11 August 2009

Part2: Floating Speck of No Origins

A lecturer stated that Malaysia is merely “a melting pot where various races landed here and began their life” then I see a few heads nodding. The lecturer reinstated that Malaysia belonged to the orang aslis.

There must be a sense of pride when someone has to endow the idea that they indeed never belonged from anywhere and just landed here out of osmosis. Or is it just the fear of being regarded as chauvinist lingered the mind of this lecturer? Where is his sense of belonging? If Malaysia is a melting pot, is he ready to denounce Malaysian citizenship because only orang asli exclusively deserve them? Thus he shall float and wonder without knowing where his family tree originates. If Malaysia is a melting pot, maybe this kind of person might be better to find other melting pots? Say, Singapore?

It is rude to tell that Malaysia belonged to anybody. Malaysia definitely belonged to nobody, it is not run purely by somebody, or its economics regulated by somebody. In fact, the diverse background of Malaysia made it possible to achieve such degree of success added with the combined values found in South Asia and Indo-Sino, we had this sense of diversity far beyond the understanding of Western worlds.

Undeniably, there are nations which hosts to several ethnic groups. For instance Indonesia and its hundreds of ethnics with most forming their organizations in hope for their voices, concerns and demands are heard. These ethnics sometimes came out with demands which the pemerintah themselves had a hard time to think of. They include formation of their autonomous region and state assembly seats with elected representatives. Together with its own administrative capital. Same goes to India and its various ethnics which scattered from east to west, spanned from north to south. Deemed as the largest democracy in the world, just imagine what kind of manifesto had to be chartered when that nation of 800million population faces its election? Undoubtedly, there are still a few ethnics over there struggling to push for their own region and assembly hall for chosen policymakers.

That is why people like Mahatma Gandhi are heralded as the greatest leader in India. Many things can be learned from his pervasive and persuasive way. Through his soft spoken, humble and rounded spectacles gaze his mind had formulated a definitive way to unite all of mighty India and head out for independence from colonial British. He succeeded and became an idol, an icon too. Unfortunately, there are people who used his image to portray their struggle as noble and persistent yet never realized it’s causing more troubles and mockery towards the harmony.

We are currently facing a similar situation whereby we hosted multiple ethnic groups. The political rights granted to them, in exchange for special rights are deemed as never enough and breach of human rights for equality. Malay as majority ethnic can never establish themselves as the anchor ethnic as their political influence are slowly eradicated while badly losing in the economy sector. While numbers of Malay ethnic were high, leaders failed to quip them to become much more valuable to the nation, as what Mao sees its many population of China as an economic asset a few decades ago. Now, the opposition are ready to exploit this slow and painful effort to quip the Malays as liability. Whispering to unsuspecting ears that Malaysia is carrying dead elephant on its back when it could sprint ahead into fully developed high-income nation without the ‘loads’. We wondered why a speck of these ethnic can be ‘potent’ and impolite to an ethnic like Malays?

Respectfully adapt, it’s not racial genocide or forced assimilation

Imperial China had a respectable image as an empire that less likely to interfere with other domestic matter. Like their merchant which landed here a few centuries ago, beginning with their emissaries and other official representatives, they brought news of trading rather than conquering. When they needed spices from Malaya, they pointed out they needed spice in exchange for infamous Chinese tea or silk. Perhaps gold if the ruler insists.
The other way happens for European colonizing powers which came to Asia with their big guns and assertive advisors (opium for China), and we were enthralled by how disrespectful they invaded and bore out soil for valuable minerals to feed their thriving industries. They should have properly asked to trade with us instead.

When they had us, they would build rail tracks which we thought a novelty contribution to enhance our transportation system. Instead, their true intention is too speed-up transportation of tin and other precious metals out of our nation through coastal ports, which, stubbornly named to their liking too: “Port Swettenham, Port Dickson etc. etc.
The bygones, let’s not get nostalgic.

Whatever is past is past. Yet, it will be noted in our nation history and we retained some of the ports name. The reason why China and Western colonizing powers were brought fourth is the difference between the two of them. The failure of Western powers to adapt with the local atmosphere.

Some must say a speck of Malays must be having attitude problem and becoming sickly too nostalgic due to their refusal to drop claims about previous trade-offs and surviving without protectionist policies. For those who had willingly accept the ideals of all-equal, all-same Malaysia they must be enjoying million praises and jumped into the positively liberated Malays bandwagon which voices and presence were artificially boosted.

Indeed, there is occasional thoughts inside my mind about how would it be if all this claims of ketuanan melayu are dissolved and just not being nostalgic, lets just let Malaysia become what my lecturer pictured it to be: a melting pot . Why not Malays become all that flexible ethnic which absorbs other culture identity like tunang, hookah and shuffle and never let the tide of change stop coming in. Replacing old one as soon a new one is found.
The lost conscience

