and the responses are majorly YES or NO ( during trials ). We are humans, given ears to listen and brain to reason things out. So, I take time to listen and you are damn right, this ‘grey responses/fuzzy logic’ takes loads of time. Most of the time, its counter-productive and takes us into a confusing rabbit hole. Fuzzy logic is perhaps akin to ‘beating around the bush’ talk. That is why CEO only hears report during meeting, either they GAIN or LOSE. Military Commanders with their confirmation of either GO or ABORT. Quick and simple.

Fuzzy logic may be applied in good ways. As ways to avoid bursting people bubble or high expectation, we frankly tell them that the result varies from a degree to a certain degree. Fuzzy logic can form a distancing mechanism where once a couple declared their relationship, the affirmation is somewhat partial, in effect, there would not be an express make-love-on-sandy-beach getaway. YES is not a 100% YES. Fuzzy logic echoes the English superlatives for instance; good, better, best- logically, they all are what we wanted; but which one exactly?

Fuzzy logic can be played for the fun of it. Like hooking up with someone which serves as stepping stone before hooking up with much more desirable partner.It’s a logic that we speak, yet it has a blurry bottom line. And because our mind digests ‘logic’ easily it doesn’t matter if it has blurry bottom line, for as long as its logic!

The opposite of fuzzy logic will be crisp logic. A logical sense that is very much recognized, that it seems clear and crisp. In short; it will be like answering a Q like a binary machine: YES or NO.

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