Now, in this whole new generation, if I put myself as a Chinese or an Indian, there might be sort of kecil hati when I’m born in Malaysia, lived here for all of my lifetime and pledges my taat setia (dedication) to this land every Monday morning yet I’m granted a status which is sort of sub-standard compared to this other superior race. Of course, when I reached the age when I’am eligible to vote, I’ll cast my vote to a party which would make life for me in Malaysia felt like home rather than foster homes. My generation is a fully Malaysian blood although I admit my forefathers came from other country had crossed the seas and straits just to settle here.
A time machine would have resurrected the rationality of those that had jumped into the Liberated-Malays bandwagon about the mutual understanding that glued us together. Let the liberated think twice about the economic-justice ideals and why we unable to run on pure democracy, the western nation paid dearly for this type of democracy. In short, show them liberals are not even close to new-cool or whatsoever, and the artificial appreciation by benefactor of ‘economic justice’ will show its true face. Bring them back to witness the signed treaty between the Malays and leaders of Indian and Chinese back then. It was not about who should put a leash on whom, instead, its about sacrifice and thankfulness. A conscience which had lost. Today, people can easily refute claims by saying “What Agreement? What Treaty? That’s just a textbook lie“ a threat which is unable to be credibly challenged. Why? Why does it become so inconvenient?
Fair vs equality
No DEB! Abolish them!
When heads are nodding, it translated to hopes of freer and equal society. Economic justice is the music to the ear nowadays, so do freedom of speech and human rights. There must be a coordinated effort by certain quarters to educate the young of Malaysia that ethnic identifier is merely a gimmick. There are parties that wanted to make Malaysia a ‘colour blind’ society. Rather than a united divergent society.
‘Colour blind’ ideals is something that wanted to devaluate cultural importance and giving back hands to racial diversity of Malaysia. They, who endow them, shall speak of racism free Malaysia. Blaming the incumbent ruling party as segregationist with its bumis and non-bumis policies, when it was initiated to sort out economic imbalances and income disparities. With their twisted words and veiled accusation, ethnic is a damaging notion which every man and woman in Malaysia should never subscribe.
It is true that religion has long been the cause of wars. Islam and Christians went to battle in endless crusades/jihads, some win and some lose. For hundreds of years they proved to be many casualties involved in these wars. All for reasons to uphold the principles and beliefs which participants of war held strong. For that, should humans be barred from believing a religion?
As the age of religion wars had ended, Today, we stumbled upon this calls for ethnic-less nation.

The perpetrator of ‘Colour blind’ Malaysia is trying to seek broader publicity. It appeases taste buds of the young where merit is given to those who qualified, since success knew neither race nor religion. An imaginary converged society and culture which had lost their sense of belonging. It’s a subject where laymen necessarily agrees without knowing to what extend does ‘colour blind’ shall influence their life. Correct me if I selectively judged this calls for ‘colour blind’
One-for-all, all-for-one
Some may opine UMNO leaders as disillusioned nationalist, paranoid ultras or wrong-cause politicians; yet, past presidents which subsequently become the prime minister of Malaysia had given lots of attention towards non-bumiputras. They introduced policies had evidently benefitted the non-bumis, let’s take a look at land developers, wholesalers and contractors.

From mechanics to metalwork and foundries, they raked millions in profits and their possibilities are endless. Yet the demographically dominant Malays continuously supporting them through elections had surely been their sign approval, even though some compromise may be seen disagreeable at times. Or is it a matter of us lacking of options?
Change or perish, that is what Muhyiddin Yasin had called forth towards members of UMNO. It’s a clear sign that most of these protectionist rulings shall be dropped and the vile whispers of ‘leaving the weak behind so we could sprint ahead’ may hold partial truth and reap real rewards.

From that on, we are on our own.
It’s a heartbreaking effort to clean UMNO up, de-worm itself from the corrupt, buckle up and sprint ahead to fulfill second generation Malays. Follow their tendency to perceive this land liberally and equally. Like electric cars that kicked off without much fanfare, yet, we knew someday it will conquer the road for its low-impact on the greens, UMNO have to slowly embrace sentiment of liberties and freeze its ‘nostalgics’ for the moment.
In the process of de-worming the party, many sacred cows victims of UMNO purge could cross over to the other side. As soon as they switched ship, quickly they were baptized miraculously turning them from corrupt to trustworthy. Crook to angels. Chauvinist to fair. The de-worming process could trigger an exodus of members switching sides. The existing members might become a little disgruntled since they were the zealous lot who threw cabbage, carrots and tomatoes towards these ex-UMNO political showmanship, and later they had to accept these people as one of their own with open arms and happy faces. How can they complain? Anwar was one of them, an unhappy UMNO man who claimed he had changed and brewed a recipe for harapan baru.
One has got to review its platform. Reform itself to become a mighty think tank, organization for Malay intelligentsia consisting figures in many aspects (tok gurus, literature, economist, medicine doctors, psychologist, technologist, engineers) The party should purge its money-making contract-lobbying member to form a chamber-of-commerce that publishes itself an ala-yellow-pages directory consisting bumiputra business man capable in various services. UMNO should survive through contributions of its members rather than members sucking the party coffers dry. This is what it mends to do before facing the consequences of losing, in Muhyiddins’ word: perish.
Does Pure Lineage exists?

Guess UMNO one big party for all. You would not believe that Tun Mahathir, Khir Toyo and others which are not from pure Malay lineage had fought to see Malays thrive. Just like activist who fought for nature or animal rights; they need not to be flora or fauna themselves; they fought for something that needed care. It is of no shock to realize that any sane-minded governing power should put an emphasis to help the many and the weak. The benefit shall trickled towards the less affluent and already affluent shall feel that value added service of quipped and polished Malays, thus attaining balance.

Although membership of UMNO were restricted to Malays, but the party itself seemed to run on ideology instead of the claimed racial politics. Anyone who subscribed to similar ideology can join the party, and it seems that Malays itself had somewhat became ‘glokalized’ (global+local) with some can proudly claim they came from Malay-Arab-Mat Salleh or Malay-Java-Netherlands or the infamous lash-it-all Melayu-Bugis, this all had blurred the lines between who is Malay and who is not Malay. It’s the time when we ushers the brand new Bangsa Malaysia, when each ethnic shall shed their prejudice that other ethnic shall outdo another ethnic and vying for a hostile takeover. UMNO leaders should never become terminally shocked due to ‘lost conscience’ of current generation non-bumiputras as they were born here, loved the nation. Perhaps leaders are too slow in quipping-up the Malays for the tough challenges they had foreseen. Polishes The Malays to brace themselves for the demands which has become apparently clear.